My Perfect Life

Chapter 3902: 3907

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The two magical attacks hit the vigorous wind barrier in front of the gang chop saint. The fierce roar resounded across the sea floor, and a large area of sea water turned into nothingness.

The body shape of the gangzhasheng emissary who was attacked by these two powers released by shenlang was unstable. The Gangfeng barrier in front of him showed signs of collapse. He could not help smacking his mouth.

"Tut Tut, I've lost my eye before I admit it. You're still a little skilled, but your cultivation is too weak."

Gang cut saint to still have spare time to comment on the way, the eyes actually show a trace of regret.

He loved fighting most in his life and was eager to compete with the strong.

Shen Lang's magical power makes him feel excited. He has the potential to become a strong man. However, his cultivation is too weak. Even if he wins now, he has no fun.

"Boy, if you are willing to submit to our three saints, the leader will help you break through Luotian fairy. At that time, you will grow into a good opponent, and then you and I will have another duel. Isn't it happy? "

Gang cut Saint make eyes put light, against the waves high shout.

Shen Lang's face was as black as the bottom of a pot, and he angrily scolded: "do you conform to the three saints? I'm afraid you're not dreaming

As soon as the words fall, the waves turn the chaotic power in the body to the extreme. The holy devil's eye continuously emits bleeding light, and the fire of the nine Buddhists in the mouth becomes more and more violent.

Combined with the attack released by all the monks of the United Army, the gangzhesheng emissary retreated, and the defense of the vigorous wind barrier on his body was rapidly weakening. He was about to hit his body.

The gangzhesheng emissary's face was very gloomy: "hum, toast, don't drink! When I get rid of these fish, I'll take care of you! "

"Xuanxianshu, Jingang holy body!"

With the sound of the gangzhesheng envoy, the golden light of the river gushed out from his body. His body suddenly expanded to ten thousand feet high, and his body was very strong, intertwined, just like Hercules.

The huge gangzhesheng envoy finally pulled out his huge sword.

As the huge sword came out of its body, it splashed out golden light like the sun, shining brightly on the sea floor!

The shape of this huge sword is very special. It's like a golden ruler. It's very clumsy. There are many cracks in the body of the sword. There are dense golden runes floating in the cracks. These runes are like small chains, which reinforce the cracks of the body of the sword.

This sword, named "Tianhuang", is a tranquil spirit level immortal treasure given by the leader of Sansheng sect to gangzhesheng envoy.

Although this treasure is as badly damaged as the five fire and seven Ling fan of the demon refining pot, it is different from the pot and the five fire and seven Ling fan. This Tianhuang sword has been slightly repaired by the leader of the three saints cult, so it is far more powerful than the five fire and seven Ling fan.

"If you can let me draw my sword, you fish will die without regret!"

On the back of the gangzhesheng emissary, the Tianhuang sword came out of the body, and there were bursts of golden light. The huge sword sent out a huge pressure that was breathless.

Just as the gangzhesheng envoy was about to launch an attack, the ape king seized the opportunity and went around the gangzhesheng envoy with lightning speed.

"Hun Tian Zhan Qi!"

The ape king made a quick decision and showed his fighting spirit. He was covered with a large silver flame. His body expanded to a height of ten thousand feet. His muscles and muscles swelled, and his physical strength soared two or three times at a time!

"To die!"

The ape King roared fiercely and madly. He put his arms around the Golden Dragon pole and smashed it from the rear to the gangzhesheng envoy!

The power of the ape king can not be underestimated. The terrible power exerted on the golden dragon pillar can already threaten the life of Luo Tianxian.

Gang cut saint to see in the eye, the corner of the mouth peep out a sneer of disdain: "come just in time, I will take you this big mouse to cut."

"Tianhuang sword, chop!"

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The gang chop envoy waved the Tianhuang sword and made a slash, which hit the dragon pillar of the ape king.

Only a violent burst of "bang" was heard. The golden light of Tianhuang sword burst out endlessly. With the power of earth shaking, it broke the Panlong column of ape king, and cut the Panlong column in two!


The sound of explosion was like ten thousand thunders. The dragon pillar broke and turned into countless pieces of gold.

The ape king was also shocked out by the power of sword light, and his whole body was torn out with more than ten ferocious wounds.


The ape King's eyes were full of incredible color as he saw his immortal treasure Panlong pillar broken.

Although the panlongzhu immortal treasure of ape king is only of rongling level, its quality is very high. At most, it is only slightly inferior to shenlang's Xuanhua axe. I didn't expect that it would be cut off by the other side?

It's hard to imagine how terrible the strength of this holy emissary is!

It's not over.

The gang chopping envoy waved the Tianhuang sword and made a whirlwind chopping.

In an instant, the golden light of Tianhuang sword surged out like a river and a sea towards a group of celestial friars in the United Army. The power of terror made people feel numb."Fast defense!"

Shen Lang's heart was awe inspiring, and he cheered.

He pushed the golden body formula to the extreme, opened a huge golden defense barrier, and tried to resist the attack of sword light for the monks.

Only this layer of defense is far from enough. Yuluocha sacrificed the five fire seven plume fan at the fastest speed, and spurted a mouthful of blood essence into the five fire seven plume fan. He did not hesitate to overdraw his strength to activate the fan.

"Five fire and seven plume fans, kill!"

Yuluochajiao cried out, and a samadhi wind rolled up all over her body. With the power of samadhi wind, she fanned the five fires and seven plumes one by one.

"Boom" a dull sound, five fire seven plume fan suddenly burst out of the sky like five color flames, just like the general shock, rolled to the spread of the golden sword light.

"Boom boom!"

The heavy crackle sounds like the collapse of the sky and the collapse of the earth, and the roar and turbulence of the sea floor.

Due to the limitation of cultivation, yuluocha can't give full play to the power of the five fire and seven plume fan, and can't summon the five real spirit king birds sealed in the fan.

Even so, the five fire seven plume fan still played a considerable power, and the five color flame melted part of the golden sword light.

"Five fire and seven plume fans?"

I saw that yuluocha used Xuanyou's treasure to lift the eyes of the gang cutting holy emissary. It seems that the death of the previous holy emissaries is really the masterpiece of these friars.

However, even if yuluocha tried his best to push the five fire seven plume fan, he still couldn't completely resist the attack of the gang chop holy envoy.

"Xuanxianshu, fuhuyin!"

Shenxiu decisively made the seal of Crouching Tiger, and the crouching tiger giant arhat Dharma phase behind the golden bronze man rushed out with overwhelming force, and ran into the golden sword light. His body burst and turned into the most powerful Buddha light to resist the sword light attack as much as possible!

Many of the celestial friars behind them were not idle. They tried to attack or defend themselves.

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