My Perfect Life

Chapter 774: 775

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In addition to the surprise, Shen Lang felt like a dream. He never dreamed that he could break through the top of the world so easily?

We need to know how many people are stuck in the bottleneck of the late stage of the inquiry and can't break through the peak of the inquiry all their lives!

The difficulty of breaking through is related to many factors. The first is mental skill. If the mental skill of martial arts cultivation in the later stage of a situation is too low-end, and the purity of true Qi is not high, it is extremely difficult to break through the bottleneck, and there is almost no chance of upgrading the situation.

The second factor is luck. It's hard to say clearly about luck. No matter who it is, there are times when breakthroughs fail.

Generally speaking, if the first breakthrough fails, the probability of the second breakthrough will be very low.

This is the reason why Kunlun Mountain has such a large border, but there are few Huajing masters.

Shen Lang made such a simple breakthrough. Of course, luck still took up the majority. The pure black Qi in his body also helped him.

Shen Lang felt more and more that shenzhao Scripture was an excellent skill. If his self-cultivation was not shenzhao Scripture, he would have burst and died just now when he absorbed the spirit deficiency Qi.

After breaking through the peak of inquiry, shenzhao Scripture has also reached the fifth peak. Because there was no breakthrough in the sixth level, this time the realm was upgraded, and Shen Lang didn't have to feign death.

There is still a little spiritual deficiency Qi left in the mouth of the golden tripod. Shen Lang takes the time to absorb it. It's just right that he can use the remaining spiritual deficiency Qi to stabilize his cultivation.

He now felt that he had touched the edge of the world. The real air cyclones in Dantian have grown in size and become extremely dense. The speed and intensity of the movement of real air are very different from those in the later stage of the boundary.

The dense and incomparable air cyclone in Dantian is spinning continuously. This situation will last about three months to half a year.

After the true Qi completely stops rotating, Shen Lang can try to break through the realm.

Generally speaking, there is more than half the probability of breaking through the realm. Shen Lang's true Qi is extremely pure, and the probability of breaking through will only be higher.

Ten days later, Shen Lang finally came out of Shuifu, feeling very happy.

That night, Shen Lang asked Li Fei to hold a dinner party to celebrate.

Red moon and Feng Luan are stunned when they learn that Shen Lang has broken through the peak.

Feng Luan, in particular, couldn't believe her eyes.

I remember that when she first saw Shen Lang a year ago, the man still asked about her early cultivation. Almost every time we meet every few months, Shen Lang's cultivation has been greatly improved, and now he has reached the peak of his realm.

Feng Luan suspected that Shen Lang was not a human being. Is this kind of cultivation speed really what human beings can have?

Of course, Feng Luan still sincerely wishes Shen Lang a smooth breakthrough, but there is a sense of inferiority in her heart, the distance between herself and Shen Lang is too far.

At the dinner party, Shen Lang exchanged with the public, clinked glasses, and kept laughing.

Soon after the dinner, Shen Lang and Zhang Mingchen drink by the window sill, each with a red wine bottle.

"Grandson tortoise, in fact, I have long guessed that you will have such a day, but I didn't expect that day to come so soon." Zhang Mingchen patted Shen Lang on the shoulder, rarely showing a serious expression.

Shen Lang had some emotion in his heart. He took a mouthful of red wine, and his eyes were gradually confused.

"Master, what do you think I should pursue?" Shen Lang asked suddenly.

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Zhang Mingchen glanced at the waves and snorted, "grandson tortoise, do you still need to think about it? You're going to take a different path, of course. "

Worthy of being a master and apprentice, Zhang Mingchen saw what Shen Lang thought at a glance.

"But I still have a lot of people in the world that I can't let go." Shen Lang frowned.

It's too selfish to abandon Liu Xiaoxiao and pursue the road alone.

"Time will dilute everything. If a good man is ambitious, the world may not be suitable for you. Besides, you are now at the top of the world. It's only a matter of time before you break through the world. Your life span is much longer than those of us. It's normal to live 23 years. Birth, aging, illness and death are common principles in the world. There are some things you can't keep if you want to Zhang Mingchen shook his head.

Shen Lang sighs a little. It's true. But he is still a little confused now, but let's take a step at a time. Maybe he can have the best of both worlds in the future.

Just then.

"Master, there's a phone call for you. A strange woman said she wanted to see you." Li Fei went to the windowsill and handed over his mobile phone.

"Strange woman? Who's calling? " Shen Lang asked casually and took a big sip of red wine.

"She said her name was huaziling." Li Fei said.

"Poof!" Shen Lang's eyelids turned, and a mouthful of red wine suddenly came from his mouth.

"Cough! What do you call her Shen Lang's eyes were wide open, showing an incredible expression.

"She Her name is Hua Ziling. She also said that she is the head of the jade maid palace and asked you to answer the phone. " Li Fei was shocked to see Shen Lang suddenly show this expression, but he said it quickly.

Shen Lang takes a cold breath. I'll go. How can this flower purple spirit come to the world?

Shen Lang's first reaction was that it must be a jade girl palace disciple sent by Hua Ziling to disguise himself. He calmly picked up the phone, but then the voice from the phone instantly made him look like earth."Hello?"

"Shen, didn't you expect that? Hum, even if you escape to the ends of the earth, our palace will tear you to pieces! " The telephone, that end spreads to spend purple Ling Yin cold extremely of voice.

Grass, it's really her! Shen Lang's forehead is sweating. This kind of voice and tone of huaziling can't be installed by others.

Now I'm going to pit my father. How can the female devil come to the world?

"Huaziling, you How did you come into the world? Isn't it true that the Huajing masters can't get out of the Kunlun mountains Shen Lang couldn't help asking.

Hua Ziling said with cold frost on her face: "anyway, it will be your death soon. I will let you know more about it! There is a wood spirit crystal with five elements in the hand of our palace. The teleportation array can play ten times the effect when it is charged with five elements Spirit Crystal. Even if this palace is in the middle of Huajing, it can still enter and leave the secular world once! Shen Lang, if you can make our palace use the five elements Spirit Crystal, you will die without regret

Shen Lang's face changed. He had never heard of the five elements Lingjing. He didn't expect that this kind of magical thing could make the Huajing master cross the border.

Although Shen Lang broke through the peak of Wen Jing, the peak of Wen Jing and Hua Jing were far from each other. Besides, Hua Ziling was still a master in the middle of Hua Jing, and his accomplishments could only be abused.

Shen Lang shuddered at the thought of using the washboard to beat huaziling's buttocks.

If he doesn't find a way to calm Hua Ziling's anger, Shen Lang thinks he will die miserably

Shen Lang scratched his ears, scratched his cheeks, coughed and said, "what Palace master, as the palace master of the jade maid palace, you are as beautiful as an immortal, beautiful as heaven, beautiful as a bird, gorgeous as a bird, smart and beautiful as a whole. This When is the time to repay each other? It's over. I know it's wrong. Let me go once. "

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