My second chance in a strange reverse world!

Chapter 3: Chapter 3: Magnum opus

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I wasn't particularly skilled in the kitchen, but something as simple as breakfast should be a piece of cake, right? I walked into the kitchen, slightly surprised that our appliances were a little more sophisticated than I remembered, or so it appeared.

Should I cook eggs and bacon?

My gaze was drawn to the imposing black and white refrigerator, its massive double doors. I decided it would be prudent to inspect the contents of the refrigerator before making any decisions, so I approached it and swung open the doors, feeling a blast of cold air wash over me and send shivers down my spine.

"They should raise the temperature, this cold will freeze the food," I reasoned, but no matter how hard I looked for a button or something to make the refrigerator not as cold as Antarctica, I couldn't find it. " Strange."

I was also surprised at the amount of canned drinks in the fridge, I almost thought I had made a mistake when I opened it. Beers and colas made up the majority of our supplies, which was odd given that no one in my family drank beer.

Finally, I frowned but took what I needed: eggs, and bacon. I happily walked over to the stove, which looked exactly like a recent electric stove, which surprised me slightly because they weren't that common in this day and age. Or so I thought.

"Huh... how did this turn on?" I muttered, crouching down and searching for a touch panel or switch. It should be here, shouldn't it? I tapped idly around the stove, when the sound of the door opening caught my attention.

"What are you up to, big bro?" A sleepy voice from across the kitchen inquired.

I noticed my younger sister Luna rubbing her eyes with her delicate hands, her delicate features contorting into a yawn as I turned my gaze towards the door. Her nightgown, while slightly too short and ill-fitting for her petite figure, couldn't take away from her striking beauty, her face nothing short of captivating.

Was she seventeen now? She was quite energetic, but she almost always woke up late from staying up late on her cell phone. A smile spread across my face as I remembered my time with her in the previous world, when she was always glued to me before I started making bad decisions.

I believe we were still close at this point, perhaps not as close as in our younger days, but we still talked and hung out together. I was always closer to her because I was only a year older than her, as opposed to Nola, my older sister, who was five years older than me.

I remembered the disappointed looks she gave me in the future, but pushed those thoughts aside.

Luna cocked her head to one side, causing her long black hair to move with her. “Alex?”

"I'm sorry, Luna, I was just about to make breakfast." I pushed the melancholy, self-critical thoughts away. I was having a problem right now, and it was humiliating not knowing how to light a stove. "But is there a problem with the stove?" I finally sighed, giving her an awkward smile.

She approached me, extending her slender white hand and placing it near the stove's burners. A green digital panel lit up after a few seconds, and she pressed a button on it. The previously matte black side of the stove's top was transformed into a bright orange with a circular shape. She nodded and turned to face me, her beautiful golden eyes darting over my body, gracefully avoiding my chest and legs.

"It's not defective. Big bro. Are you sick?"  Luna inquired worriedly.

"I don't think so..." I replied hesitantly, somewhat fearful of the unfamiliar technology.

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"You don't have to cook if you're not feeling well. I can do something as simple as breakfast despite the fact that I am a woman.“ She laughed at the end, as if she were making a joke.

I laughed along with her, albeit a little puzzledly. "There is no doubt about it." I placed a hand on her head, attempting to pat her as I had done so many times in the past. "Don't worry, I can handle it on my own."

I gently stroked her head, overjoyed to be able to do this again. Her long black hair felt silky against my fingertips, and a pleasant fragrance wafted up to my nose. It was a soothing sensation.

My little sister's eyes widened slightly, but she quickly put on a happy, beautiful smile. Her upward glance, with a slight blush on her cheeks, was a punch of tenderness straight to my heart.

"Go get dressed, I'll prepare breakfast" I said. I turned, heading towards the bookshelf, looking for some pan to cook in.

"Are you sure?" Luna asked reluctantly.

"Of course!" I saluted with a spatula, "I'm pretty good at cooking," I said, and even though she could tell it was just me bragging, she laughed.

My smile faded as Luna emerged from the kitchen. I approached the stove with a frown and placed my hand where she had placed it, moved what I thought was the temperature regulator a little, and it followed my instructions, but no matter how much I touched it, it wouldn't turn off. This was strange and concerning. The changes I've noticed have me wondering if I'm really time traveling.

"Let's not think about that for the time being," I said to myself, smiling self-deprecatingly as I realized that old habits die hard; I did what I always did when I had a problem: I ignored it until it was too late.

I sighed and began cooking, my cheerful and happy mood beginning to fade, but I did my best to maintain a positive attitude. Regardless of the changes, this is still my family, and I will succeed in this second chance, giving them the life they deserve.

When I dropped the bacon on top of it, the pan made a satisfying cooking sound; while I was no expert cook, something like this was a piece of cake.

Once I had finished cooking, the stove went out suddenly, but I had finished using it, so I made a mental note to ask about its operation later. 

I placed all the food on some plates and opened the kitchen door to the dining room. The table, able to seat six people, was adorned with a pristine white tablecloth and was, in general, a typical dining table. I set the plates at their respective seats and smiled.

I took a few steps back to admire my work, and after carefully inspecting the table, I nodded in satisfaction. This was unquestionably my magnum opus; not to brag, but I took the time to make each dish as presentable as possible; the taste may not have been the best, but it looked good.

This is a good way to start my second chance.

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