My second life as a dungeon

Chapter 21: Chapter 20 – Building the third floor

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As I woke up I felt as if all the exhaustion of the past week had happened to someone else as I was super energetic and raring to go. I wanted to immediately start building my third floor but I had promised Val that we were going to celebrate getting our classes as soon as we got back and I felt like I was going to be busy for a while once I got started on the next floor.

I got up and walked over to Val’s room before knocking on her door, I heard some movement coming from the room for a minute until Val called out to me ‘Come in.’ as I walked into the room I realised that I must have woken Val up as she looked quite sleepy and her hair, which was now starting to go below her ears, was incredibly messy.

‘So I have been thinking about what we could do as a celebration’ I said, a little embarrassed about my idea, unfortunately I couldn’t come up with anything better to do, ‘I wasn’t really sure what to do since there isn’t much to do about here when I had a thought. Would you like to have a picnic?’ I kind of felt like I was back in secondary school asking a girl out on a date.

‘Of course, That sounds like a wonderful idea!’ Val exclaimed excitedly, she then looked around for something before turning to me ‘um, could you make me a dress please? I don’t have anything nice that would be good for a picnic. It can just be anything that you think would look good on me.’

‘I am happy that you like my idea, yeah I can make you something.’ I said before concentrating for a second as I materialised a light green dress, it went up to the neck and had long sleeves that expanded from the elbow down until it reached the wrist. The skirt went ¾ down her legs and was billowy so that it would spin around if she did or it would blow around in the wind. As I handed it to her I could tell she liked it from the happy expression on her face ‘I’ll let you put this on as I get everything else ready.’  

Ten minutes later and we were walking out of the portal and in the opposite direction of the guild. I had a basket with a cover on it in one arm and one of Val’s arm wrapped around my other arm as we were walking. The day was great to have a picnic as the sky was clear and it wasn’t too cold. Eventually we found the perfect spot for our picnic so I unwrapped the basket and put the blanket on the floor before placing the basket on it and sitting down with Val deciding to sit next to me.

The basket had a variety of food in it. It had a couple of sandwiches with different fillings, there was a fruit salad with grapes, blackberries and strawberries among other berries, a handful of small sausage rolls and a couple small pork pies. It also had a bottle of blackcurrant juice and a pair of glasses in it. ‘This is some food that we would take on picnics where I am from.’ I said a little sheepishly, ‘I hope you like it.’

‘It looks lovely’ Val said as she started to dig in. We spent a few hours slowly eating everything that I had brought as we chatted about anything that was on our minds. Eventually I told Val to turn away from me so that I could comb her hair until it was tidy. Once we were both full and had run out of things to talk about we returned to the dungeon and said our goodbyes.

With a full stomach and a happy feeling I started the construction of my third floor, the first step of that process was to absorb all of the materials we had gathered on our expedition. As I did this a notification popped up but instead of dismissing it I let it stay until I was finished.

Absorbing monster materials…
[Goblin] template learned…
[Goblin archer] added to the [Goblin] template…

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[Goblin warrior] added to the [Goblin] template…
[Hobgoblin] Template learned…

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