My second life as a dungeon

Chapter 25: Chapter 22 – Emergency Quest starts

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It had been about a month since my dungeon was speedran by some maniac and I was sitting on a stump next to Val while practicing creating flowers with my [Minor Nature Magic] and waiting for the rest of the raid party to get ready. A lot had happened in the past month, I got a lot better at mana manipulation and even unlocked a few new spells, my dungeon was now regularly getting dived to the point that all of the instances were full pretty much all day and night, these two things put together pushed me over to level 9 a couple days ago. The day after I got back and told the guild about the goblin village they sent a proper scouting party to verify my claims and to see what would be necessary to take it down.

As soon as the party got back they sent out an emergency quest listing to all the local branches that were close enough to respond to it, due to this a bunch of adventurers that wouldn’t come out this way had turned up. Yesterday enough of adventurers had shown up that the guild representative felt like it was time to go, if they waited too long then the village would grow and the issue would get worse plus most adventurers that were going to show up would have shown up by now. When they sent out the listing they asked me and Val if we wanted to join the raid since we were the ones that reported it and we both were happy to come along.

The way emergency quests like this worked is any adventurer could join, no matter the level they were, but you would be assigned a certain job depending on your level and the quest difficulty. This quest was a relative easy one but stuff could still go wrong so anyone under level 20, me and Val included, that joined would end up in the ‘scout’ role. Their job would be to get rid of any of the weaker monsters on the way there and to stop any runaway monsters from escaping. In total there was around twenty two scouts taking part, me, Val and five other parties of four.

Next any adventurers between 20 and 50 fell into the ‘vanguard’ role, their job is to be the frontline when we got to the village. This role would have the highest risk but they would also be getting the highest proportion of the loot and experience so it was still enticing to a lot of parties. From what I could tell there were around fifteen full parties that fell into this role but I had no idea what the average level for this group was. Finally, any adventurers taking part over level 50 would be the ‘trump card’ their role would be to take care of whatever created this situation, in this case that would be either a [goblin king] or a [goblin emperor] and at the end they would get whatever loot it dropped plus a small proportion of the overall loot.

Since this wasn’t as enticing as the ‘vanguard’ role and whoever showed up would have to work with any else that was part of this group only one party in the raid fell into this group. This group was a party of four adventurers with an average level around 60 that called themselves the Red Rubies and were very memorable. The one that drew my attention first was what looked to be a Dragonborn magitech scientist as they were covered in gadgets and gizmos, the two most noticeable being a bracelet that emanated a red barrier around them and a metallic arm. They had no hair on their head, wore goggle over their eyes and wore a long white coat over plain clothes.  

Next is an Orcish Monk, he had well defined muscles, tusks that went from his lower jaw to the sides of his nose, completely bald and was only wearing a red vest and shorts that had gold trim over his blue skin, other than that he wasn’t carrying anything other than a backpack so I assumed he fought with his fists and feet. Second to last is what a mage of some sort, I couldn’t tell what race or gender they were as they wore a fancy robe that completely covered them, it was red with a gold trim like the rest of the group but the trim on this had symbols that I couldn’t read sowed into them, their arcane focus was a short metallic staff that they used as a walking cane.

The last member of this group is a half Orc Cleric, he was wearing heavy armour that looked like it weighed a ton and was also in the same red with gold trim colours that the other members wore, they wore a necklace that went over the breastplate and had a symbol to some god that I didn’t recognise, his weapon of choice was a mace that he carried on his side. Overall the party looked quite intimidating and it was quite easy to tell that they worked together although I don’t know if they chose this look to be more noticeable as a unit or if they all originated from the same place which used those colours.

‘How are you feeling about all this.’ I asked Val, having finished looking over the group I decided to check in on her ‘I know you were happy to accept the quest before but that was almost a month ago now.’

‘A bit nervous but as long as we just stick to our role and nothing too strong ends up running our way it should be fine.’ Val answered nervously, she has been busy over the past month as well. She unlocked even more spells than I have and her mana control is amazing for the amount of time she has been able to manipulate mana, I may have been joking slightly before when I said that she a prodigy but over the past month I had started to really believe it, thanks to this she had reached level 9 a week before I did. Our pact had also started to show plenty of effects as her body was noticeably more feminine to the point that, if you didn’t know what she had looked like when I met her, you would guess she was androgynous by looking at her. These two things put together has made her quite a bit more confident, although she still has a long way to go.

‘I am sure everything will be fine,’ I said, trying to calm her nerves ‘we won’t be alone so if anything bad happens we will have backup.’ At this point I saw that almost everyone was here so I had a final check to make sure I had everything I needed, I had the usual equipment but this time I carried 20 arrows in my quiver with a spare 20 in my bag and both me and Val had a small pouch that carried two mana potions and two healing potions each, in case there were any emergencies. Happy that I had everything I would need I got up and walked over to the meetup point where everyone else was with Val following close behind me.

It only took about ten minutes of waiting before everyone had arrived and we set off with the scouts at the front, as we walked the atmosphere was mostly jovial and cheery as a bunch of people joked and chatted with their party members. Goblins tended to be weak monsters and any stronger goblins would be dealt with by the stronger members of the raid so no one was too worried about it. That said everyone kept to themselves, either not wanting to mingle with the other groups or wanting to but to worried about being a bother that they stayed to their own parties.

We travelled through the day and came across a few squads of goblins but they were quickly dealt with by the closest scouting party, by the end of the day I had only fought two of the ten squads we found and one of them was with the aid of some other scouts I wasn’t annoyed by this since I was here to do a job not to gain levels. Plus if I squabbled with any of the other adventurers then it might affect the mission.

The sun was setting by the time we made it about halfway to our destination, we were traveling slower than Val and I could on our own as we didn’t want to leave anyone behind, so we all set up our individual camps and rested for the night while a few people went on watch. Who went on watch and when was decided by a sort of lottery system where everyone would get into groups of five and then draw a stick with a number on it that corresponded to which watch you got, I got the last watch and Val got the second watch.

I was upset that I wouldn’t get to keep Val company while on watch but instead of stewing in annoyance I spent that time to make us both some breakfast for when she woke up. When the sun rose Val woke up and we quickly ate it before packing up our camp and continuing on our way with everyone else. This day we ended up fighting a lot more squads, by the end of the day most of these were the double squads and I even heard someone exclaim that they had managed to reach level ten. We managed to get to the village just as the sun was setting, unfortunately goblins had pretty good night vision so the guild representative decided that we would wait until sunrise and then attack with the sun behind us to give us the advantage.

That night we only rested for eight hours instead of the ten we rested for yesterday so that we could be ready and in position before the sun rose, anyone that didn’t like not getting their full eight hours of sleep would have to just deal with it. This time I got first watch and Val got the third watch, that night I didn’t have much to do so I just listened to the groups near me and the general atmosphere was a bit more nervous compared to last night, even though it was incredibly unlikely for anything to go wrong if it did then it would go wrong tomorrow and even if the mission is a success some people may lose their lives.

The next morning we all got ready under the moon and stars before getting into position. Since the cliff to the north stopped monsters fleeing that way and the vanguard stopped the monsters fleeing east the scouts spread out to the south and west of the village. The vanguard all lined up on the eastern side of the village with the Red Rubies behind all of them. With everyone ready a horn was sounded that told everyone that the raid had started.

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