My Quiet Life

Chapter 59: 56. The Chase

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“Run, Silika! You have to keep running!”

[I know! I know! Keep running! Keep running!]

I repeated to myself.

It all had happened so fast. 

It had been quiet in the carriage at first, but while I was sitting on the floor waiting for whatever was going on to be sorted out, the door on the opposite side of carriage had suddenly opened and I had locked eyes with a monster. With red skin, four arms and horns protruding from its face, I had wanted to scream, but my throat had remained stubbornly closed.

At first, it had just watched me intently, as though considering how best it could eat me, but then a second monster had appeared at the door. It spoke two words to the other before its lips parted in a most terrifying smile. It slowly stepped onto the carriage and inched forward toward me.

I immediately started screaming. 

It tried to reach for my face with its long clawed fingers, but I pulled back, sending the other door of the carriage flying open. I started crawling back away on the hard ground as the enraged monster rushed forward to grab me, but just as it was about to get a hold of my heel, the clawed hand was sent flying. 

It took me a moment to register what was going on and notice the sword now where the hand at once been. At the other extremity, holding it,  was the knight from earlier. He looked at me for a moment, a relieved expression on his face. He turned back to the screaming monster and lobbed its head off with a single smooth motion of the sword. 

I was shocked for a moment before a lump came up my throat as I immediately threw up the entire content of my stomach. 

What did I just see..? Did he… Did he just… Kill it..?

I had never seen anything like it before.

Still shocked, I  felt frozen in place. The knight started walking back toward me, but did not notice the other monster behind him. An expression of pure rage drew itself on its face.

I need to tell the knight. I need to tell him. 

I tried to lift my hand and point but it was trembling too much. I couldn’t even release the tuff of grass stuck in my palm. The knight walked toward me as he sheathed his sword. The creature slowly emerged from the shadow of the carriage raising its claw to strike at him.

No no no no no no no!

The knight took me by the arm and slowly lifted me back to my feet as my eyes were still locked with the creatures barely a few feet behind him.

I need to do something. now!

With enormous strength I managed to lift my arm and point at it and with shaky lips I forced sounds out of my throat.

[T– Th– There!!!]

I finally screamed just in time for the knight to turn around and spot the monster. He pushed me backward and tried to pull his blade form his scabbard, but the monster was too quick and slashed him across the chest. 

I stumbled backward, my eyes locked on the two of them.

Did he…


Did the lieutenant just…


Realising Darkie was talking to me, I looked down at its small shape underneath my arm.

“Silika! Run!”

Just as he said that the creature looked up from the knight and toward me. The stiffness in my legs released me and my heart started beating incredibly fast.

I ran. 

I ran as quickly as my legs would allow through the rocky hills. 

I glanced back and saw it chasing after me through the tall grass. There was only a small distance between us. One wrong step and I would be done for.

The monster’s legs were short and its arms bulky so it was having a hard time keeping up, but it didn’t look tired.

I tried to lose him, but no matter how many time I ducked behind rocks and ran through tall grasses it kept finding me.

It felt like he had been chasing me for an eternity, I was running out of breath, but as I rounded a large boulder, a spec of hopes appeared in the horizon.

One of the many ruins that dotted the landscape was within reach. I don’t know what I expected to find there, but its castle shape alone spoke safety to my mind. 

I began running up the short hill to the collapsed gate, not even bothering to look back, knowing very well that the monster was hot on my tail.

I crossed the threshold into courtyard. The walls were crumbling, but still kept most of their shapel. I ran up the broken steps and went along the length of the wall that led toward the husk of a keep.

As I crossed a arched doorway, I  glanced back momentarily, just in time to see him run up the stairs up the rampart.

I ran down a hallway, the building was roofless, and many of the floors had long caved-in, but there were still many somewhat functional rooms and hallways. 

After climbing up some stairs, I took the time to catch my breath, I couldn’t keep running like this. I needed to do something. 

I looked down from my second floor perch and was surprised to see the monster roam the lower floors. Luckily, it seemed to have lost sight of me temporarily, but now what? 

