My Skill Creation System

Chapter 13: Chapter 13 – Activate Berserker Form!

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Nathan heard footsteps in the distance. The steps of some monsters sounded like they were running faster than before.

Nathan stopped in his tracks.

“This time, it’s not just one monster, Luna.”

“Woah… That’s right, Master Nathan… Three monsters are coming… Woah… Master Nathan, can you face them all at once?” Luna screamed, flying wildly around him.

Nathan gripped his sword with both hands. He focused on himself, preparing for another battle that would soon meet him.

“I was thinking of trying the Berserker Form skill that I’ve been putting off for a moment. What do you think, Luna?”

“The Berserker Form will increase Master Nathan’s fighting ability effectively. If Master is convinced, maybe this is a good time to use it.”

The figures of three rat monsters were seen approaching. Their three pairs of red eyes moved swiftly as if to prey on their target.

“Activate Berserker Form!” Nathan whispered.

An instant burst of energy was felt in his heart. The energy flow instantly extended throughout his body.

“Argh….” Nathan groaned, feeling pain all over his body.

“Master Nathan. Are you alright?”

“I’m okay, Luna.”

Nathan gritted his teeth. There was a strange change in his body.

Nathan closed his eyes as the muscles in his arms instantly enlarged. His white hair also grew double.


[Healing process 34%]

“How dare these stupid monsters to want to attack me at the same time!!!!”

Nathan shouted, then slashed his sword aside.

“Kyaa...” Luna sped away as the sword almost hit her. Even though nothing would happen to her.

“Argghhh...!!!! I will finish them all at once!!!” Nathan gritted his teeth. Saliva dripped from his mouth.

[Healing process 74%]

“Kill! Kill! Kill!”

Nathan shot forward, welcoming the figure of a monster rat that was now right next to him.

One monster jumped at him, throwing a slash with its sharp claws. The screams of the monsters were deafening.

[Healing process 89%]

Nathan jumped to the side, dodging the monster’s attack. He threw a slash at the monster earlier, instantly leaving a slash mark on the monster’s body.

Nathan regained his senses.

[Healing process complete]

He lowered his head as another monster jumped at him. Nathan raised his body again and threw the monster away with his shoulder.

Nathan jumped back when a third monster also jumped at him.

“Arghgghhh!!!!” Nathan welcomed the last monster. He dodged nimbly. Twist quickly and deliver a slash with his sword. A sword slash that instantly left a deep wound.

[You’ve killed Swarm Rat Lv. 6]

[You received 27 experiences]

[Exp: 27/60]

Nathan turned his body, along with two other monsters that jumped at him.

Nathan could not escape. His body fell, but he had enough time to point the tip of his sword at the monster that fell on him. The sword instantly stabbed and pierced through the hairy and rotten body.

[You’ve killed Swarm Rat Lv. 5]

[You received 23 experiences]

[Exp: 50/60]

Nathan kicked the monster’s body, rolling through the puddles. Now his body was drenched in a mixture of mud and blood.

Nathan stood up nimbly. He prepared for another attack. But the last monster he thought would attack him floundered on the spot, belting.

Nathan didn’t delay in the slightest. He sped up nimbly and finished the monster with a sword slash that instantly cut off its head.

[You’ve killed Swarm Rat Lv. 5]

[You received 23 experiences]

[Level Up]

[Exp: 13/72]

[You received 6 stat points]

[You received 100 skill points]

Nathan ended his fight with a gasping breath. Sweat and blood could no longer be distinguished from his forehead. His body was mixed with the stench of the place. Even he could no longer feel the stench that had previously kept bothering him.

“Wow…. Master Nathan…. Luna was so tense that she froze when Master Nathan fought earlier….” Luna floated slowly towards him.

“Deactivate Berserker Form.”

Nathan dropped his body into a puddle of water. He leaned against the damp and wet cave wall.

“Is Master Nathan all right?” Luna floated in front of him with a worried face.

“Aha ha ha ha ha….” Nathan laughed loudly and echoed in the cave.

He then lowered his laughter, ending in a chuckle. He looked at Luna with a relieved-looking face.

“Is Master Nathan alright? Luna is worried.”

Nathan nodded, a smile clear on his face. “I think I got a slight wound.” He showed his left arm, which showed a scratch there.

“Master Nathan… Master Nathan… Is your sight okay? It’s okay, Master Nathan. This wound is not serious. We will heal it soon.”

“Yes, Luna. Don’t worry. I’m okay.”

Nathan checked the 3 bars on the bracelet he was wearing.

[Blue Bar (Mana): 70%]

[Green Bar (Energy): 30%]

[Yellow Bar (Will Power): 60%]

“The green and yellow bars flashed fastly when I used the skill earlier. It seems that the stamina I used to use this skill isn’t small.” Nathan explained, still trying to normalize his breathing.

