My Perfect Life

Chapter 4211: 4216

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Feng Chan satisfaction way: "have you this words, this also rest assured."

"I'm going to leave Jiuli city soon. Before I leave, I still have some questions to ask Master Feng. I hope that master Feng can give me some advice."

"But it doesn't matter." Feng Chan nodded slightly.

"The goddess pointed out a clear way to me earlier. She said that there is an island named" dragon and Snake Island "in the middle of the endless deep sea. There is a boundary transmission array hidden on the island, which can lead to the celestial realm."

"Fei'er is deeply poisoned and can't last long. The problem now is how to get to the dragon and Snake Island in the shortest time. It's better not to take more than a month. Can master Feng give us some advice?"

Shen Lang asked the most important question directly.

"Dragon snake island? It seems that there was a powerful white dragon and a green snake in the era of the five emperors. They did not hesitate to disturb each other. They set up layers of boundaries inside and outside the island. Monks outside rarely know about the situation of dragon and Snake Island. That's what Fei ye Daoyou said. I think this dragon snake island should exist in a bounded transmission array. "

After a brief introduction of some dragon and snake islands, Fengchan continued: "although the teleportation array in Jiuli city was destroyed, there are still several teleportation arrays that can be used in the area occupied by sanshengjiao."

"The trouble is that the remaining transmission arrays are ordinary transmission arrays. They can't travel far enough to reach the middle of the endless deep sea. Even the transmission arrays at the border can only reach the open sea area at most."

Shen Lang frowned and asked, "how far is the offshore area from dragon snake island?"

Feng Chan said bluntly: "let's say that even with the speed of Da Luo Jinxian's escape, it will take at least three or four months to reach dragon snake island from the open sea."

Shen Lang looks a little ugly.

With lefeier's injury, if she can hold on for three months, it will break the sky. Even if she swallows the hard ripening flat peach to continue her life, she can only hold on for another month or so.

If you go to dragon snake Island, it will take so much time. Even if you can reach the celestial realm, it will be too late.

Just as Shen Lang was frowning, Bai Lan suddenly said, "brother Shen, don't worry. I have two more runes to use."

As soon as the voice fell, Bai Lan took out two bright blue transmission symbols from her sleeve and handed them to Shen Lang, explaining: "this symbol is given by the goddess for escape. In this case, the use of this transmission symbol can definitely save a lot of driving time. "

"I've got a transmission left, too!"

Jealous Banshee also takes out a blue transmission symbol from her arms and hands it to Shen Lang.

Fengchan could not imagine that they could bring out the transmission rune, which was a rare thing in the ancient times. She was overjoyed: "it's so good! With the help of teleportation, you can really reach dragon snake island in a short time. "

"Thank you, Miss Bai Lan. I'm jealous of you!"

Shen Lang receives the transmission symbol from Bai Lan and jealous Banshee. She is very surprised and happy.

Feng Chan is also not stingy, throwing a white thing: "Shen Lang, you put this thing away."

Shen Lang subconsciously took the flying object and reached for it. It turned out to be a warm and transparent white jade ring.

"It's called the rhinoceros ring. It's a space treasure of the spirit level. This object has no other ability. Its only use is to accept living things, but it can only accept a single individual. "

"This bloody jade box is too eye-catching. It's not convenient to take it with you. You can quickly let the ring recognize the owner and put the jade box into the ring, which will save you some unnecessary trouble." Feng Chan even busy way.

When Shen Lang heard the words, he immediately recognized the LORD by dripping blood. Then he put the ring in his hand and tried it.

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The bloody jade box with the goddess's heart can be taken in by the ring, and it can completely cover the breath released from the jade box. The goddess's heart in the box beats as usual.

It surprised the waves.

The magic weapon that can store living things in the world is extremely rare. Although the ordinary space immortal treasure can store living things, the space immortal treasure after placing living things can't be collected into the flesh by monks, which is extremely inconvenient.

This ring can be worn in the hand, which is a clever way to avoid this shortcoming.

It's just that the space that the ring can hold is very limited. It can only hold a Terran friar who is not more than two meters long, and even most of the demon clan can't be included.

Fortunately, shenlang only needs to store the heart of the goddess, and the capacity used is very small. This rhinoceros ring is just right to solve its own problems.

"Thank you for your gift. It's a great help." Shen Lang said thank you.

Feng Chan said to herself, "I'm no better than Fei ye Daoyou. I can only do these things. You don't have to thank me. Shen Lang, if you have anything else you want to ask, you can ask at the same time. "

Shen Lang then asked about "Tianxuan Xingsha" mentioned in jiuzhuandao Scripture.

The material of Tianxuan Xingsha can not only be used to strengthen one's own body, but also be used to cultivate immortal body. However, the quantity required is obviously different.

Fengchan raised her eyebrows: "Tianxuan Xingsha It seems to be a powder made by the explosion of a meteorite. This powder contains huge astrological energy. Even in the era of the five emperors, it is also a rare thing. ""It's just that I've never seen this kind of natural material and local treasure in the real fairyland now. It's really difficult."

Shen Lang's face becomes a little ugly. If he wants to break through the peak of Luo Tianxian, he must find tiantianxuan Xingsha. If this material is too hard to find, his cultivation will be stuck.

Fengchan suddenly had an idea and said: "by the way, it's said that meteors can often be seen in the sacred realm of the celestial celestial dome, where the remains of meteorites may be found. It's just that you're going to tianxingxianyu. You might as well search the dome of Shengyu. Maybe you can get something! "

After listening to Feng Chan's words, Shen Lang was in a better mood. At least he had hope.

"That's all the problems of the younger generation. Thank you for your help."

Shen Lang thanks again.

Feng Chan takes out a jade slip from the storage ring and gives it to Shen Lang: "this is the fairy map that is treasured by the queen. Put it away."

"This map is absolutely more complete than any map of fairyland you can see, and the description of endless deep sea and celestial celestial realm on the map is also very detailed, which should be very useful for your future actions!"

Shen Lang took over the jade slips with great emotion.

Feng Chan treats him like this. Shen Lang will always remember this great kindness.

He really didn't want to see his elders die in the war, but he couldn't dissuade Fengchan from giving up Jiuli city. He was sad.

"Shen Lang, if you are ready to leave for dragon snake Island, you can arrange the elders in the city to send you to the endless deep sea."

Feng Chan said.

"It shouldn't be too late. I'm leaving now!"

Shen Lang gritted his teeth and said that he didn't want to wait for a moment.

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