My Perfect Life

Chapter 4935: 4942

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The blood cloud was so powerful that the demon friar was swallowed up by the blood cloud almost without resistance, and his body was squeezed dry in an instant and turned into skeleton powder.

Where they passed, countless demon friars died miserably.


The fiery devil changed his face.

Seeing the blood cloud rising from the sky devouring the demon friars, the flaming devil will roll up a flame storm sweeping the sky and the ground and bombard the blood cloud below.

"Boom, boom!!!"

The flame storm collided with the blood cloud and made a dull roar.

However, instead of suppressing the blood cloud, the attack of the fiery devil made the blood cloud more ferocious.

The blood light soared in the blood cloud, like a huge wave of blood sea, repelled the flame storm, and erupted into a more powerful swallowing force, involving countless demon friars.


Countless screams came.

The blood cloud swallowed up nearly ten million monks in a short time!

The demon army was in complete chaos and fled wildly.

This sudden scene shocked the garrison of the stronghold.

The three old demons looked at each other and were shocked.

The bloody escape light just now was clearly rushed out from the garrison of the stronghold. Is there an expert lurking in the garrison of Heijing mountain?

"Where is the curfew? Show us the original shape quickly!"

Seeing the blood cloud devouring his own friars, the blazing flame devil will be extremely angry. He will set off a raging flame all over his body and soar to tens of thousands of feet. He will turn into a fierce devil with six wings on his back and covered with flames.

The blazing flame devil will directly rush to the blood cloud below, and the six wings behind will roll up the overwhelming sea of fire, which has the potential to destroy the sky and the earth.

Everywhere you pass, the space collapses.

The next moment.

"Dong Dong!!!"

The blazing flame devil will carry the huge sea of fire into the blood cloud, and burst into a loud noise like the collapse of heaven and earth.

The blood cloud finally stopped spreading.

Just when the flaming devil thought he could pull out the friars in the blood cloud.

"Magic bite!"

Accompanied by a gloomy low roar, the blood cloud suddenly rolled up a tumbling black magic flame, turned into five magic dragons with a body length of ten million feet, and devoured the blazing flame devil head-on.

Feeling the terrible breath released by the magic dragon, the flaming devil changed his face and tried his best to fight a powerful flame vortex to resist the attack of the magic dragon.

"Boom, boom!"

In an instant, the magic dragon hit the flame vortex and burst into a loud noise like the collapse of the earth.

However, the flame vortex only supported for a moment and collapsed.


Five magic dragons hit the fiery devil one after another, and then burst into an endless black devil flame, sweeping the world.

The sky of the black crystal mountains is covered with black fire released by the devil flame, blocking out the sky and the sun.

Countless demon friars were swallowed up by the demon flame and disappeared on the spot!

The monk who witnessed this scene couldn't help taking a cold breath.

After a blow, the blazing flame devil burst his armor, blurred his flesh and blood, and his hands, feet and limbs were damaged by the destructive power of the flame.

With only one blow, the flaming devil will lose most of his life.

Shen Lang in the blood cloud finally appeared.

He stood on the sky, his long hair was windless and automatic, and his whole body was covered with continuous blood light, releasing unspeakable terrible force!

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"You... Are you the God?"

The blazing flame devil will step back and roar in horror.

In addition to the God of the human domain, he really didn't think of anyone who could be so afraid of strength.

Indeed, now Shen Lang's strength has far exceeded that of ordinary Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian, and is infinitely close to the level of banbu Tianzun.

In fact, Shen Langgang's "magic bite" magic power is actually enough to kill the fiery demon general.

The reason for keeping each other alive is just to search for souls!

Shen Lang's face was expressionless, and his right hand turned into a huge claw of blood shadow. He almost held the head of the fiery devil general in a blink, and the terrible power made the latter unable to move.

The blazing flame devil will be terrified. Shen Lang's means and sense of authority make him heartbroken.

The blazing flame demon general, who was completely lost in his mind, was so frightened that he begged for mercy: "elder... Wait a minute, please... Please spare my life. I'd like to be your slave for you to drive!"

"A mean demon clan deserves to be my servant? It's ridiculous!"

Shen Lang showed a sneer at the corners of his mouth. Without hesitation, he directly performed soul searching.

A powerful soul force instantly invades the soul of the fiery devil general.


The blazing flame devil will scream, and the soul will collapse in an instant.

Between several interest rates, Shen Lang ended the soul searching and mastered a lot of news.

After taking away the other party's storage ring, Shen Lang rolled up a large amount of blood light and swallowed up the fiery devil.

This is not over yet. Shen Lang continues to turn into a blood cloud, forming a huge cloud vortex on the sky, releasing extremely strong suction, and involving all the nearby demon armies in the vortex!

This appalling scene shocked the garrison of the stronghold below. They had never seen such a terrible magic power.

Shen Lang swallowed up hundreds of millions of demon friars in one breath!

Shen Lang's strength has soared since he devoured the original God of the high priest of the demon domain last time. Now it's more convenient to use the blood shadow magic skill.

But unfortunately, his cultivation has reached a certain bottleneck limit.

Even if he swallowed and absorbed such a huge demon army, the number of law silk in Shen Lang's body only increased by less than a hundred strands.

Now the number of law threads in his body is almost 4500.

In theory, the limit of the law of silk for the physical capacity of the body and soul of Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian is 5000 strands. If it exceeds this number, it is not the level that Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian can bear.

Generally speaking, the promotion of Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian to heaven doesn't need so many rules at all.

The way for the Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian of ordinary Terrans to be promoted to heaven is nothing more than cutting off the three corpses. And the demon family friar is the core that condenses the demon ancestor.

In the history of the fairyland, there are very few monks who are limited in cultivation and cannot break through the realm of heaven, and have cultivated their own law silk to the maximum of 5000 strands.

Friars at this level are also known as "banbu Tianzun".

For example, Yang Jian, the true monarch of Erlang in the era of the five emperors, and Sun Wukong are the half step God.

If Shen Lang's own law silk can reach the limit of 5000 strands and reach the level of half step Tianzun, it may not be much weaker than the Tianzun who has just entered the semi divine realm.

In less than two or three minutes, the demon army was completely destroyed.

The blood cloud in the sky gradually dispersed.

Shen Lang fell from the sky, entered the Heijing mountains from the crack of the twelve yuan Chen array, and came to the front of the stronghold army array.

The three old demons were shocked beyond measure and bowed to Shen Lang with trembling all over: "I've seen God!"

In this era, powerful friars at the level of heaven are honored as "God".

The three old demons guarding the stronghold of Heijing mountain obviously regarded Shen Lang as a monk of the level of heaven.

"See God!"

The defenders of all strongholds knelt down and bowed down.

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