My Supernatural Life of Leisure

Chapter 1279: 1269: : Contact (2

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I'm not afraid that you will rely on your account. If you dare to rely on my account, that would be great. Then I will make double repayment... When Lin Fei saw the cathead city lord looking at him with a surprised expression, he felt in his heart. With a smile, he stood up and said.

"My Lord City Lord, the deal is settled like this. I'll leave to prepare food. See you tomorrow."

The Cathead City Lord got up and saw him off. After a while, Lin Fei came to the gate of the castle. Just as he was about to walk through the gate, the Cathead City Lord asked, "Your name?"

"Huh?" Lin Fei turned his head and said, "My name is Lin Fei."

After speaking, he walked out of the castle, and under the watch of the guards outside the door, he walked to a small stall with a shed and selling steamed buns in the distance.


"Gudong, Gudong..."

Rosa ate five small black-faced steamed buns that were not in the middle of the winter, plus a large pot of tea, and she felt full in one go.

"Rosa." Lin Fei came to the small stall and shouted as she watched Rosa patted her stomach.

"Boss Lin, did you talk about things so quickly?" Rosa heard someone calling herself behind her, turned her head and saw that it was Lin Fei, and quickly got up and asked.

"It's not a complicated matter. One is willing to buy and the other is willing to sell. Of course, the negotiation will be done soon." Lin Fei smiled.

"Boss Lin, can I ask what the Lord City Lord bought from you?" Rosa asked very curiously.

When the guests eating around heard Rosa mentioning the Cathead City Lord, they all pricked their ears to eavesdrop.

Lin Fei noticed the small actions of the guests around him. He smiled and said to Rosa, "Let's talk while walking."

"Yeah." Rosa nodded, and walked out of the small shed. The diners looked at Lin Fei and Rosa who were walking away, feeling a bit regretful that they had not heard the specific words from Lin Fei and traded.

After Lin Fei and Rosa left the small stall, they walked through a small alley and came to a street where many restaurants were closed along the street.

"Why are the restaurants on this street closed so many?" Lin Fei asked with some confusion.

"Those closed restaurants used to sell food." Rosa explained.

"It turned out to be like this!" Lin Fei nodded, and then he said to Rosa, "Your city lord has ordered a batch of food from me, and the shortage of food in the city will be alleviated within two days."

"Huh?" Rosa was stunned when she heard the words, and then said emotionally, "Great, now you don't have to risk going outside the city to find food."

Lin Fei took out three gold coins from his pocket and handed them to the cathead girl.

"Boss Lin, what are you?" Rosa asked.

"I'm going to prepare food. Take these gold coins and rent a house for me. After renting the house, you keep the rest of the money for yourself, which is my reward for you." Lin Fei said.

"You can't use so much money to rent a house, there are still a lot of silver coins you gave me just now!" Rosa said.

"What good house can I rent with those silver coins? You use these gold coins to help me rent a better house." Lin Fei smiled.

"Um... OK." Rosa was persuaded by Lin Fei, took the gold coins in Lin Fei's hand, and then asked, "Boss Lin, how can I contact you after I rent the house?"

"Where is your home, can you take me to get to know you? Then I will go directly to you." Lin Fei thought for a while and said.

"Yeah." Rosa nodded, and then led Lin Fei to the east of the city.


In the southern part of Rongcheng, near the outskirts, there is a large-scale grain station. A white light flashes in the park not far from the grain station. Lin Fei, who has just rented a huge warehouse, walked out of the park. .

"Got it, know it..."

The August sun was very scorching, Lin Fei raised his head and glanced at the scorching sun in the sky, and walked quickly to the far away grain station.

Five million catties of grain was just a small business for the grain station. After a short while, Lin Fei settled the purchase.

He originally thought that he would be able to receive this batch of grain tomorrow. As a result, he underestimated the efficiency of the grain station. The person in charge said that vehicles would be arranged to transport grain immediately, and 5 million catties of grain would be delivered to the designated giant warehouse this afternoon.

"When the food is available in the afternoon, go to Maotou City and complete the transaction directly with the city owner!" Lin Fei, who came out of the food station, muttered in his heart, and then he found a noodle restaurant on the side of the road for lunch.


The sun was slanting westward, at about four o'clock in the afternoon, Lin Fei, who was blowing air-conditioning at home and taking a nap, was awakened by the sound of the mobile phone on the bedside table.


"Mr. Lin, I'm from the grain station. The grain you purchased from us in the morning has been delivered to the warehouse you designated."

"Okay, thank you." Lin Fei thanked him, and then hung up the phone. He lifted the thin blanket covering his body and got up and got out of bed.