Energy and Will Power are attributes that come from Stamina. Hunters were used to calling these two attributes Stamina to make it easier for them.

“Master Nathan, you’re still at level 3. That’s because your status is still too low. The skills you have are excellent. You will be fine, Master Nathan.”

Nathan smiled and nodded. “Thanks, Luna.”

Nathan stood back up. He looked back and checked the red cloak he was wearing. With that minimal light source, he ensured the cloak didn’t get dirty along with his clothes.

“Wow, the cloak wasn’t dirty by the fight? Really sophisticated.”

“E-hi hi hi hi… Although it doesn’t count as an artifact, it still has a very high value, Master Nathan.”

Nathan cleaves the chest of the three rat monsters. And only found 1 Monster Core.

He walked again. He tried to find a place not flooded by water and dry enough for him to use as a place to rest.

“Are there many valuables like this in that pocket dimension, Luna?”

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“Many, very much!”

“You sometimes go too far in explaining things. I’ll check it myself.”

Nathan found a place that was wider and not flooded. He walked to the corner and plopped himself down. He leaned back and controlled his breathing.

“I need time to recover my Energy and Will Power.”

Luna floated in front of him. “Master Nathan. What you’ve done so far is truly amazing. I’m sure we can get this over with faster than most people.”

Nathan raised his right hand, then muttered. “A bottle of water.” He intended to summon that thing from within his pocket dimension.

Nothing happened.

“Why didn’t it come out when I summoned?”

Luna chuckled. “Master Nathan kept the backpack intact. Therefore, it will not come out if it is summoned separately.”

Nathan then summoned the thermos of food that Edna had given him. He opened its contents and grabbed a bottle of drink from it.

He opened the bottle’s cap and splashed the water on his face. The fresh feeling instantly washed away the mud and blood marks on his face.

“I’ve never tasted water this fresh before.” He drank the water. Then smiled at Luna.

Luna chuckled. “But from what Luna noticed. Master Nathan is quite enjoying the expedition, isn’t it?”

Nathan was silent. He grabbed the plastic wrap filled with jerky and chewed it. The rotten smell in the cave did not in the least prevent him from enjoying the food.

He checked the time again and then realized that he had been there for three hours.

“Three hours? To think that time flies so fast.”

Nathan finished his snack time.

“Route Quests!” Nathan muttered under his breath.

[Skill Creation Route Quests]

[Barbarian Champion 2/10]

[Barbarians have insurmountable bravery and an almost inhuman set of abilities derived from rites of passage and special training. Fight fearlessly, face anyone who stands in your way, and make those who see your presence run in fear.]

[Kill 2 Elite Grade Monsters]


[-> 70,000 Skill Points]

[-> 1 New Skill Slot]

[Requirements: Beginner Rank]


[Treasure Hunter 1/10]


Information about the next quest of the Barbarian Route Quest has appeared there.

“So, I have to reach beginner rank first to do the second quest? Okay.”

Beginner rank will automatically be assigned to a hunter at level 51. The rank continues to Bronze at level 101, Silver at level 151, Gold at level 201, Platinum at level 251, Diamond at level 301, and Transcendent at level 401.

“That’s right, Master Nathan. But Master can do other quest routes. Or even open a new quest route.”

“But isn’t killing 2 elite monsters for a quest as low as this too much, Luna?”

Luna chuckled, “Suppose it was Luna who made it.”

“What can I say? This is already a great blessing for me.” Nathan nodded.

“I’m having a hard time because my Stamina stat is too low. Please use up all the stat points I have in Stamina, Luna.”

“All right….”

[12 Stat Points -> Stamina]

“Good. Now show me my Status Page.”


[Name: Nathan Gardner]

[Race: Half Human]

[Age: 15 years-old]

[Class: None]

[Title: None]

[Level: Unranked Lv. 3]

[Exp: 13/72]


[Strength: 20]

[Dexterity: 17]

[Agility: 18]

[Intelligence: 21]

[Constitution: 12]

[Stamina: 39]

[Stat Points: 0]


[Skill Creation System][+]

[Skill Creation Route Quests][+]




Nathan then checked the status bar on his bracelet again.

[Blue Bar (Mana): 70%]

[Green Bar (Energy): 50%]

[Yellow Bar (Will Power): 70%]

“Although it’s not clearly visible on this device, I feel my stamina recover more quickly.”

“And I’m thinking of making another skill that might make it easier for me to clear this dungeon faster. What do you think, Luna?”

“Woah… Yeay…. Luna loves it…. Luna was very enthusiastic whenever Master Nathan wanted to create a new skill. Has Master Nathan thought about what skill you are going to make?”

Nathan nodded. “Please, create a new skill.”

A digital window, a skill creation window, appeared in front of him.


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