My Supernatural Life of Leisure

Chapter 1: 1: : A new life in a parallel world

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   Ling Ling Ling...

   The alarm sounded in the silent room.

Lin Fei opened his eyes in a daze, and turned off the alarm clock beside the bed. He yawned, lifted the quilt and got out of the bed. He came to the window and opened the curtains. The golden sunlight suddenly poured in. Inside the room.

   Lin Fei stood by the window and stared into the distance. Although it was only 7:30 in the morning, there were already a lot of pedestrians outside, and everyone was busy starting a new day.

   "It has been 19 years since I came to this world" Lin Fei said softly.

   If someone who knows Lin Fei hears what he says at this time, he will be surprised and funny and say to him, "Sleep silly! You are 22 years old. What does it mean to be in this world for 19 years?"

   Lin Fei is not confused. In fact, he has a secret buried in his heart, a secret he will never tell in his life.

  Lin Fei, he is not actually a person in this world. The planet he used to be on was called the Earth, and this planet was called the Blue Star. The history has also undergone tremendous changes. It is a parallel world!

   Lin Fei's journey into this world is nothing special. He woke up after a sleep and came to this world.

   Lin Fei’s family was happy in his previous life. After graduating from university, I found a stable job. After a few years of preparation, I went to blind date and got married. I spent my whole life so plainly. I didn’t expect to wake up to this strange world.

   When Lin Fei opened his eyes, he found that he had changed back to the way he was when he was 3 years old. He thought it was a dream, but the facts told him that all of this was true.

   Lin Fei in the parallel world is very unfortunate. His parents are company executives. They went on a business trip to the United States together. When they returned to China, the plane crashed, leaving the young Lin Fei with his grandfather.

   After understanding the situation at the time, Lin Fei was very reticent for a period of time. Fortunately, Xiao Lin Fei was also reticent at the time. No one thought it was strange. In the years that followed, Lin Fei carefully understood the world.

   Tick the bell, the phone rang, pulling Lin Fei's thoughts back from the memory.

   Lin Fei picked up his mobile phone and said, "Hey!"

   "Good morning Lin Fei, it's Wang Xiaoru." A soft voice came from the phone.

   "Well, it's Xiaoru! What can I do if you call me early in the morning?"

   "Lin Fei, it's like this. It will be time to pay the rent in two days. Recently, due to something wrong, I am a bit tight on hand. I want to pay the rent one month later. I will pay the salary next month."

   "Uh, that's a small matter! Xiaoru, what are you doing so politely with me? When will you have a lot of money, and when will you give it to me? Is there anything else?"

   "No more, thank you!"

   "That's fine, let's do this first! I have something to go out."

"okay bye."

   "Xiao Ru! I have said it. Just tell him on WeChat. You have to make a phone call. We have known him for so many years." Zhou Yue said lazily while lying on the sofa.

The woman who said this was very beautiful, with a charming face, long legs, and a bumpy figure. At this time, she was wearing a camisole and short shorts. The strong cost made the camisole bulge and squeeze. There is a gully that can't be seen to the bottom, which is very eye-catching. If there is a man here, he will definitely be reluctant to take his eyes back at a glance.

Wang Xiaoru gave Zhou Yue a white look, and said angrily, "If I don't pay you back the credit card, do I use this phone call to Lin Fei?" The woman who said this was also a beautiful woman with an oval face and a stature. It's not as hot as last week, but it's also in perfect proportions. The place that should be big is big, and the place that should be upturned. At this time, she is wearing a nightdress like the big sister next door.

   Zhouyue saw Wang Xiaoru being angry, and immediately got up and flew over to hug her, "Xiao Ruru, I was wrong, don't be angry! Next time I will never do this again, I will chop my hands like this again."

   "Huh! Next time, I will perform hand chop." Wang Xiaoru deliberately put on a fierce look.

   "Are you really willing to chop my hand? I am your Xiaoyueyue! We are good classmates from kindergarten, elementary school, junior high school, high school and university, and good girlfriends!"

   "It's really numb, return my Xiaoyueyue, get up and drive soon, I'm going to prepare breakfast, and go to work after eating."

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   "Oh, you don't know to pity me, if it's the men outside, hum~

You said, I’m going to find a boyfriend, so that I don’t have to worry about paying back my credit card every month. What do you think of Lin Fei? Although he is not very handsome, he is handsome. The key is his good character. Unlike the men outside, those men's eyes glow when they see me, which is really annoying.

  Although I am a few years older than him, there is one thing I said. Female junior, holding gold bricks. I'll suffer a bit and make him cheaper. "Zhou Yue said jokingly.

   "Don't be nervous, go wash and get ready for breakfast." Wang Xiaoru said.

