My Quiet Life

Chapter 35: 34. My Life

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The first thing that came back to me was the ringing in my head and a burning sensation in my throat.

I tried to open my eyes but they felt dry and sticky, so I gave up. I expected the rest of my body to feel equally uncomfortable, but to my surprise, it didn’t. Just the opposite. I felt as though I was resting on a cloud.

A light shone on my close pupil. I turned on myself, trying to gather the energy to open my eyes. To my surprise I felt the comfortable rustling of a duvet as I did. The orphanage only had thick wool blankets, so it hadn’t been since…

A rush of fear ran through my body. I immediately sat up and opened my eyes.

What waited for me though, was a completely different scene than I had expected. There were no marble floors or blue-white wallpapers. Instead oaken floors and dark green painted walls filled my view.

An older man was sipping on tea at the bedside. He was older with greying green hair. From his black jacket, burgundy vest and bow tie, I guessed he must have been a servant of sorts to a noble household.

Why was a servant waiting on me..? Before that, how did I even get here? The last thing I remembered was Darkie being…


I screamed as I remembered what happened to him.

The butler realised I woke up as he put down his cup of tea and stood from his seat. He smiled and said something that was probably meant to be soothing, but I was too panicked, looking around the room, to pay attention to him.

What happened to Darkie? Where am I? Who is this man?

He approached his hand toward my face but I dodged it before glaring at him. I was about to snap at him, but he raised his arms innocently. Probably to show that he didn‘t mean to hurt me. He took his hand and put it on his forehead as he spoke. Probably explaining the meaning of his action.

He looked like a nice old man… And this was a nice house after all. I was put in a nice bed and… My clothes have been changed? I am now wearing a flowery white and red sleeping gown.

These thoughts bounced in my head for a moment and when he approached his hand again, I let him do as he wished. With one hand he gently clasped the back of my head while the other gently pressed on my forehead. It felt cool and refreshing on my still aching head.

He made an exaggerated frown before taking off his hand. He grabbed a cup of tea from the tea set he had been drinking from just a moment ago. He filled it up and handed it to me. The cup felt warm in my hands and the flowery fumes tickled my nostrils. I slowly downed the liquid. I felt my eyes lose their dryness, the burning sensation in my throat dwindled slightly, and the buzzing in my skull also slowed to a more tolerable level.

I felt my entire body relax and I closed my eyes for a moment. It’s alright. Everything is alright. I am safe for now. I can feel it.

When I opened them again, the butler offered more tea and I gladly accepted. As I sipped on the cup, he excused himself for a moment and left the room through the oak door.

Being alone in the room, I finally had time to take in my environment.

It was definitely a nobleman’s bedroom. The bed was large and soft, yes, but the room was also spacious. Large enough to accommodate a playroom or sitting area, but it looked like they were in the middle of moving.

For furnishing there was only a large wardrobe and dresser. These stood open and empty. Strewn across the room were different piles of drapes and sheets as well as packing crates and chests still sealed.

A large window gave unto the city, from my angle, I could see houses and people walking in the streets in the distance. We appeared to be inside a small estate flanked on all sides by other such estates. Was this the upper district I had heard about?

I sipped on my tea as I took in the view. After a while, the butler came back and from behind him, Jade rushed in and tackled me into a hug on the bed.

I hugged her back, relieved. If Jade was here, it truly must mean that I was finally safe. She broke the hug and looked me up and down.

-Are you okay? You’re not hurt or anything?-

She asked.

I shook my head.

-I’m okay. Just my throat that hurts a bit.-

She said something to the butler and this one nodded before heading out of the room. It was strange to see her act in such a familiar way with a complete stranger.

-Where are we, Jade?-

Jade looked at me and smiled.

-We’re at Sir ᐊshbȑk home! Isn’t it pretty?-

-Whose home?-

I don’t know many people’s name, and this was definitely not one of those I had grown familiar with.

-The man you met at the church! He also came at the orphanage that day… Ah… I mean… You know…-

The man from the church? The crying nobleman? But why…? I was still confused about exactly what had happened. It all seemed like a strange nightmare. One minute I was in the market, then the other I was in a stone room… And now I’m here. In a nobleman’s house. An almost stranger.

