My Quiet Life

Chapter 65: 62. The man without a slit for a mouth

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As we waited in the sitting room of the mansion, I took out Darkie from my pocket.

[Hey, Darkie.]

“What’s up, Silika?”

[I’m scared…]

I hadn’t had the time to really think about it, but the person I was about to rely on was a stranger. Not only a stranger, but a scary one at that. One of the only people outside of… My before life… Who made me feel such raw disgust.

Although, now that I had gone down this route, there was no turning back. At least Pearl and Nose-bandage were with me…

“It’s going to be alright, Silika! If it was dangerous, dad wouldn’t have left you with the signet, would he? He probably thought you would be safer with it than without it!”

What Darkie said made a lot of sense. 

I can’t imagine dad purposely leaving me to face danger on my own. Although, danger did have a habit of finding me.

The door to the sitting room flung open and before I could see who was coming in, my companions stood up from their seats, blocking my view. 

Confused, I looked up at them, and realised they were bowing so their heads were at the same height as their shoulders. The same way Jade had taught me to do at the orphanage. 

I noticed a worried glance in my direction from Nose-Bandage. She probably noticed that I still hadn’t done the same, but I knew better than to do that.

I waited until the man who had just entered the room came into my field of vision. 

I was relieved to notice that he was not the same one as the man at the theatre, although I could tell they must have at least been family. Between their long dark green hair, crisped expression and sharp eyes there was no mistaking it. Although this man here had pale blue eyes instead of pink and, thankfully, had a normal looking mouth compared to the snake-like nobleman who had given me the signet.

Once the man faced me, he looked expectantly and, without a word, I stood up from my seat and carefully curtsied. 

This had been much easier when I had a dress to hold on to… 

Although I could see my companions staring at me strangely, I knew this was the right thing to do once I saw a smile flutter at the corner of the nobleman’s crisped lips.

I Mentally thanked Stash for his annoying and impromptu etiquette classes. 

The man took his seat and I followed his example. After a moment of hesitation nose-bandaged took her seat as well while urging Pearl to do the same. In the meantime, a servant came by and started pouring tea for everyone. When he put the delicate cup in my hand, I felt relieved at the familiar aroma of tea tickling my nostrils.

I took a long sip and felt the cold stiffness in my chest relax ever so slightly.

The man looked at me with an air of distant curiosity, but also something else. He wanted something out of this conversation. 

He spoke some words to me, startling me out of my contemplation. Not sure what I was being told, I glanced at Pearl, but he looked perplexed and his hands decidedly remained stuck to his laps. 

I nudged him, which seemed to take him out of whatever torpor had taken hold of him.

He began signing.

-His lordship introduced himself as Viscount |sl Prnm…-

I politely bowed and did my best to introduce myself.


The nobleman nodded followed by another flurry of words.

-Viscount Prnm wishes to confirm that you are truly Silika Ashbrook of Clotop.-

Of Clotop? It’s the first time I’m addressed that way, but the name is familiar as it was the one of our destination. Since dad was from there, it would make sense to say that I’m also from there, so I grunted approvingly.

The nobleman nodded and continued talking.

As the words came out of his mouth, I could see a strange expression appear on both Pearl and Nose-Bandage’s faces. It wasn’t a normal expression. Something between confusion, surprise and an ounce of fear… 

Perhaps they were anxious about being in this mansion? It wasn’t exactly the most hospitable looking place.

-The Viscount says that he’s aware of your condition, so he understands it may be difficult, but he would like to ask you some questions, is that alright.-

Aware of  my condition? Why would someone so far away from Evergreen know about my condition? Why would anyone know really?

I wish I could be the one asking questions, but that was something I rarely had the opportunity to, so I simply nodded.

-He asks from whom you received the signet?-

I felt my lips purse up.

That was a difficult to answer and completely annoying question. 

How do you say a name or describe someone without words? I scratched my head for a moment. I guess there weren’t a ton of things to say that didn’t also describe the Viscount as well… I really hope he doesn’t get too offended, there’s only so many ways I can explain.

I tried to point at my hair and then eyes to describe the strange man’s pink eyes. The next part though was a bit more difficult and there was only one way I could think of doing it.

I bit on my lips and pulled the corners on the corner of my mouth into what I hope looked like a strange grin, while doing my best impression of the strange man with a slit for a mouth.

The entire room stared at me as I held the pose. 

They didn’t talk or even move. Their expression stuck between mildly perplexed and down-right confused. 

I could feel a cold sweat trickle down my neck as the corner of my mouth began aching. 

Just as I was about to release my mouth out of embarrassment, the Viscount exploded in laughter.


He laughed so much, he started choking and a servant had to rush to him with a pitcher of water which the nobleman somehow managed to empty down his throat in one straight gulp.

“You should take note next time you have to swallow one of those medicine.”

Darkie whispered from his perch in my arms.

I let out an approving grunt and waited for the man to calm down his laughter.

When the man opened his mouth again, Pearl began signing.

-The Viscount is happy you’ve had such… a significant encounter with his brother.-

I could barely hold a grimace at Pearl’s words which eluded another round of laughter from our host.