   Hanging up the phone, Lin Fei opened his hands and took a deep breath, patted his face, "Energetic, a new day has begun, don't be addicted to memories."

Walked into the bathroom to wash, then went into the kitchen to heat a glass of milk for myself, and fried two eggs. Breakfast was completed like this. While eating breakfast, he checked Weibo or read the circle of friends. Lin Fei’s day So it started.

   After breakfast, Lin Fei got up and left home and hurried to the fruit wholesale market in Rongcheng. He has several business deals today.

   An hour later, Lin Fei arrived at a warehouse area not far from the fruit wholesale market, where Lin Fei bought a 500 square meter warehouse.

   When Lin Fei was 16 years old, his grandfather passed away and he was also his only relative in this world.

At the time of 16 years old, he was sad for his grandfather's death for a long time. Because he couldn't return to the previous world, he decided to live here peacefully. Grandpa cared and loved him very much, let him live in this strange world. Feeling warm, but unfortunately the commonality of birth, old age, sickness and death, even in this world with supernatural powers cannot prevent a person from leaving after the end of his life.

   After being depressed for a while, Lin Fei regained his spirits and began to plan his future life, because he knew that the grandfather who had left would be sad to see him depressed forever.

After living in this world for so many years, Lin Fei did not let others discover that he has a power, because others have only one power, but he has several, starting at the age of 3, until the age of 13, he every year All awakened a power.

At first, he awakened the ability to make him happy, until the next year he was awakened by another ability that made him dumbfounded. If people know that he has more than one ability, he will be invited by the government to drink tea. By the way After being researched, he decided that he must not be exposed. Fortunately, the first power he awakened helped him hide everyone from him and solved the possibility of being discovered that he had power.

   His first ability is called concealment: hidden breath includes psionic energy.

In the years after   , he was really shocked and scared until he was numb. One ability a year made him happy, but he couldn't use it in front of others, and it would be finished if it was exposed.

This situation continued until the age of 13, and he was cautious about being asked to drink tea. He knew that normal people in this world would usually be tested for psionic power immediately after they were born. If so, afterwards In 16 years, the body is slowly nourished by psychic energy, and it is possible to awaken abilities at the age of 16.

Lin Fei awakened abilities at the age of 3 and also awakened multiple abilities. The situation has never happened again. Therefore, in order to avoid being taken away by the government for research, Lin Fei decisively chooses to conceal the fact that he has abilities. In the past life experience, only those who are the last one are the winners, so for the sake of their own good life, low-key, wretched development and other waves have become Lin Fei's central thought.

This kind of life lasted until his grandfather passed away. After that, Lin Fei rethinks his life. At the age of 16, he has mastered all his abilities. According to his investigation of the strength of some abilities, he already has a certain degree of his own strength. Understand, that is, as long as he doesn't swagger and don't conflict with the government, there shouldn't be any problems, so he decided the future development route based on his second ability.

Lin Fei’s second ability is called Dimensional Space: It exists in a small space that only belongs to him in a different Time is static in the space, and living things cannot be stored. The initial space is 1000 cubic meters, every 365 days. Automatically expand the capacity by 1000 cubic meters each time.

   This ability is equivalent to a permanent fresh-keeping warehouse, so Lin Fei decided to resell the fruits. When some fruits are over-produced and become rotten on the street, they will buy a lot, and then resell them when the price rises over time.

After deciding to engage in fruit wholesale business in the future, Lin Fei mortgaged the three houses in his hand to the bank and borrowed a sum of money as start-up capital. When the mobile phone reminded that the loan was received, Lin Fei thought in his heart for the government of this world. I clicked a thumbs-up, because this world is considered an adult at 16 years old. If it is in the original world, this loan will be useless.

   In the next few years, Lin Fei made a lot of money by relying on this ability, but he can't do things too much, stay a line of life, and see each other in the future.

Lin Fei’s reselling price has not been suppressed very low, otherwise the merchants will have a hard time, and it will be troublesome if it attracts the attention of the relevant departments. Therefore, Lin Fei will end up earning several million yuan every year, which is equivalent to the cost of two houses. Money, not too much!

   This year is Lin Fei's sixth year of fruit wholesale. Lin Fei decided to end his wholesale career after completing these deals today.

  Because Rongcheng’s newly appointed director of the Ninth Bureau of the Ability Management Bureau took office this year, the three fires must be the point to strictly catch the abilities who violate the law and disrupt the social atmosphere and public order.

   For the sake of his own safety, Lin Fei said silently in his heart: "The wind is tight, you can't make money! The most important thing is not to be invited to drink tea."

   After a busy morning, Lin Fei went to the agency to entrust them to rent out the warehouse after solving the last few orders.

   Until 1 pm, Lin Fei was officially laid off and became a vagrant.

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