-We looked for you all over the city! We went to see F’ĺḉ and then Bishop F’lḋr decided to help us and then we met a kin! A real kin! He was the Archbishop of Scorn! Can you believe that? We met the Archbishop of your god! He had blue skin and, and…-

Jade proceeded to throw at me more information than I could process F’ĺḉ? Bishop F’lḋr? A Scorn Archbishop?

-Slow down, Jade! I don’t understand anything of what you’re talking about! Start from the beginning, but don’t skip the details this time!-

We then spent a long time talking about what happened yesterday. During that time, the butler came back with a honeyed concoction. He made me drink slowly as I continued speaking with Jade who had also been served a cup of tea. She looked a bit out of her element being served that way, but she took it with stride and nodded thankfully to the butler. This one looked at the quick movement of our hands with no lack of interest.

He politely interrupted our discussion a few times to ask questions to Jade regarding what the symbol meant which she happily explained to him as he repeated the symbols on his own hands as if to commit them to memory.

It was peculiar. Hare had offered on several occasions to teach the other kids how to learn our secret language, but they had all refused. Jade being the only exception of course. Now this perfect stranger wanted to learn it?

Jade’s story was also fascinating. I had never realised that the Scorn Kinsmann I had met the day of my baptism was a Bishop of the church! I was even more fascinated with the descriptions of the Kin Archkinsmann they had met. From her descriptions he must have looked a lot like Scorn herself.

-... And then Sir V’lᵍr slashed the mean lady’s hand and we were finally able to rescue you!-

As Jade recounted the end of their adventure, I clapped in excitement. It felt like a fairytale where I was rescued by adventurers in shining armor from a dark and dangerous dungeon. All throughout her story, she brings up over and over again the deeds of one red-haired golden eyed nobleman. He reminded me of the Hero from a book that Ela had read to me back at the estate… What was his name… Lionheart! Yeah that’s a good name! I couldn’t help but beam at the idea of Lionheart going on an adventure to fight evil knights and save me.

-He cut the evil lady’s hand off?!-

I asked, but she shook her head.

-No. It was more like a scratch… But it looked like it really hurt!-

I was slightly disappointed and angry to hear that the person who had ripped apart Darkie had gotten away with just a scratch on the hand… Which reminded me; what happened to Dar…

As I was about to ask, the door opened and I saw Lionheart enter followed by Hare. They both looked relieved to see me awake. Hare approached the bed and hugged me tightly.

-Are you feeling okay? Nothing hurts?-

He signed with a worried expression on his face.

I shook my head and his tense shoulders relaxed. Lionheart smiled and bowed respectfully at me which made me flustered. I didn’t know how I was supposed to react while sitting in bed. He turned to Jade and told her something. She nodded and turned to me.

-He said he’s really happy that you’re alright.-

Jade translated for me.

I bowed respectfully in return. Something seemed to cross Hare’s mind and he started digging in his bag. When he too his hand out, I couldn’t believe what he had between his finger. It was Darkie! He looked a bit different. There were new stitches and the paws were in a bit of a different direction, but it was definitely him!



Hare handed the bunny to him and held onto its small body with all my might.

[I was so scared, Darkie! I missed you! I thought that… That…]

“It’s okay, Silika! I’m all okay now!”

I smiled and wiped away my tears.

[Yes! You’re okay! I’m so glad!]

I hugged him for a moment until I felt all my tears dry away. When I looked up again, they all seemed to be talking about something.

-What’s going on?-

I asked Jade.

She hesitated for a moment before looking at Hare who also looked unsure. He said something to the Lionheart and this one answered with a confident nod and some words. Hare turned back to me.

-There’s… Something we have to discuss with you about, Silika. It’s important.-

I nodded.

You are reading story My Quiet Life at

The room felt a bit tense. Not in an angry or sad way. It was a different feeling, something more decisive. I couldn’t really describe it. Whatever it was, I was ready for anything.

The butler brought some chairs for them to sit on. Jade grabbed my hand and gave me one of her signature kind smiles. Whatever this was about, she seemed to want to tell me that it was all okay.

They got seated and the butler stepped out of the room. Hare looked at me, then to Lionheart, and then back at me.

-You know our friend Baron Ṃrsḥll ᐊshbȑk before, is that right?-

He asked as he indicated Lionheart.

