My Soul card is a Reaper

Chapter 307: The Secret Of Time Traveling Is Out?

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Faraway, in the direction where she was going, an enormous explosion of blue-colored energy with atleast a ten-kilometer radius was seen by her.

"Azzy…" Her expression turned into panic.

But, strangely, the explosion disappeared right away, leaving behind the dust in the air and the gust of wind was generated from the center of the explosion.

About a few minutes later, as she continued to rush towards the location, a heavy wind traveling about 250 km/hr hit her.

She crashed onto the ground a few hundred meters away with scratches on her body. Affea stood upon her feet and charged forward once again. 

It took her more than half an hour to reach the location where she found Azzy sitting in a cross-legged position while a mysterious old man was on the lookout.

"Azzy…" She screamed his name as she dashed forward.

The old man raised his hand, "don't disturb the kid."

"Who are you?" Affea turned wary. She never met this person in her life before.

"Me? I'm a simple graveyard keeper." The old man answered her with his eyes fixed on Azzy. He added, "By the way, who are you? What is your relation to this boy?"

"I'm Affea Snieca Night and he's my son," Affea answered right away. Her wariness didn't leave her because she didn't confirm whether this is an ally or an enemy.

The old man shook his head right away, "you are lying. Both of your energies don't match a bit."

"Look, I don't know who you are but if you are someone that my son was acquainted with, then, fine. If not, then, once he opens the eyes, I hope you will explain yourself why you are here, or else, I will have to suspect that you have other intentions…" Affea gave a stern warning to the mysterious old man and in response, only a chuckle escaped from the latter, "You emotion behind the words is pure. I guess you are family, after all. Anyway, let this child complete his refining, then, we'll talk."

Affea went near to Azzy and guard him, just in case this mysterious tried to abduct him. 

About another twenty minutes later, Azzy finally opened his eyes.

The first thing he did is to summon the soul card and looked at the numbers without paying attention to the surroundings.

"8,344,673" Azzy gasped in shock to see his soul power was expanded more than 10 times.

He rubbed his eyes and took a closer look at it and counted the digits once again, "seven digits… My soul power is really in 8 million. That means I'm near to rank-7, already?"

"Azzy…" Affea's call brought him to reality. 

"Aunt Affea…" His eyes fell on his foster mother. A trace of surprise appeared on his face. He stood up on his feet, "What are you doing here?"

"I came looking for you, what else?" She instantly hugged him while tears welled up in her eyes, "Why did you run off on your own. I was so worried."

"Sorry." Azzy slowly apologized to her while looking down. Even though it's only been a few months he had spent with Affea, for him, even his own biological parents can't replace her existence.

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"Sorry to interrupt your family reunion but I need an answer to my question." A familiar yet unfamiliar voice shifted Azzy's attention towards the source of the sound.

"Eh?" He saw the familiar graveyard keeper he met a couple of times in the future timeline is now staring at him while stroking the beard.

"You can't run anywhere now, Azrael." The Reaper's voice echoed in his head, all of a sudden. "Out of all the people, you had to encounter one person who you shouldn't have come across."

"What are you talking about?" Azzy fell confused. 

"This child has the brand of Thanatos and also possesses the death energy, although it is a given, not born with it. He can sense the death energy inside of you. We should now see whether he can find out your real identity." As the Reaper give him a bit of clarification, Azzy walked towards the old man and stopped a few feet away from him.

Taking advantage of emotionless expression, he asked the old man, "Do I know you, mister?"

Affea furrowed her brows when she heard that. She immediately rushed forward and grabbed Azzy before looking at Pierre Garcia, "it looks like you are a stranger, after all. Now, answer me. What are you doing here? I highly doubt you are a passerby."

Pierre Garcia answered, "No, the explosion of cosmic energy brought me here. Anyway, I have one question that I need an answer to. After that, I'll be on my way."

"What is it?" Azzy asked him.

The death clan's ancestor responded by snapping his fingers and then, opened his mouth, "Your soul energy is quite identical to the mysterious young man I just met a while ago. You are from the future, aren't you?"

Azzy's heart skipped a beat for a moment as his greatest secret was out just like the Reaper warned earlier.

Upon hearing it, the Reaper couldn't help but curse out, "That damn brat must be the one who also brought this servant of the death god. Azrael's future self is a really troublesome fellow.

But, it doesn't matter. Azrael is close to making another breakthrough. Once he enters the Exalt realm and returns to the present, none of this would matter.

Meanwhile, all the restrictions on me would disappear. Then, I won't have to worry about the probabilities of the future.

The timeline is malleable anyway. All I need to make sure to not mess up the timeline for the rest of the universe while changing the kid's future. Even if someone becomes the victim by mistake, it's alright. I will talk to Thanatos and let them reincarnate quickly. After all, it's for the greater good."

The Reaper then gave a piece of advice to Azzy. "Just speak exactly what am I about to tell you…"

The latter was surprised by the suggestion but trusting his Arcana spirit, he looked straight into the eyes of the old man, "Maybe, I'm from the future or maybe, I'm not. Truth to be told, I'm not sure. I don't remember most of my memories before the age of 12. All I know is that I'm from Southern Qudour and I'm an orphan.

However, I did meet with the older me who claimed that he was from the future. He informed me that I'm the descendant of Death Clan's founder. This is everything I know."

Azzy's reply brought a trace of surprise even on Pierre Garcia. He didn't expect such a reply.

He fell into thoughts, "According to his words, his future self has the power to time travel. According to Qridus, the time traveler is not only the descendant of the clan but is also the future clan head. On top of that, his younger self is living somewhere.

So, that would mean this kid might not be related to Vesyrn at all? Is that the case? The death energy inside him is evident that he was blessed by Lord Thanatos just like me. Should I contact the death domain? No, a while ago, a reaper from the hell informed that Lord Thanatos is losing his mind, lately.

Let's ask Qridus to keep an eye on this kid."

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