My Perfect Life

Chapter 793: 794

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Twenty giant scorpions rushed towards the waves, with amazing speed!

Without hesitation, Shen Lang took out the jade mirror.


All of a sudden, the mirror hit a rope like strong white arc, like a whip to split on the giant scorpion.


Just in an instant, a large amount of white gas escaped, and the giant scorpion turned into stone chips and spread on the ground.

Shen Lang can't help but feel a lingering fear. Fortunately, he has a jade mirror. Otherwise, with his own strength, it was impossible to deal with so many stone giant scorpions.

Seeing that there was no movement, Shen Lang walked cautiously towards the collapsed ground in the center.

The ground was hollowed out with two long boxes, one large and the other small.

The smaller box is made of the best glazed jade, which is very beautiful.

Shen Lang's persistence was right. It seems that he succeeded in picking up the leak!

After careful inspection, Shen Lang took out both the big and small boxes.

Shen Lang opened the long big box first. As soon as he opened it, Baoguang overflowed.

I saw a long green knife lying in the box. The blade was engraved with the patterns of glass dragon and Luan sparrow, and there were layers of streamers. Gorgeous, exudes a breath of soul.

Shen Lang just touched the blade, and he felt that there was a strong energy in it.

There's a piece of writing in the box.

"This sword is named Longque. It's the first sacred weapon given by Tianluo palace when the elder broke through the void. It's made of millennial mica stone collected by the master of refining utensils, supplemented by two drops of golden Horned Dragon and three color peacock's powerful monster's blood. It's put here as a treasure. If someone takes it away, please treat it well. "

Shen Lang was very happy and picked up the Dragon sparrow sword in the box.

This knife is very heavy. It's more than three times heavier than the meteorite knife. The waves can barely wave.

The blade is thick and dignified, and its meaning is majestic.

Although it's heavy, it's very fast after infusing Qi. It's one with weathering and has strong explosive power.

It's the first time that Shen Lang has heard the word "holy vessel". It must be a powerful treasure.

Shen Lang waved it a few times. Although he felt that the Dragon sparrow knife was much more powerful than the meteorite knife, there was always a feeling that it was too powerful to use.

It should be limited by his own strength. With his current cultivation, this sword can't exert much power.

However, as far as the power Shen Lang felt was concerned, it was at least two or three times stronger than that of the meteor blade. He was very satisfied with the power that Shen Lang exerted.

Shen Lang put the Dragon sparrow knife into his storage bag in full bloom, and then opened the other smaller glazed jade treasure chest.

There is a scroll lying in the treasure chest. Shen Lang is curious and unfolds the scroll to have a look.

It's an ancient painting. If you look at it carefully, it's a picture of peach forest, ethereal and graceful.

Shen Lang looked at it a few times, and he felt dizzy.

As if the whole person wants to be absorbed in this picture!

Shen Lang was awed in his heart and immediately closed the picture.

It's weird! This picture of Taolin is definitely not simple.

Shen Lang finally met the world once. This thing of Nirvana friars is not what they can imagine.

Shen Lang put the picture back into the wooden box of liuliyu and put it into the storage bag.

After glancing around again and finding nothing else, Shen Lang left the attic.

Originally, Shen Lang had no hope, but he didn't expect to find the leak, which made him feel great.

The Dragon sparrow sword alone was enough to satisfy him.

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As soon as he walked out of the attic, Shen Lang's face changed.

In front of him, a large number of Wu Xiu in black robes came out of the woods and approached the attic.

Shen Lang's eyes shrank. If he didn't admit it, these black robed martial arts practitioners should be disciples of the Blood Sword sect, and each one was carrying a big long sword on his back.

A middle-aged man in a red robe was the leader of the blood knife sect, Hu bugui, who was the cultivation in the early stage of the transformation.

Hu bugui saw Shen Lang come out of the attic, his eyes burst out with a clear light, and he suddenly drank: "stop him for me!"

A group of blood knife disciples immediately blocked Shen Lang's way from all directions and pulled out their swords one after another.

Shen Lang's face sank slightly: "everyone, we have no injustice or hatred. Why should we block my way?"

"Hum, don't talk nonsense. Just give up and hand over all the treasures. We blood knife sect can give you a way to live!" Hu does not return to the cold way of Yin.

The experience of Shen Lang and Su Ruoxue is so similar. Hu bugui also thinks that Shen Lang has got a treasure in the attic, and of course he won't let him go easily.

"Tut!" It seems that there is something in trouble.

To the eye, there are more than 100 martial arts practitioners in Xuedao sect, and 70 or 80 martial arts practitioners in Wenjing sect.

Shen Lang just got the Dragon sparrow sword, and he was not afraid that Hu would not return to the same realm. But there are too many people on the other side, and fighting with them is extremely unfavorable to him."Mr. Hu, I have investigated this attic. There is nothing in it. If you don't believe me, you can send someone in to have a look." Shen Lang said lightly.

Hu bugui stares at Shen Lang, and then orders several elders to go in and investigate.

A moment and a half later, several people ran out of the attic.

"Back to the door, the attic is full of ruins, there is really nothing!" One of the elders in the later period of Wenjing bows.

"What?" There was a haze in Hu bugui's eyes.

"Master Hu, I didn't cheat you, did I?" Shen Lang smiles.

Hu buguiyin gave a cold smile: "don't treat our master as a fool! Since there is nothing in the attic, you must have cleaned it up! Give it to me and take him alive

With an order, a large number of blood knife disciples rushed towards the waves.

It seems that the possibility of shaking hands and making peace is zero. Shen Lang's face is gloomy. He immediately takes out several smoke bombs from his storage bag and throws them around.

Only a few dull sounds of "BAM BAM BAM BAM" were heard, and a few huge black smoke drifted away in an instant.

The effect of the smoke bomb is excellent. A large area is shrouded in black fog, and the surrounding light is very dark. All the blood knife disciples are in a mess.

Shen Lang jumped out of the smog zone, holding the green glass sword in his hand. Because the Dragon sparrow sword is too heavy, it will affect your body method when you run for your life, so you didn't take it out.

An elder of Xuedao sect in the later period of Wenjing stopped in front of Shen Lang.

Shen Lang's eyes flashed a trace of ferocity. He returned to the moon and stabbed the man in the abdomen.

"You The elder of the blood knife sect even fell into the sword before he could react. He looked at the waves in horror and spilled blood from the corner of his mouth.

Shen Lang's sword went up and the man flew up.

"Split the stars and seize the moon!"

As soon as Shen Lang's eyes brightened, he wielded a huge sword Qi and cut the man's body in the middle of the sky like tofu!

The rain of blood spilled wildly, the flesh and blood fell, and the ground was dyed blood red. The thick smell of blood was disgusting.

Shen Lang seldom uses his sword, but it doesn't mean he is not good at it.

He learned a kind of sword skill called "three forms of seizing the moon", and its power is very strong. It is not inferior to the seven kill sword, and also belongs to the heaven level martial arts.

But because there are only three sword moves, Shen Lang seldom uses them.

Hu bugui finally rushed out of the smoke area. Seeing that an elder of his sect was killed by Shen Lang, his face changed greatly. He yelled: "be careful to resist the enemy!"

Shen Lang assassinated several blood knife disciples who stopped him in front of him one by one, and then fled to the south.

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