My Perfect Life

Chapter 4148: 4153

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However, a shocking scene appeared.

After being hit by Xingyun arrow, the underground hall didn't collapse directly. The dark purple building surface is covered with dense dark gold runes, releasing surging energy waves.

It turns out that the main hall of the hell has its own defensive array, barely withstanding the attack of 30% of the powerful Xingyun arrow!

Rao is so, the long Xingyun arrow still broke through the array and inserted obliquely in the outer layer of the building of the underground hall, penetrating a gap in the defensive array.

The destructive force released by Xingyun arrow attacked the surrounding areas. All the buildings around the main hall of the underground mansion were destroyed by the impact of silver light. Many monks in the underground mansion were also affected by the destructive energy of Xingyun arrow, and their spirits were destroyed.


At this time, Princess Lianxing has just transferred Shen Lang's body to the independent space hidden in the master's bedroom, and is preparing to activate the central boundary transmission array in the independent space.

All of a sudden.


The huge sound like the mountain shaking makes Princess Lianxing unstable. The walls at the edge of the space are cracked, and the whole space is turbulent and distorted.


Lianxing Princess looks pale, and she guesses that it may be the turbulence caused by the collapse of the blood spirit array.

Although there are cracks in the blood spirit array, it won't be unable to support so soon, will it?

Princess Lianxing didn't know what was going on outside, so she could only suppress her tension and came to the boundary transmission array with the body of the waves on her back as quickly as possible.

She took out several top grade immortal spirit stones and placed them in the energy trough in the center of the array. Then she began to inject a lot of chaotic spirit power into the array.


The long dusty boundary teleportation array released the surging white light. The intense light even penetrated the independent space and rushed out of the ground, like a huge white light column, straight through the sky.

Because of the gap in the defense array of the underground hall, it can't cover up the movement when the boundary transmission array starts.


Forget the river.

"Boundary transmission array?"

The emperor's shadow on the golden chariot looked at the white pillar of light coming out of the main hall of the underground mansion, and his eyes shrunk slightly: "the waves are miscellaneous. I'm afraid it's not so easy to send them away under my eyes!"

As soon as the words fall, the emperor's shadow takes back the star cloud arrow and continues to pull the bowstring of the star cloud bow. He is about to launch another arrow to completely defeat the underground hall and the boundary transmission array!

"Buzz, buzz!"

In a flash, the bow and arrow of the nebula in the hands of the emperor's shadow once again burst out as bright as a river of stars, and the terrible energy fluctuation was breathtaking.

At the same time.

"All the local monks listen to the orders and stick to the main hall!"

Long Ming rolled up a sea of black fire all over his body and led millions of monks to the main hall of the underworld to guard against death.

The next moment.


The emperor's shadow on the chariot shoots out the star cloud arrow again, and the silver arrow flying out carries endless silver light, rendering everything that passes into pure silver!

"Golden magic, solar eclipse!"

Seeing the flying Nebula arrow, Longming's eyes burst out a dark golden light, spitting out a mass of blood essence, and his right finger quickly drew a complicated black seal.

After absorbing the essence and blood of Longming, Fayin suddenly turns into a huge black vortex, which expands rapidly until it becomes a huge black hole.

The black hole is like the condensation of numerous black vortices. The surface of the black hole releases extremely terrible suction and destruction energy. The surrounding space is twisting and rotating, which is extremely terrifying!

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With the sound of Longming, the huge black hole in front of him smashed like a meteorite towards the flying Nebula arrow.

The next moment, the black hole hits the arrow.


The sound of the terrible explosion is as frightening as the end of the world. The black awn and silver light all over the sky collide with each other, and the violent explosion sets off a sharp wind.

In an instant, all the buildings in the underground were destroyed. In addition to the main hall in the center of the underground, the river was flattened by the impact of violent energy, and a large number of rivers turned into nothingness.

Long Ming stood in front of the underground hall and millions of surviving monks, trying to resist the power of the stars, clouds and arrows.

Naturally, millions of local monks in the rear were not idle. They were crazy to shoot out supernatural powers or immortal treasures to support Longming.

Unfortunately, even if the power of the eclipse is amazing, and there are many local monks working together, they still can't resist the power of the stars, clouds and arrows.

The black hole only lasted for a few seconds, then it was suppressed and destroyed by the silver light emitted by the star cloud arrow.

The nebula arrow smashed the black hole and pointed directly at the underground hall.

"No way

Dragon Ming roared ferociously, holding the sword of Hades tightly in both hands, carrying boiling black sea of fire, fighting hard at the flying Nebula arrow!"Bang!!"

There was a violent crash.

Even though Longming did his best, he still couldn't resist the power of Xingyun arrow.

It also supported the counting of breath time, and the sword of the underworld in Longming's hand was knocked out by the destructive force carried by Xingyun arrow.

Seeing the underworld sword out of hand, there was no other magic power that could resist the star cloud arrow. Long Ming's eyes were wide open, and he directly opened his arms to block the star cloud arrow with his body!

"Boom boom!"

The dazzling silver light engulfs the body of Longming, and a series of roaring blasts are enlightening.

After a blow, long Ming's body, like a broken kite, strikes the seal array of the underground hall, making a loud bang, and the underworld sword is obliquely inserted on the surface of the damaged array.


Long Ming gets up with difficulty, coughs up a lot of blood in his mouth and is covered with blood.

Fortunately, it has the protection of eclipse vests, otherwise the attack just now would be enough to kill itself three times!

Da Luo Jinxian, really terrible!


Seeing that Longming blocks the aftereffects of Xingyun arrow with his damaged Fengling level clothes, Huangying is quite annoyed.

The silver relic consumes the chaotic power extremely. The emperor's shadow urges the Xingyun bow twice in a row, and the chaotic power in the body falls into a short deficit. It takes 20 minutes to recover.

More than three hundred years ago, the dying emperor's shadow was transformed by an expert with a secret method to break through the great Luo Jinxian. His combat power is slightly lower than that of the real great Luo Jinxian.

Seeing the energy fluctuation caused by the boundary transmission array become more and more intense, the emperor's shadow looks very gloomy. This time, in order to catch the waves, I came to attack the underworld myself.

In any case, he can't let the boy run away any more.

"The army of sanshengjiao, listen to the order, and attack the main hall of that Prefecture quickly!"

Taking advantage of the gap between their own recovery, Huang Ying ordered the army of the three saints to try to break down the main hall of the prefecture and prevent Shen Lang from leaving.


With the emperor's shadow's command, many monks of Sansheng sect launched a fierce attack on the standing underground hall.

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