My Perfect Life

Chapter 898: 899

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The exchange was also held in the auction hall.

But the martial arts of those big families on the second floor are all gone. I guess they don't like this kind of low-end exchange meeting.

Seeing that all of them had left, Shen Lang frowned and was disappointed.

This person all left, that still exchange a hair?

In fact, the auction of Wanbao chamber of commerce only aimed at a small number of Wu Xiu. Most of Wu Xiu in the meeting hall were short of money and could not afford to buy the treasures at the auction. Instead of participating in the auction, they came to see the excitement.

The exchange shows that there are many civilians. Most of the martial arts practitioners come for the exchange, but everyone can participate in the exchange. They just need to take out their treasures to exchange or sell them.

However, it's too low-end. Most of the people who attended the exchange meeting were asking about the martial arts of Huajing. There were only a few martial arts of Huajing. Shen Lang only saw seven or eight of them sporadically.

I can't help it. Shen Lang has to wait patiently for the exchange meeting to start.

In the auction hall, a young girl wearing a veil glanced at the waves and turned her mouth, showing a trace of interest.

About half an hour later, the exchange meeting finally began.

There are three seats on the exhibition stand. There are three assessors of Wanbao chamber of Commerce. They will estimate the price of the items taken out by the friars to prevent everyone from being trapped.

At this point, it really serves the public. I have to say that the Wanbao business association is really good at business. When Wu Xiu takes out something, the assessors on the booth always say something like this: "we also sell things like this in the Wanbao business association, and the level is even higher. If you are interested, you might as well go and have a look."

After the advertisement, we begin to get to the point.

The things in the exchange meeting were too low-end. Shen Lang was a little impatient. He directly showed the cultivation of Huajing and cut the line to the front.

Those who asked Jing Wu Xiu and saw that Shen Lang was Hua Jing Wu Xiu didn't dare to say anything, so they had to turn a blind eye.

Finally, when it was Shen Lang's turn, he yelled directly: "fifty thousand spirit rhyme stones will buy a blueberry flower. As long as it's in stock, I'll pay immediately."

Although the flower is precious, its price is only thirty or forty thousand aural stones. Shen Lang asks for fifty thousand directly. Several Huajing martial arts practitioners in the meeting hall show a little surprise in their eyes.

As for the large number of martial arts practitioners in the meeting hall, they took a breath of cold. For them, 50000 aura stones were an unimaginable astronomical number.

Many people also recognized that Shen Lang was the buyer of the two treasures at the auction just now. Everyone thought he was a disciple or elder of the big family.

For a moment, the venue was silent.

Shen Lang looked around, frowned and asked, "don't you have any blueberry?"

An assessor said respectfully to Shen Lang: "this elder Bigot flower has been on sale in our chamber of Commerce, but it is out of stock during this period. You may as well come back to the chamber of Commerce a few months later. Maybe we'll have the goods. "

Shen Lang frowned. He couldn't wait for a few months. The main reason was that it was hard for him to come out once. It was a pity that he was so short of a spirit grass to gather all the materials.

Seeing that the people at the meeting haven't answered for a long time, it seems that no one has any green fruits. Shen Lang is quite helpless and is about to leave.

"Just a moment, sir. I have a green flower." Suddenly a voice came from the crowd.

Shen Lang immediately turned back and saw a young girl in purple wearing a veil come up and bow slightly to Shen Lang.

The girl was wearing a veil and couldn't see her face clearly, but it was strange that Shen Lang couldn't feel each other's cultivation.

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It's not that a girl's accomplishments are higher than her own, but that she has no breath at all, which is no different from a normal person. Shen Lang was very surprised. He thought that the other party might have some means of concealing cultivation.

However, Shen Lang was too lazy to care about these. He asked directly, "do you really have blueberry?"

"Naturally, I dare not deceive my predecessors. It's just that Bi Guohua is not on the little girl, so she didn't agree before." The girl said respectfully.

"Not on me?" Shen Lang is a little surprised.

The girl said with a smile, "if you don't mind, please follow me to my humble abode. How about we trade bilberry there?"

"Yes." Shen Lang immediately nodded.

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the people in the hall suddenly became a little strange.

A girl invites a man to her home in the middle of the night. It's too easy to be wrong.

Many men look at the waves, with a trace of envy and hatred, thinking how can I not touch the good thing that the beautiful woman sent to the door?

Maybe it's because other people are good at Huajing. They have rich financial resources, and they are very handsome. It's not so strange that they are looked upon by their younger sister. People are more angry than people!

Although the girl covered her face, she must be a gorgeous beauty just from her figure and temperament. Ugly women are unlikely to have this natural gentle and charming temperament.

Shen Lang didn't think much about it. He just wanted to trade the flower, and then he followed the girl out of the auction hall.It's about ten o'clock in the evening. The city is still brightly lit. A large number of martial arts practitioners come and go, and places like Fangshi are in full swing.

While leading the way, the girl in purple asked with a smile, "how dare you ask your senior's name?"

My name is Shen Lang Shen Lang replied, glancing at the girl in purple, and then said tentatively, "don't call me elder, girl. You should be Huajing Wuxiu, too?"

The girl in purple's star eyes flashed and asked, "Oh? Why does Mr. Shen think so? "

Shen Lang said: "at the beginning, you called me your excellency, I think so."

Because of the experience of being a killer in the secular world, it is Shen Lang's strong point to observe his words and actions. If you are a female martial arts practitioner below the realm of enlightenment, you will feel constrained when you see the waves, even if you are not submissive.

But the woman didn't show any embarrassment from the beginning to the end. She pretended to be modest in her words. She could only be Wu Xiu of the same level as herself.

"Mr. Shen's judgment is amazing. I admire him." The girl in purple looked at Shen Lang a few more times, then said with a smile: "the little girl's surname is Murong, and her big name is Murong Mingyue. It's really Wu Xiu in the early stage of Huajing."

"Murong? Are you from the Murong family? " Shen Lang was shocked.

No wonder he was so surprised. This Murong family is the largest force in the forest and Tianshan Mountains! Ranking first, and the status of ten thousand years unshakable, deep inside information, can't guess! There is no strength to compete with it.

I didn't expect that the girl was from Murong family?

Seeing that Shen Lang's face was uncertain, Murong Mingyue said with a smile, "don't worry, young master Shen. I just want to make a deal with you."

"All right." Shen Lang nodded.

Although he didn't want to be involved with this kind of super family, he didn't have a grudge with the Murong family. It's just that there should be no problem in trading things, right?

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