My Princess Has Been Reborn

Chapter 133: 70.1

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Chapter 70.1 – Let’s Move When We Return

The war report from the northern border arrived at the capital three days after the Third Prince’s return. During those three days, many rumors spread in the capital. Some said that the northern border had been lost, some said that the Crown Prince was incompetent, and there were even some that straight out said that the Crown Prince had died in the northern border.

All these rumors were aimed at the Crown Prince, and no one talked about the Crown Prince who was sent into house arrest to reflect.

Lu Qipei was still on her wedding leave, and she had been staying with Qi Yang in the mansion for the past two days. Originally, they planned on moving to the princess’s mansion three days after the wedding, but then something happened in the northern border. The Crown Prince’s life and death was unknown, and they were not in the mood to move.

Plus, the Lu family had some connection with the Rong State, so they might find some clues if they stayed, so they simply postponed their move.

Inside the warm room, the two sat around the heater while Lu Qipei casually made tea.

Qi Yang sat next to her, looking at Lu Qipei with one hand holding her cheek, but her eyes look distracted, as if she was absent-minded.

It wasn’t until a cup of hot tea was placed in front of her and dense white vapor filled with the fragrance of tea rose from it that Qi Yang blinked and smiled at Lu Qipei.

Lu Qipei could only put a finger on the corner of the lips she was raising, saying, “You don’t need to put up such a half-hearted smile for me.”

Qi Yang didn’t insist in front of Lu Qipei, and put away her smile as expected. She didn’t feel like saying anything for a while, so she took a sip from the teacup instead. It was a good tea, with clear color and sweet taste. The faint fragrance seemed capable of soothing someone’s anxiety.

Lu Qipei also took a sip, and saw that Qi Yang’s frowned had relaxed a little, so she asked, “Still worried about the Crown Prince?”

Qi Yang glanced at her sideways, then lowered her eyes and said, “With Royal Brother around, our future would be safer.”

Lu Qipei understood what she meant. Hearing those words, she lowered her eyes and thought for a moment, then said, “I think the Crown Prince is safe.” After that, she explained further without waiting for Qi Yang to ask, “With how important the Crown Prince is, if something really happened to him on the battlefield, even if the commander was terrified, he would not dare to hide it. Especially since the Third Prince has returned to the capital first, it would be impossible to hide the news.”

Qi Yang sat up slightly upright, looking serious, “You mean…”

When she saw how she looked, Lu Qipei knew that Qi Yang had already guessed it, so she nodded and said, “I think the Crown Prince suppressed the news himself. Right now, he’s the only one who can do it.” After a pause, she added, “The Crown Prince knows that the Third Prince has returned to the capital, but he suppressed the news from the northern border. Maybe he has other plans.”

There was no need for her to mention the confrontation between the two brothers; it could clearly be seen from the rumors circulating in the capital nowadays.

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But since the Crown Prince could still be distracted by the situation in the capital, then his situation in the northern border shouldn’t be too bad.

Qi Yang wasn’t stupid, and she also felt that the current situation was a bit strange. After listening to Lu Qipei’s explanation, she became a lot more relaxed, and her brows were no longer as tense. “Then when will news from the northern border come?”

Lu Qipei thought for a moment and replied, “If the Crown Prince is fine, it should not be long, just within the next two days.”

Lu Qipei was right. The next day, the two of them received the latest war report from the northern border. The two towns Huai and Ping were attacked and lost, then the Crown Prince led the army on a counterattack, and achieved a great victory on the northern border!

In the battle at the northern border, the Crown Prince’s counterattack was swift and fierce. Caught off guard, he lost the two important towns Huai and Ping. The wounded Crown Prince fled to Jing town, and collected the scattered soldiers along the way. After arriving at Jing, he immediately sent the troops to recapture Ping.

He poured troops into the city and attacked without fearing about his own safety. He caught the Rong army in Ping town, that had not established their foothold there yet, unprepared. The Rong army didn’t’ even have the time to transport or destroy the food and fodder that they had gotten.

Afterwards, the army at the front of the battlefield also received the news and began coming back to help. Together with the army that had recaptured Ping town, they caught the Rong army in Huai in a pincer attack. Finally, they wiped out all the enemies.

The two towns that were lost almost in one day were recovered within one or two days. But the Crown Prince’s revenge did not stop there. He gathered the strong-looking men in the army and had them put on the Rong army’s uniform, then had them ‘flee’ back on their horses.

With a collaborative attack from the inside and outside, after a fierce battle, the result of the battle was easy to imagine.

After reading the war report, Qi Yang raised her eyebrows and sighed. “This feels so stupid.”

This statement was obviously referring to the Rong people. After reading the war report, many people felt like the battle was like a joke, and the Crown Prince turned the table too easily. What were those Rong people who slipped in for a sneak attack thinking? It’s almost like they came there to give the Crown Prince an opportunity.

Lu Qipei also nodded when she heard those words. “It’s stupid, and greedy.” Seeing Qi Yang look over, she said, “Ping town is where the food and fodder are stored, while Huai town used to have trade relationship with Rong state. Both are rich places.”

Qi Yang already understood without needing Lu Qipei to continue. “The Rong army secretly attacked the army’s rear, even at the expense of exposing the spies they had inside. The attack on Huai town was for Royal Brother, while the attack on Ping town was for the food and fodder. The target was not to bring the person or the food and fodder back, but to destroy them on the spot. Royal Brother was lucky enough to escape, but the food and fodder in Ping town caught the eyes of the Rong soldiers, and they were reluctant to destroy them.”

At the end of the day, Rong state was still newly established. The tribal armies’ way of thinking didn’t have the time to change yet. They were used to plundering in Liang state, and they wanted to bring back the goods to their tribes. How could they be willing to destroy the mountains of food and fodder? How could they resist taking the gold and silver in town?”

One way or the other, those that needed to be killed weren’t killed, and the food and fodder that should’ve been destroyed weren’t destroyed. Even the people who were supposed to leave after the initial attack also got delayed because of the food, fodder and money. In the end, they stayed behind forever when the Liang army quickly mounted a counterattack, and even ended up delivering a bunch of free equipment to their enemy.

Finally, Lu Qipei made a quiet conclusion. “He’s in too much hurry this time.”

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