My Princess Has Been Reborn

Chapter 101: 54.1

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Chapter 54.1 – Sudden Changes (1)

With such an accident happening, the competition naturally had to be stopped. Even the Crown Prince in charge of the situation was caught off-guard. Xie Hongyi was escorted away by the Rong State envoys to treat his wounds, and the key right now was obviously the horse that suddenly went crazy.

Lu Qipei was also summoned to be asked a few questions. There was nothing wrong with her horse, and even the one Xie Hongyi rode didn’t give off any signs before it went mad. But because of that, the whole thing right now seemed filled with conspiracy.

The Crown Prince’s face looked very ugly. He didn’t ask anything else and waved his hand to send her away.

Qi Yang had quite the shock today, and wanted to have Lu Qipei stay for a while, but how could she do that in this situation? She didn’t want to cause any trouble for the Crown Prince at this moment, so she could only send her away and told her to be careful on the way back.

Lu Qipei knew that she was worried, so she promised her to be careful. But still, she was in a trance when she left the palace.

When she closed her eyes, she could still see the blood on the ground. Her mind was full of worries as she walked to the Court of Judicial Review, but halfway there, something seemed to suddenly come to her mind. She turned around and went straight to Lu Mansion, the place she hadn’t returned to for several days.

The sole master had temporarily move to the government office, but it didn’t seem to have much impact on the Lu Mansion.

Things were peaceful as usual at the huge mansion, and the servants did not show surprise, joy, or any emotions at all when they saw her sudden return. They saluted and greeted her as usual, as if she had never moved out.

Lu Qipei didn’t care about them either. She went straight to find Qi Bo and said right to the point, “There was an accident in the competition field today. Xie Hongyi’s horse went mad and he fell of the horse.”

Her words were very sudden and came out of nowhere. Despite Qi Bo’s ability to keep calm, he still inevitably revealed some emotions when he first heard those news – surprise, confusion, followed by deep thoughts. But there was no worry or panic that Lu Qipei expected to see, nor did he seem like he got what he wanted.

Qi Bo wasn’t behind what happened, nor did he switch sides to Xie Hongyi…

This was the result of Lu Qipei’s judgment of the current situation. Although it was made rather hastily, for some reason she still quite believed it to be true. She became even more puzzled; it wasn’t Qi Bo who did it, and the Crown Prince didn’t seem like he wanted to sabotage the situation. Then, was there another force involved?

Qi Bo also came back to his senses at this moment. He didn’t care about Lu Qipei’s probing, and even asked without hesitation, “How is he now?”

Lu Qipei withdrew her thoughts and subconsciously frowned, “His leg was trampled by the mad horse… His condition might not be very good.”

Saying it ‘might not be very good’ was an understatement. In fact, when she saw Xie Hongyi’s injury, she knew that his leg was completely crushed by the mad horse. Unlike when Lu Qicheng fell back then, it was impossible to recover from such an injury. The young boy was just thirteen or fourteen years old and had a bright future, but now he would never be able to stand up anymore.

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Lu Qipei felt that she was already imagining the worst possible outcome, but reality was even crueler than what she had thought. On the next day after the incident, when the Court of Judicial Review became involved in the mad horse case, news suddenly came from the Four-Sided Pavilion.

Xie Hongyi had died!

“He only got his legs trampled on by a horse, and he had the royal physician taking care of him. How could he have lost his life!?” Lu Qipei asked in disbelief. For some reason, she felt a little sad inside.

The Vice Minister also had a serious look on his face, and his eyes turned a little dark beneath his frown. He said, “Xie Hongyi kept bleeding profusely after being carried back by the Rong State envoys, and his fever did not subside. He did not even last the night and drew his last breath.”

Human lives were cheap back then, and there were many people who died just because of a small injury. But most of them were those who lacked medicine and medical treatment. Meanwhile, Xie Hongyi had Liang State’s top royal physician treating him personally. With the medicines in the royal palace’s inventory, he should at least be able to hang on by a breath, but instead he couldn’t even last a night!

Lu Qipei thought of the horse that had gone mad out of nowhere and felt a chill in her heart. “Milord, I feel that there’s something strange about this.” Just saying that didn’t mean anything, so she continued, “On the competition ground, Xie Hongyi’s hose suddenly went mad. It’s very strange. He’s also a very good rider, so he should’ve been able to hold on for a while to wait for help, but he fell off very quickly.”

Lord Vice Minister had also heard about this. There was also another suspicious point where the mad horse would especially stop to trample on him after he fell off, when before this the horse was rampaging around and could not be stopped at all.

Anyone with a discerning eye could tell at a glance that there were many doubtful things surround this matter, so it was even more true for the Vice Minister of the Court of Judicial Review well-versed in matters of prison and punishment.

The Vice Minister’s face was gloomy as he waved his hand. “You were at the scene when the incident happened, and you’re also involved in the matter, so don’t interfere with the investigation.” Then he said, “Tell me again about the situation at the competition that day. Every detail matters.”

Lu Qipei was obviously not the first person he had asked, but different people stood at different angles and might have seen different things. Lu Qipei herself was competing with Xie Hongyi, so they should be closest to each other. Maybe she could find something different?

Unfortunately, the Vice Minister could only end up disappointed. Lu Qipei repeated yesterday’s situation carefully, even starting from the meeting between the two sides. She told him everything, including the youth’s provocations towards her. Even so, no clues could be found.

It was not until the people who went to the palace to investigate the scene and the mad horse itself came back that they finally received news that proved that there was something amiss with the situation.

The mad horse had died from exhaustion.

The people of the Court of Judicial Review dissected the horse’s body and found that there were indeed signs of drug in the horse, but what it was exactly was not clear yet. As for Xie Hongyi, there was probably something on his body that was related to the horse going mad. If the Court of Judicial Review’s people wanted to investigate further, they could only go to the Four-Sided Pavilion to see his body.

But when they went there, they were met with another issue…

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