My Princess Has Been Reborn

Chapter 58: 32.2

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Chapter 32.2 – She Didn’t Regret (2)

Having been with Qi Yang for many years, this was the first time Zhi Ting felt that Her Highness was so unpredictable. She struggled for a while and couldn’t help asking, “Your Highness should go back to the palace since you’re not going to the Lu Mansion to offer your condolences. What is Your Highness doing going to Ronghua Street at this time?”

Qi Yang leaned lazily on the carriage and didn’t hide it from her. She said with a smile on her lips, “There’s a good fireworks shop on Ronghua Street.”

But the mismatched answer only made Zhi Ting even more confused. She carefully followed Qi Yang’s words and asked, “Your Highness wants to watch fireworks?”

Qi Yang shook her finger at her and replied, “No, I’m going to buy some firecrackers and set them off to celebrate.”

Zhi Ting was finally choked by the answer, and looked at Her Highness in disbelief. She almost suspected that her ears were malfunctioning, or Her Highness’s heart was.

On one side she was lovey-dovey with Young Master Lu, but on the other side she was going to set off firecrackers to celebrate the death of her brother. What was Her Highness thinking? Was she just playing with people!?

But no matter what Zhi Ting thought and how incredulous she looked, it couldn’t affect Qi Yang’s decision at all.

The latter really went to Ronghua Street to buy two strings of firecrackers, then told the coachman to find an empty space and personally set them off happily.

Although Her Royal Highness The Princess herself thought afterwards that doing this was childish, it was true that she was in a good mood. Her hatred for Lu Qicheng had long since gone bone-deep, and it wasn’t something that could be settled with a cup of poisoned wine in her previous life.

It was very wonderful to see him die again!

In addition, once he died, there was one less obstacle between her and Lu Qipei…

After setting off the firecrackers in celebration, Her Royal Highness The Princess clapped her hands, feeling refreshed. She turned around and got on the carriage, then went back to the palace.

Zhi Ting followed her in a daze, boarded the carriage in a daze, then followed her back to Jingchen Palace in a daze.

The familiar environment finally brought her back to her senses, but before Zhi Ting could compose herself, she heard Her Highness’s order again. “Zhi Ting, go help me find some more modest-looking clothes. Tomorrow, we have to go to the Lu Mansion to pay our condolences.”

When she heard this, Zhi Ting’s breath stopped again, and her eyes looked dazed – in the end, she couldn’t understand how Her Highness’s brain worked at all.

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In this huge capital, Lu Qicheng didn’t even count as a nobody. Other than the people in the Lu Mansion who prepared his funeral, there were only a few people coming to offer their condolences.

The Lu Qicheng of today wasn’t the Prince Consort who rose rapidly in the court like in the previous life. He was just Compiler Lu’s younger brother, so other than several colleagues from Hanlin Academy who came to offer their condolences, the Lu family’s mourning hall was cold and quiet.

It was within this cold and quiet that Qi Yang stepped inside the Lu Mansion for the first time.

Lu Qipei didn’t expect her to come, so he was a little nervous and hurriedly greeted her, asking, “Why did you come?”

Qi Yang did not answer immediately, and looked up at her instead. Seeing the blue and black under her eyes, she raised her hand and caressed her, softly saying, “Ah Pei, don’t be sad. You still have me to accompany you in the future.”

This was the best consolation and the best promise. It slammed into Lu Qipei’s heart and made her eyes turn red again.

A moment later, she nodded and said, “En, I know.”

Outside the mourning hall was obviously not a good place to chat. Although Lu Qipei didn’t want Qi Yang to appear in front of the Lu family, but now that Lu Qicheng was gone, Qi Yang was not a princess the Lu family can meddle with anymore.

So after a moment of alarm, Lu Qipei soon calmed down again. She took Qi Yang inside the mourning hall, ignored Qi Bo who was looking at her, lit a stick of incense and handed it to Qi Yang.

Her Royal Highness The Princess did not refuse. She calmly offered a stick of incense to Lu Qicheng, then made a heartless request, “Ah Pei, I heard that your brother looked just like you. Can I take a look at him?”

Such request was quite rude. Even Lu Qipei, who had always been tolerant and doting towards her, couldn’t help but frown at this moment. The dead was dead – no matter how many disagreements and hatred there was in life, it wasn’t a reason to disturb his sleep. What’s more, in Lu Qipei’s opinion, Qi Yang’s request was more out of curiosity, so she didn’t intent to accommodate her this time.

“Your Highness, this is not…” Before she could say ‘appropriate’, Qi Yang had already walked around her and quickly moved towards the back of the mourning hall.

Lu Qipei was startled and hurriedly chased after her, and saw that Qi Yang had already stood in front of the uncovered coffin.

She looked at the person inside the coffin with deep eyes, and then looked up at Lu Qipei who was chasing after her. Lu Qicheng, whose scar was covered by makeup, looked very similar to Lu Qipei – so similar it made Qiyang suddenly feel uneasy.

So before Lu Qipei who chased after Qi Yang could say anything, she felt a small and delicate white hand on her chest…

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