My Perfect Life

Chapter 4913: 4920

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Seeing this tragic scene, di Xin's heart could not help twitching slightly.

Unexpectedly, even those heavenly lords can only be reduced to the sacrifice of gods and goddesses!

In a few more decades, most of the Tianzun trapped in the star picking building died, leaving only the last 20 or so Tianzun still struggling to support.

Absorbing so much power from the divine source, the golden array in the sky gradually took shape.


Shen Lang, who is in the center of the array, feels that his body is torn and bears unspeakable pain.

The goddess turned into a group of colorful lights and integrated into his body.

At this moment, Shen Lang felt that his consciousness was gradually lax, and the ideology from the goddess was forcibly occupying his brain!

No matter how Shen Lang resisted, it was still futile.

His consciousness gradually blurred, his thought was disappearing, and an inexplicable sense of sleepiness came. Shen Lang seemed to fall into a coma and completely lost his consciousness.

Shen Lang's body was gradually taken over and controlled by the goddess, and a dazzling seven colors appeared all over his body.

See "Shen Lang" a shock drink, double palms support the sky, will release all their divine power.

"Buzzing, buzzing!"

When the intensity of the seven colors on the surface of "Shen Lang" climbed to the extreme, his whole person even turned into a seven color vortex.

Pangu's remains in the golden array were sucked in by the seven color vortex one after another and integrated into the "Shen wave" body.

While absorbing these Pangu remains one after another, the seven color vortex burst out a golden light penetrating the world!

The light seemed to come from eternal chaos. The intensity of the light almost wanted to penetrate the whole boundary and render everything in sight into pure gold.

The golden divine light covers the sky and earth, and the whole Dongyi immortal region is illuminated by this golden divine light.

The light of this amazing power can be seen in any corner of the fairyland.

And the vortex that burst out with infinite divine light is expanding and becoming larger, twisting and surging, and finally turned into an indomitable golden giant!

The golden giant's body is extremely exaggerated and almost occupies more than half of the sky. In the real sense, it is "overhead sky, stepping on the earth".

The giant has long hair and beard, and his eyes seem to be two rounds of the sun. It bursts out a dazzling brilliance like the sun, giving people a sense of majestic pressure that people can't help but face up to.

Everything in heaven and earth seems to stop at this moment!

"Pan... Pangu real body!"

Emperor Xin, who witnessed all this, opened his eyes and was shocked beyond measure.

Previously, he just guessed that the goddess actually had a way to use Shen Lang's body to condense Pangu's real body!

Looking closely, this "Pangu real body" is not an entity, but a virtual shadow spirit condensed by the divine power in Pangu's residual body.

Even so, the combat power of Pangu's real body can still be strong to an unimaginable level.

What a coincidence, at the moment when Pangu's real body condensed into shape.

The boundary intersection is finally coming!


There was a sudden change over the fairyland, and the boundary barrier arranged by the Fengshen list seemed to be hit by an extremely terrible force, bursting out with a shocking sound.

In an instant, the earth shook and the universe split!

This impact force is not only a moment, but continues to come, just like a chainsaw, biting the interface barrier of the human domain.

"Boom, boom!!!"

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The interface space vibrated violently, the earth roared and vibrated, and cracked ferocious cracks.

All parts of the fairyland make a deafening roar. The sky seems to be broken. Terrible space storms ravage the world. The sea waves everywhere are surging and the sea water is pouring down!

Countless creatures and friars in all immortal regions were shocked by the sudden terrible news, and they were at a loss. Their eyes were full of fear and anxiety.

The golden giant released the sky light, and the space in front of him began to twist and rotate into a space vortex.

Then, the golden giant directly passed through the space vortex and disappeared in situ.

"Space transfer?"

Dixin saw the space transmission magic of Pangu's real body. He immediately followed the golden giant and rushed into the space vortex.


Beiming immortal region, buried in the demon sea.

At the moment, the burial magic sea is dark, the sun and moon are dark, the terrible space storm envelops the whole sea area, the sea water riots, and the waves are surging.

The end of the buried devil sea is a mysterious space sealed by the three emperors.

The space is wrapped and bound by three different divine powers. It has been very stable on weekdays.

But now the strong turbulence caused by the intersection of boundaries has loosened the seal!

The space inside the seal vibrated sharply, and a large number of black interface cracks emerged, which obviously won't last long.

In fact, this mysterious space is the interface crack torn by a powerful demon domain at the last boundary intersection, so as to connect the star domain and serve as a spatial channel into the human domain.

In the past, the three emperors paid a huge price to seal the interface crack. Now the seal can't support it after all.

The mysterious space is dark and dark, like a wasteland with no end in sight.

In the wasteland, there are still the remains of countless monks and demons in the last World War. The corpses are everywhere and extremely tragic.

Just then.

A black vortex suddenly appeared in the wasteland sky. Countless spirit boats and warships flew out of the vortex. In an instant, there were millions of warships flying out of the vortex.

Standing on the deck of the warship are all demon friars, dressed in black armor and well-trained. Tail center.

The black warship headed by the whizzing flowers and the quiet mountain moon is carved like obsidian, emitting an extraordinary light.

On the deck of the black warship, there stood a demon family dressed in gold robes, with double horns and bone wings on its back. A dark golden moon pattern was condensed in the center of its eyebrows to confirm the identity of the demon ancestor!

This person is Huang Long, one of the top ten guards in the demon kingdom.

"The whole army listens to the order and quickly break through the space here! The space channel opened by the high priest can only last half a column of incense. As a pioneer army, we must break the seal and enter the human territory before this!"

The wild dragon roared.


Countless demonic armies on the warship responded one after another.

The seal of the three emperors has been weak so far. In addition, the interface turbulence caused by the intersection of the boundary leads to the rapid weakening of the seal force. As long as the seal can be broken at one stroke when it is weak, it is equivalent to tearing an interface crack on the surface of the human domain!

At that time, the army of the demon domain will be able to enter the human domain unimpeded.

Under Huang Long's command, the armies of the demon realm immediately began to cast spells and attack the God light seal at the end of the space.

"Dong Dong!!!"

Earth shaking roars followed, and the impact of terrorist energy was raging at the space barrier.

The already precarious Shenguang seal is rapidly weakening. More and more black cracks appear on the seal surface, which is about to be broken.

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