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After this little back and forth, our host seemed to turn much more jovial and his following questions carried much less suspicion.

We slowly discussed my current circumstances. Although I couldn’t give much details, we were able to establish that I was separated from my father after our caravan was attacked.

He also inquired about my health, but despite telling him I felt fine, he still had a doctor come examine me. 

After being satisfied with his examination, the doctor tried to make me drink some strange concoction. I didn’t want to drink it and looked over toward Pearl and Nose-bandage who were still talking to the Viscount.

-It’s good for you. Drink.-

Pearl simply signed after Nose-bandage poked him.

“Alright, Silika! Do it like the Viscount did earlier! All in one gulp!”

Darkie encouraged me as I squeezed him tight for some courage.

I Squeezed the air out of my lungs and in one swift movement, I emptied the content of the mug… 

Which was a terrible idea as the content of the mug was piping hot.

I immediately started chocking on the drink and barely managed to swallow any of it out  before it came rushing up my nose.

The doctor immediately brought a handkerchief to my face and helped wipe me off.

-Uh… The Doctor says to drink slowly.-

I nodded at him, understanding that, clearly, I shouldn’t be downing hot liquids like a glass of milk.

[You’re a dummy, Darkie!]

“Sorry! Sorry! I thought it was a good idea…”

Before long, the conversation between my companions and the Viscount was over. Having understood the situation, the Viscount offered me his hospitality until I could be reunited with my father. After this conclusion, my companions stood up and bowed to the Viscount in thanks which I quickly imitated. 

When it comes to thanks, etiquettes are pretty much universal.

Pearl turned to me and smiled.

-So I guess this is goodbye.-

Uh? What does he mean by that?

Nose bandage, kneeled down and hugged me tightly. Wait why is she… Does that mean that… They’re leaving? Just like that? Without me? 

They’ll come back right? No… No if they were planning to come back, he wouldn’t have said it that way… 

They are probably leaving. Probably from the town entirely like we did yesterday and the day before that.

Why aren’t they staying here? I could just ask the Viscount if… No, that's impossible. 

I couldn’t even tell them I didn’t want to see them leave, how could I ever ask a stranger for a favor?

But how can  they just leave? I don’t want that!

I didn’t even say goodbye to the others yet! What about Squirrel? She was so nice to me! And tattoos? I thought he was scary at first, but it turned out he was very smart and its thanks to him that we came here! And what about half-baldy and the twins? I didn’t even have time to get to know them yet!

As Nose-bandage released me, I felt a pit in my stomach. As if something was now missing.

I wanted them to stay, but no matter how much my mind was running I couldn’t find a way to tell them and it frustrated me. I looked up, hoping she would understand what I was feeling, but all I saw was a pearly white smile as she softly pat my hair.

My eyes met hers and I understood she was truly happy for me. She wasn’t bitter or even relieved, but happy in its most simplistic form. She was so happy, in fact, that her cheeks lifted her bandage ever so slightly, revealing a strange scar, but I didn’t focus on that. I focused on her eyes and that feeling she conveyed.

She wasn’t sad we were being separated, nor frustrated, just glad I was finally going to be reunited with my dad. Why wasn’t I feeling that right now? Why was I being so silly and stubborn?

I shook head. I have to let go of this feeling. I don’t want to be bitter about the way we leave each other. If there was one thing I wanted them to feel, is how thankful I am… And there is one simple way of doing that.

I jumped forward and hugged a surprised Nose-bandage as hard as my arms would allow. When I was done squeezing her, I went to Pearl who was still standing and opened my arms expectantly. He looked around confused for a moment as Nose-bandage prompted him to crouch down. It wasn’t until I jumped and wrapped my arms around his chest that he understood and wrapped his arms around me as well.

I was still sad about seeing my new friends go, but at least, I would now be able to look back on this moment as a happy memory.

The Viscount and I then walked them to the door where a servant delivered them a pouch and a piece of paper which I assumed must have been a reward of sort. 

I also wish I could have given them something but I didn’t have much to give…

If I was older, I probably would have had some gold or even a signet, but right not, I only had the clothes on my back and I couldn’t well give them Darkie. He would be very angry with me and I would miss him…

Ah but there is a thing I can give!

I ran  to them in a hurry just as they were about to leave through the door. 

They looked at me confused as I stood in front of them, looking around wildly for something.


It sounded like something they would like but I need… Oh!  

I noticed a knife on the table by the door, probably usually used to clean boots, but it would do the job. 

I grabbed it. Everyone seemed to panick for a moment as I brought the tool close to my face, but it didn’t stop me.

With one sharp movement, I cut off a long tuff of my hai. I looked at the long pink strands in my hand for a moment before extending them toward my friends. 

On many occasion, they said I had very soft hair. I know it isn’t much, but it was the least I could give them. Maybe something to remember me by at least.

Nose-bandage looked confused for a moment, but then smiled. She delicately accepted the strands of hair I offered and placed them in Pearl’s hand who also let a small smile appear from underneath his hood.

He pat my head one last time and signed what I had wanted to tell.

-Take care of yourself, Silika. We’ll see you again!-

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