My Perfect Life

Chapter 4919: 4926

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Pangu Xuying was black and blue all over, but he still maintained his combat power. It was almost impossible for the third prince to kill him in a short time.

The helpless Third Prince completely fell into a state of madness and roared hysterically: "die for me!"

As soon as the roar fell, the huge black shadow burst out terrible black awns all over the body, blocking out the sky and the sun, and a large area of space collapsed layer by layer with the burst of black awns.

Pangu's virtual shadows were pushed back by the energy waves emitted from the black giant shadow.

"Whew, whew, whew!"

Impressively, I saw that the black giant shadow suddenly grew countless chains around it, binding the body of Pangu's virtual shadow with lightning speed.

Seeing that the situation was bad, Pangu's virtual shadow immediately waved his double axes and cut down on the chain around his body.

Unfortunately, it's still a little late.

"With your little evil spirit, you also want to prevent our demon army from unifying the human domain. Dream!"

The black giant shadow erupted an appalling dark light, which almost covered most of the northern netherworld.

Knowing that if we continue to fight with this ancient virtual shadow, we will only end up with the destruction of both God and form. The Third Prince of the devil Kingdom decided to explode the devil core and roared like a heart splitting lung: "the remaining evils of evil gods will disappear with the prince, ha ha!!!"


In the harsh laughter of the third prince, the black giant shadow exploded.

"Dong Dong!!!"

The loud noise is like the explosion of the Milky way and the collapse of heaven and earth.

The Third Prince of the devil kingdom held the obsession that others could not understand, exploded the devil core, and the magic light and black awn swallowed everything.

Pangu's virtual shadow was swallowed and submerged by the magic light in an instant.


At this moment, it was as if the sky had fallen.

The terrible magic light rises from the end of the buried magic sea, and continues to spread outward from the center. Where it passes, the sky and the earth disappear, and the space is destroyed.

In an instant, the magic light covered more than half of the northern underworld immortal region, like the doomsday disaster.

Even Dixin, who had long escaped from the burial sea, was forced to show his body by the spreading magic light.


Emperor Xin smacked his mouth and tried his best to open a golden light wall, trying to resist the incoming magic light.

The magic ancestor of Shenquan territory exploded the magic core, and the power erupted was so powerful that it could not be described. The terrible destruction energy ravaged the whole Beiming immortal region. I don't know how long the explosion lasted.

Even though Dixin was far away, the open defense barrier was still defeated, his armor collapsed, his body and soul suffered heavy damage, and his mouth sprayed blood.

Fortunately, it withstood the strongest shocks, and the power of the subsequent spread magic light continued to weaken.

Tissin barely survived the blow.

The space of the burial magic sea has been completely destroyed and has completely become a chaotic black space.

Pangu's virtual shadow, located in the center of the explosion, was blown out of shape, with incomplete limbs and half of his head.

Although Pangu virtual shadow withstood the blow, it also reached the limit.

I saw that Pangu virtual shadow was incomplete, and the body gushed out dazzling golden light and changed back to the form of Shen wave.

At this time, the "Shen wave" was also flesh and blood blurred all over the body. A large number of bone collaterals were broken, meridians were torn, and many organs were turned into residues. The whole person could not see the human form and was beyond recognition.

Although this body on the verge of collapse maintains the form of Shen Lang, it is not controlled by Shen Lang itself, but is still dominated by the consciousness of the goddess.

Shen Lang's eyes were full of colorful light, and his mouth was open to spit out a seven color light group.

The seven color light cluster flew out at the speed of lightning and thunder, and captured the floating black heart not far away!

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That's the heart of the ancestor demon!

After the third prince's self explosion and the fall of the devil's core, the heart of the ancestor devil was left behind, blooming like obsidian.

After the black heart was captured by the seven color light emitted by "shenlang", it gradually flew towards "shenlang" and finally fell in his palm.

Shen Lang's lips trembled and a cold female voice said, "sure enough, the heart of the original devil. Hum, I didn't expect that the devil kingdom could keep this thing after such a long time."

"It's a pity that the blood of the royal family in the demon domain is too weak now. The soul of the original ancestor is not the opponent of the goddess. The battle of the realm is defeated by the demon domain..."

The goddess's voice did not fall.

"Which is better than defeat?" is not your witch's miscellaneous broken has the final say!

Between the electric light and flint, the black heart in Shen Lang's hand suddenly burst out a prosperous black awn, making a loud noise like shaking the world.

The next moment.

I saw a black paint claw protruding from the surface of the black heart, impressively penetrating the heart of "Shen Lang"!

With a bang, a blood hole exploded in Shen Lang's chest.

The goddess of the snake was shocked out of Shen Lang's body!

Shen Lang never dreamed that in the end, it was the last sneak attack of the three princes of the demon domain, which shocked the goddess's yuan God out of his body.

However, Shen Lang, who regained control of his body, fainted directly because his injury was too serious, and his body fell to the ground quickly.

Seeing the goddess in her original form, the black heart burst into a happy laugh: "hahaha, witch bastard, are you so stupid to be the prince? If you don't have the confidence to kill you, the prince will explode the magic core!"

"Although I cannot escape death today, I will take your life with me before I die!"

The voice fell.

A dark Golden Shadow rushed out of the black heart, turned into a dark golden arrow, broke through the void and stabbed the heart of the goddess in mid air.

With a loud roar of "boom", the goddess was hit by the arrow transformed by the last ray of Yuanshen power of the three princes.

The goddess Yuanshen was badly hurt. A powerful curse paralyzed her whole body and was almost difficult to move.

"Sad demon clan, do you really think that this curse magic can kill this goddess?"

The goddess burned her own Yuanshen, pulled the magic arrow into her chest with both hands, and tried to resist the curse force with her own Yuanshen power.

"Buzzing, buzzing!"

The goddess's hands burst out dazzling seven colors, and the Magic Arrow plunged into her chest trembled slightly, with a faint tendency to be pulled out.

Although the Magic Arrow is domineering, the power of the original God in the goddess is deep. Whether the curse power released by the Magic Arrow can defeat the original God of the goddess is still two theories.

"Witch bastards, don't be happy too early. You'll soon know who can laugh last! Dixin, when will you stay if you don't do it at this time?"

The three princes roared with the power of the yuan God that had not dissipated.


A golden figure suddenly appeared in the sky. It was di Xin who came quickly.

Dixin didn't know when he picked up the silver magic gun used by the Third Prince of the demon domain.

The Third Prince of the devil Kingdom thought a little, and the power of the original God was all stimulated in the silver magic gun, which made the magic gun burst out an amazing silver light and covered the sky!


Dixin's face was expressionless. The silver magic gun in his hand turned into a huge silver comet and quickly attacked the restricted goddess above the sky!


With a loud explosion, the goddess's yuan God was blown to pieces by this sudden blow, and a voice of surprise and anger was sent out in his mouth: "Dixin, how dare you betray this goddess?"

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