My Sickly Body Is Overpowered

Chapter 2: Chapter Two – This Family Is Too Overprotective…

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I was currently sitting in the living room of my home, waiting for my parents to show up. I was drinking rather cold coffee, but I should be happy that they even gave me this. Chōko was going to give me warm milk, and I really didn’t want to drink something so childish.

  I needed to be seen seriously as I was going to ask my parents something that I know they won’t agree to easily. I asked Chōko to leave me alone to speak to my parents since I just knew she would have some thoughts as well regarding what I was going to ask.

  “Kana-chan! Papa is here with your mama!” My thoughts were cut short when the door to the living room was opened by my father. I still feel surprised to hear such an energetic voice coming from someone who looks so intimidating.

  My father was a big man who had noticeable muscles that were barely hidden by his clothes. He had a couple of tattoos that were hidden by his clothes, but there was one that reached up to his neck. There was also a huge scar over his left eye that just gave him the appearance of someone so tough. He had a buzz cut that was neatly done and his skin was a dark brown that made his purple eyes really stand out.

  But here is my father, who has a silly smile on his face as he walks over to me with a skip in his steps. You really can’t judge a person by their appearance… Especially regarding my mother, who was smaller than my father and looked so delicate.

  She had curly hair that reached to her shoulders and gave her a soft appearance. She had noticeable freckles on her light brown skin that just added to her charm. Yet her brown eyes were sharp and gave off an icy feeling. She was more intimidating than my father, if I am being honest. But she was looking at me with a soft expression that made me feel embarrassed.

  Both my parents sat on the couch across from me and looked directly at me, waiting for me to discuss the thing I called them here for. I took a deep breath in before I looked at them with serious eyes. 

  “Father, mother, I—!” Before I could finish my sentence, I was cut off by my father, who gave me a pout that was rather strange on his intimidating face.

  “Kana-chan, why are you talking so politely? Call us papa and mama!” My father let out a huff as he told me this and my eye twitched at this.

  “… Papa, mama, there is something I want to discuss with you that is really important…” my face felt hot when I addressed my parents like that. It was so childish, yet they looked so pleased with it.

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  “I want to get tested to see my level of magic.” As soon as I said that, my parents' expression got serious. The air felt tense as I waited for their response.

  “Kana-chan… That isn’t something you should worry about. All you should be concerned about is staying healthy.” My mother's voice was soft as she told me this and was looking at me with a gentle expression, but I didn’t give in.

  “I am worried about it and I want to learn my level of magic. I don’t want to be protected all the time. I also want to help in a way. Let me be useful in a way.” I lowered my head towards them and let it rest there as I waited for a response.

  “If that is what you want, then we won’t get in your way. We will set up an appointment with an official.” I raised my head quickly at my father's voice and the smile that was about to appear on my face disappeared when I saw the expression of my parents.

  They looked so reluctant in doing this, yet they were looking at me with teary eyes. For some reason, I had a feeling they were thinking something strange regarding the reason why I wanted to see the level of magic. I just needed them to know the reason why my body is so sick all the time and how they can improve my health.

  “You should know that we don’t care what people say about us. They are just jealous that we have such cute children and wish they got lucky like us. So no matter what, we will love you.” My mother wiped at her eyes as she said this and this confirmed my thoughts that my parents were misunderstanding my reasoning..

  “… Thanks. That's all I needed to discuss. I am going to head back to my room now.” My father stopped me when I tried to stand up from the couch. I looked at him confused and my expression became stiff when he called in Chōko.

  “Help Kana-chan to his room.” My father told this to her, and I tried not to roll my eyes at this. My room wasn’t that far away… I wasn’t that weak to walk by myself. I forced the words I had inside me to stay inside and had Chōko walk me to my room.

  I am happy that my parents are so protective and caring, but they should know I need to do things myself or else I will get spoiled. If I didn’t get my memories back from my past life, I just know I would be a timid and sheltered person who can’t do anything by himself.

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