I didn’t have the confidence or energy to try to make a run for it anymore…

As I considered my option, I backed out from view and leaned against a wall when something sharp stung my back. Surprised, I turned around, but there was nothing there. I patted my back and found the culprit. I had completely forgotten, but inside my belt I still had my ferrous stone… 

I took it out the pouch and observed it for a moment.

Dad had told me that some people used their blessings to fight, so maybe I could do the same?, But how was I supposed to make use of this? It’s not like I can just throw it at the monster or make it turn into a hole…

I tried to lean against the wall again, but it started giving way under my weight. 

Reflexively, I pulled back before it gave way completely.

That was close. A little more and I would have got buried under the rubble…

Wait, could I use that? Maybe I could make the wall fall on the monster and crush it?

I once more glanced around the corner of the collapsed wall. Right behind it was the hallway where I had come from earlier. If I could somehow make the monster  go through here again, I could crush him under the wall! 

That would work wouldn’t it? But how would I know when he’s passing by? I can’t push the wall and see where he is at the same time…

…The ferrous stone! Yes, maybe I can use it to push the wall for me!

“But is it strong enough to do it?”

Darkie asked.

[Mmmh that’s true.]

I mumbled to myself.

I had never used the ferrous stone to move anything before. Maybe it’s really weak?

I looked around and found a lonely brick on the floor. I placed the ferrous stone underneath.

I crouched down and stared at it for a moment. I had never actually changed its shape without touching it before, but it has to be similar to when I was moving it, right? 

I focused on thestone. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I gathered my thoughts, I need to hate it. I need to want it to take another shape. I nodded to myself and opened my eyes again. I focused on the stone while thinking these thoughts and within a second, the ferrous stone rapidly turned into a long stick, launching the brick across the room through a hole in the brick wall.

I was thrilled for a second at the result, but suddenly realised that this must have made a lot of noise. 

I hurriedly took the Ferrous stone from the ground and stuffed it between two bricks on the wall. 

I started running back toward the stairs, but hesitated for a moment. 

What if it doesn’t work? What if the wall doesn’t fall fast enough? 

I looked down at Darkie, but he remained quiet.

What will happen if the wall doesn’t fall? Will I…

[Hey– Hey, Darkie?]

“What’s wrong, Silika?”

 I shook my head.

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[Nothing, nothing… But would you do something for me?]

“Sure! Anything!”

I extended my hands and placed Darkie on a small alcove looking over the room.

[Could you… Hum… Wait here for me for a few minutes? Just while I’m gone?]

“While you’re gone?”

[Yeah, just a few minutes.]

“Sure, Silika!”

I nodded and looked at him for a few seconds.

I… I really will be back in a few minutes. 

I could feel myself tearing up, but held it in. I took a deep breath and headed down the stairs. 

I hadn’t seen the monster in a few minutes, and luckily, he was nowhere in sight while I backtracked toward the entrance. I made sure the wall was really facing right above the hallway and was relieved to see that I hadn’t mixed it up.

I kept walking out of the building until I was back outside on top of the rampart.

I turned around and faced the doorway.

This is it.

I took a deep breath, but the air remained stuck in my throat. 

Should I really go through with my plan? Couldn’t I just run away right now? No looking back?

No. I’m too tired. 

If he spots me even just once, I don’t think I could outrun him again.

Bracing myself, I released the air from my lungs in what I hoped was a loud scream… And waited.

My heart beat wildly in my chest. I couldn’t be sure of anything right now. 

Had I screamed loud enough? Would my plan work? Was this the best course of action? 

All the while, my eyes remained fixed to the corner of the hallway. Every second made agonising by the knowledge that the monster could appear at any moment.

My eyes felt strained. I wanted to blink so bad, but I feared that I would somehow miss the monster and then it would be over before I could do anything.

Nervous and impatient I prepared to scream again, but it appeared. From the corner of the wall its ugly horned head emerged and it locked eyes with me. 

My mind went blank for a moment. 

It’s happening, it’s really really happening. 