I nodded happily. I had two conflicting images of the man in my mind. I had the image of a hero who had come to my rescue, but also the one of him crying by my side, but somehow, it made me feel closer to him. I had once been the one to be at his side in his time of difficulty and he had come to help me in mine.

-Baron ᐊshbȑk and I have been speaking… And after careful consideration... I would like to share with you what he wanted to ask of you. It’s a bit sudden, but really it makes sense that it comes up now. I hope you will think about it seriously, but don’t worry! We all care about you so whatever you decide it will be fine!-

Hare was going in circles. Unsure how to say what he meant, but as I didn’t know what it was all about, all I could do was nod along and smile.

-He is a very kind man and he really cares about people… About you… When you were kidnapped he…-

Jade interrupted Hare by placing a hand on his trembling finger. She looked him in the eyes and gave a meaningful nod. Hare took a deep breath and went for it.

My heart was beating hard in my chest. Uncertain of what was coming.

-Silika. Ṃrsḥll ᐊshbȑk, the man sitting beside me, would like to adopt you.-

It felt like a hollow bell had been rung and was now resonating through my whole body. I couldn’t describe what this emotion was. Was it joy? Excitement? Anger? Sadness? Confusion?

I was at a loss for words and looked at the people around me. Their faces were neither angry nor happy. They were determined. The man I had now taken to call Lionheart bent forward and clumsily moved his finger as he looked at me and talked.

-Silika, I know we don’t know each other well or for a long time.-

He gave a quick glance at Jade who nodded to confirm he had properly signed. He continued.

-But in this short time, you have completely changed my life. I would like to do the same for you.-

He took a deep breath.

-Will you become my daughter?-

I froze and looked at Jade.

What did this mean? What was happening? Becoming someone’s daughter? Did that mean he wanted to be my father? Could he do that even though I already had a father..? Hare said something to Lionheart and this one nodded, before stepping out of the room.

-Does that mean you don’t want me to live with you any more?-

I asked them. I could already feel the tears flooding my eyes again as I tried to wipe them away with my sleeve.

-NO! No no no no, not at all!-

Hare signed hurriedly.

-We just want you to be happy!-

I looked at Jade for help. I didn’t understand.

-It’s okay Silika, it’s your choice. Baron ᐊshbȑk really cares about you and he will take good care of you. I think you would be very happy here!-

She said with a soothing smile.

-Will you also come live here…?-

She shook her head at my question.

I felt the tears overflowing again.

-So I won’t ever see you again?-

Jade’s eyes grew and she shook her head vehemently while shaking her hands as well.

-No! Of course not! We will see each other all the time! I will come to play and you can come to play!-

I looked back and forth between her and Hare.


Hare said.

-I think you should accept.-

He signed with a serious look, seemingly at the surprise of Jade. Apparently she herself wasn’t so certain.

Hare continued.

-There are a lot of dangers out there. A lot of challenges as well. I thought I could handle them for you all on my own, but after yesterday I’m not so sure. My heart wants to tell you to stay with us, but my head knows that this isn’t what’s right. At the orphanage you will always be at risk of incidents like yesterday and although this time we were lucky, there’s no saying how things could have gone if this man had not shown up in our lives at the moment he did.-

He seemed to have trouble swallowing his saliva and his brows were sweating profusely.

-He is a noble. He is strong. He is smart and kind … Most importantly, he cares about you. Please consider it, Silika.-

He leaned back in his chair. Seemingly having finished. He stood up and also headed out of the room.

I looked at the other person in the room.


She had tears in her eyes.

Unable to say anything, she hugged me tightly. We stayed like that for a long moment. The cool wind blowing gently through the open window.

She separated from me.

-Whatever you choose, Silika, we will always be friends. Best friends! Forever!-

I nodded.

She smiled and stood up from the bed and also headed out through the door.

I looked down at Darkie tucked in my arms.

[What do you think? What should we do?]

I said as I raised him in front of my face. His yellow button eyes shining in the sun filtering through the window.

“I think you already know what you want.”

I nodded.

When they all came back to the room, I was standing in front of the bed still wearing the sleeping gown and holding Darkie in my arms.

Hare kneeled down in front of me.

-So. What is your decision Silika?-

I stared at them one at a time and took a deep breath.

Deep breath.

Everything will be alright.

[ I… ]

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