My Perfect Life

Chapter 4144: 4149

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No one can imagine that during these three hundred years, the three saints, who had been severely damaged by Shen Lang and LV Dongbin, suddenly emerged as a new force and occupied the Tianyuan sea, Dongyi immortal Kingdom, Jiuli immortal Kingdom and endless deep sea with the force of autumn wind sweeping the fallen leaves.

In a short period of three hundred years, Sansheng sect has almost occupied half of the fairyland and planted nearly 100 holy trees!

The army of sanshengjiao was crushing and expanding its territory. Almost no force could really resist sanshengjiao in the immortal land where the army passed.

Most of the attacked forces in Xianyu chose to submit to the three saints, which made the ranks of the three saints grow stronger and stronger.

Until three hundred years later, Sansheng religion has developed into a giant that is hard to shake.

The reason why sanshengjiao suddenly became so NB is that 300 years ago, two sanshengjiao leaders suddenly rose in accomplishments and were promoted to the realm of Daluo Jinxian, and many powerful monks were added to the sect.

Since then, the three saints' religion has been irresistible.

Recently, sanshengjiao even divided into three groups, accelerating the expansion of territory!

All the way to the north, they attacked the most vast northern region of Beiming immortal.

All the way to the East, we attacked the reincarnation immortal region with the most complex terrain.

All the way to the west, we attacked the deep and mysterious immortal realm.

Shen Lang is afraid to dream that during his absence, reincarnation immortal kingdom is engaged in an unimaginable cruel war!

Huang Ying, the leader of Sansheng sect, led the army to invade reincarnation immortal kingdom.

Long Ming led the army of hell to fight with the army of Xianyu, the commander of Yanluo in the tenth hall. He still failed to resist the march of the army of sanshengjiao into reincarnation Xianyu, and all parts of the country were occupied one after another.

In just two months, the sanshengjiao army has almost occupied the whole reincarnation immortal territory, and is gradually eating away at Yan Luozhou in the middle of the immortal territory.

Longming and Huangying were defeated in several battles and suffered heavy losses. Fortunately, they were protected by eclipse vests for many times before they were killed.

Seeing that the reincarnation immortal realm is gone, long Ming is forced to order the hell remnant party and the surviving ten hall Yama to defend the river of forgetting Sichuan, opening the strongest defense array in the hell!

Over the river, there is a bright blood colored lotus, which brings down a thick and dazzling blood light and covers the whole river.

There are hundreds of millions of blood runes and countless ghosts floating in the blood light, hovering around the river, making a terrifying roar!

This is the top golden immortal array "blood spirit array" left by the underworld in the five emperors era. This array not only has amazing defensive power, but also the ghosts and evil spirits in the array can launch powerful attacks on the monks close to the array, which is very difficult.

Huang Ying led a billion three saints elite army to attack for seven days and seven nights, and finally destroyed countless ghosts and evil spirits on the surface of the blood spirit array, which was regarded as breaking the outer defense of the blood spirit array.

Although the blood spirit array will not be broken for a while, as time goes on, the defense of the array becomes weaker and weaker, and it is only a matter of time before it is broken by the enemy.


At the moment, an emergency meeting is being held in the main hall of the prefecture.

Longming summoned the surviving underground commander to discuss the next countermeasures with Luo Tianxian of ten continents.

Originally, there were more than 150 generals of Luo Tianxian in the reincarnation of the immortal kingdom. After more than two months of fierce fighting, there are only 30 generals left.

Moreover, most of the surviving commanders were injured, and many of them lost their arms and legs!

Lianxing princess is also among them, her face is pale, the footstep is flimsy, obviously is also injured not lightly.

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"Thank you for your hard work in the battle with reincarnation immortal realm. Since then, you have made great achievements. Long has nothing to repay. I'd like to salute you first!" Long Ming gets up and gives a deep gift to the commanders below.

"Not the master of the mansion!"

"Reincarnation fairy land is our home, so we should fight for our home!"

"Good! It's our duty to defend our homeland. The Lord of the government doesn't have to do this

Many commanders below said one after another.

Long Ming sighed with emotion and gnashed his teeth: "although long is incompetent, he can't keep the reincarnation immortal land! According to the actual situation, in ten days' time, most of the blood spirit formation will be broken by the bandits, and then the hell will be in great trouble. "

As soon as the words came out, the hall became quiet, and all the commanders were indignant.

As soon as long Ming's words changed, he said: "you may not know that in fact, there is a boundary transmission array handed down from the time of ancient gods sealed in our underground. This array is intact and can be used."

"The coming final battle is extremely dangerous. It's a near death! As the leader of the hell, long will fight with the bandits until the last moment, but you are the heroes of my reincarnation in the immortal kingdom. You have paid too much. If you want to leave, you can step forward now, and I will send you away safely in person! "

As soon as the voice fell, no one came forward.

The underworld Yin Shuai, who was wearing dark armor and had black wings on his back, said: "the Lord of the underworld doesn't have to say such stupid things again. We were born to be monks in the underworld and died to be ghosts in the underworld. Why are we afraid of the bandits?""General Ying you is right. The war is coming. How can we be the turtle at such an important node?"

Lianxing Princess Jiao shouts out. She has seen countless reincarnation monks killed by the army of Sansheng sect, and her eyes twinkle with strong resentment.

"We would rather fight to the death with the bandits than run away in battle!"

"Yes, it's a big deal

The commanders showed hatred and yelled that no one wanted to be a deserter.

Longming was deeply moved and said, "well, since you are willing to fight against the enemy with longmou, we will kill together!"

"Have a good time!"

The leaders responded.

Long Ming immediately deployed a plan to resist the enemy, saying it was a plan. In fact, everyone knew in their hearts that there must be death and no life in the last battle, but they had already made up their mind.

After all the people left, Longming left the general yingyou and Lianxing princess.

"Yingyou, you are my most trusted subordinate. Before the war, I have an important task for you to do!" Said the dragon in a deep voice.

"Please tell me, Lord. My subordinates will do their best!" Ying you looks solemn and holds his fist.

Long Ming told Ying you all the news about the chosen one and said, "the chosen one is the one who destroys and saves the world. The empress of Houtu also taught her in the blood book that she ordered the king of hell to be the chosen one."

"Now three hundred years have passed, and there is no news from the soul of the chosen one after entering the netherworld. I order you to find the chosen one in the netherworld within ten days and bring it back to the normal world!"

"Yes!" Ying said in a deep voice

Princess Lianxing quickly asked: "Dad, Lianxing asked to follow general yingyou to the netherworld to look for shenlang! After all, Shen Lang is what empress Houtu said. Maybe he can help us get rid of the enemy

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