The monster looked angry and annoyed from chasing me, but luckily it also seemed a bit tired. It observed me for a second, probably expecting me to flee again, but when I didn’t move a smile spread across its lips as it slowly walked towards me.

I felt my leg trembling. The urge to run was running through my entire body, but I squeezed my fists and bit my lip.

I need to wait until he reaches the right place, but for some reason he was taking his time. Looking at me with a mocking expression.

Perhaps thinking I was frozen in fear? Although I am very scared. So much I was starting my teeth would shatter from how much they were trembling.

Finally he set foot underneath the wall.

 My focus immediately turned to the the stone stuck between the bricks, as I kept an eye on the approaching monster. I imagined its square shaped and imagined shanging into a star, a stick… Any and all shapes. 

But the wall didn’t budge. 

I glanced down and noticed the monster was rapidly approaching. Time was running out.

As I tried my best not to panic, I brought back my focus to the wall. I imagined the ferrous stone taking all sort of shapes while hating  every aspect, but nothing happened.

My throat was turning dry. There wasn’t much time left. The monster would reach the archway soon.

I hate you! I hate you! Change shape! I thought as I tried to focus on my blessing, but I by the the monster who kept advancing, it wouldn’t be long before it would be too late. 

Sweat was building on my brow and my heart felt it was about to blow.


I finally screamed, but nothing happened.

My entire body suddenly felt cold. As though a bucket of ice had just been poured over me. I looked down.

The creature had stepped past the wall and through the door archway.

I– Failed? 

My brain was screaming harder than ever to run, but my legs wouldn’t respond. 

I should run. I knew that, but  my eyes were locked on the monster as it raised its arm either to grab me or strike me.

Just as the monster was about to strike, I felt a sudden breeze blow over me 

The monster stopped in its track. We were both looking at each other, as though time had stopped. It looked down and I followed its gaze down to its chest, but my vision was obstructed.

Separating us, floating 3 feet off the ground, was a sphere.

It was about the size of a fist and made entirerly of copper.There were some sort of writing, but it was partially covered by some kind viscous liquid. Before I could stare at it any longer, the monster collapsed and the ball flew back. 

I suddenly understood what the liquid on the ball had been. A gaping hole was visible in the center of the monster’s chest.

I felt sick thinking about the amount of blood I had seen today, but I tried to keep my composure, as I looked up toward where the ball had just flown back to. A woman and a man were making their way toward me, she was spindly and dressed in a light leather outfit while he was dressed in some sort of short black robes that covered his face, but my mind was elsewhere.

Still thinking about the monster… And the wall.

As they reached me, I saw them try to speak to me, but I simply walked past them. 

I had to know. I had to understand.

I went down the hallway, turned to the left, I could tell they were following me, but I ignored them. I went back up the stairs and picked up Darkie. I turned to the wall. Still standing, not even slightly tilted, and the ferrous stone still stuck between the bricks where i had left it.

I put my attention on the ferrous stone again. 

Immediately, the ferrous stone sprung into shape sending the bricks tumbling down violently.

A strange feeling developed itself in my chest. It wasn’t a feeling as simple as disappointment or frustration. It was stronger and deeper. A realisation that not only I had failed, yet had all the tools necessary to succeed.

I felt my knees turn weak and fell down. 

Jade’s word sprung to mind: 

“It isn't that the blessing is not working. The blessing will work. The issue is that you think it won't work.“

It slowly dawned on me that, if these strangers hadn’t save me, I would have died. It would have ended. No heroic standoffs. No epic fights like the knights in stories. The monsters would have raised its claw and struck me down. 

All because I had been too proud and confident. All because I never bothered to push myself and learn before it was too late.

I am a complete and utter failure. I didn’t deserve this. I didn’t deserve to be saved yet again. I should have died. I should…

I felt chhocked up. Warm tears starting to drip from my eyes. 

Through all this anger and drustraiton, I still felt relieved and happy.

That I was safe, that I was able to hold Darkie in my arms and that soon I will be back in my dad’s arms.

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