The sound of the water in the bathroom made Lin Fei refreshed after washing his face. He went to the balcony and looked at it and found that the flower pot of Qi Se Hua was still the same as before.

"No home at night! Where did that guy from Qisehua go to play with the little sparrows? Don't cause me some trouble!"

Lin Fei returned to the living room and used the space teleport ability to go to the huge temporarily rented warehouse.


At 4:30 in the afternoon, Zhou Yue, who had just finished teaching a course, returned to the office and sat down. The closed office door was pushed open.

"Xiaoyue, lend me your car and I want to go back to Qingxi Town." said Wang Xiaoru, who hurried into Zhouyue's office.

"Back to Qingxi Town?"

"Well, my second uncle fell down when he was downstairs. Now he is in the hospital. My father called me to go home."

"Your second uncle is okay!" Zhou Yue asked as she took her bag, took out the car key and gave it to Wang Xiaoru.

"There is no life-threatening, just a broken leg. After treatment, two or three days of cultivation should be fine." Wang Xiaoru said.

"After you visit your second uncle in the hospital, when will you come back?"


"Well, when you are coming back, I will ask Lin Fei to take me to find you. Then we will go directly to the new city. You don't have to drive to spend that time on the road anymore."

"Okay, then I'll go first. Tell Lin Fei about this." Wang Xiaoru nodded, and then left Zhou Yue's office.

After Wang Xiaoru left, Zhou Yue picked up the phone and called Lin Fei.

"Hello, the phone you dialed is turned off..."

"???" Seeing that Lin Fei's phone couldn't get through, Zhou Yue muttered, "Why is the phone turned off again?"


Just when Zhou Yue called Lin Fei, Lin Fei in another world was staring dumbfounded by the cathead warriors.

The empty warehouse was filled with mountains of grain in the blink of an eye, and everything in front of me was so dreamy.

"Master City Lord, all the food you want is here, send someone to check it out!" Lin Fei said calmly.

"Huh..." Rao, the city lord of the cathead, who has experienced many battles, was stunned when he saw Lin Fei's operation.

After a while, City Lord Cathead and Lin Fei came out of the warehouse, and Lin Fei felt that the City Lord's attitude towards him became more eager.

"Boss Lin, your storage space ability is really amazing!"

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"Where is it, so so!"

"Boss Lin, you are humble."

"Hehe, Lord City Lord, do you have any other urgently needed supplies?" Lin Fei asked with a smile.

"I still need some weapons, I don't know if boss Lin can help me get them." Cathead City Lord asked eagerly.

Here comes, I know that the cathead city lord will buy weapons... Lin Fei was happy in his heart, but his face was calm. He flipped his hand and took out two spiritual weapon long swords from the dimension space, each worth 10 Ten thousand yuan and five million yuan.

"Good sword." The city lord of the cat head first tried the spiritual weapon long sword worth 5 million yuan, and said with joy, then he tried the ordinary spiritual weapon long sword worth 100,000 yuan again.

After the other party finished the trial, Lin Fei pointed at the two spiritual weapons and long swords and said with a smile, "This is 3 spiritual stones, this is 150 spiritual stones."

"The price is fair." The City Lord Cathead heard Lin Fei's offer and said very emotionally, "I need to discuss with my subordinates, and I will give you an answer in a few days."

"Well, then I will come to you in a few days. You should keep these two spiritual weapons and swords first." Lin Fei said.


After coming out of the castle of Cathead City Lord, Lin Fei did not go to Rosa, but directly used the space teleport ability to return to Blue Star.

"This trip to the city of the cat head is really smooth! Then just wait for the other party to place an order." Lin Fei, who returned home, opened a can of Fat House Happy Water for himself.

Sitting on the soft and comfortable sofa, take out your mobile phone from the dimensional space.

"Huh? Zhou Yue called me an hour ago?" Lin Fei saw the prompt of the mobile phone and quickly called the other party back.


The sun has gone down, and the migrant workers who have been working all day are finally liberated. Tomorrow will be a relaxing and pleasant weekend holiday.

"Zhou Yue, the store you are looking for hasn't arrived yet?" Lin Fei, who was pulled out to eat by Zhou Yueqiang, asked Zhou Yue who was walking beside him.

"When you arrive, the map shows that you will be at that store by turning right in front of you." Zhou Yue said.

The restaurant Zhou Yue was looking for was located in the North District. It was still some distance away from the North District Central Primary School, and the location was quite off the road. Lin Fei couldn't think of how she found this place.

The two walked into the restaurant to take their seats, first ordered a catty of mutton and a catty of miscellaneous, then added another part of sheep's blood, and began to wait.

Zhou Yue raised her head and looked around. The restaurant's business was good, with an occupancy rate of about 70%, and the steaming table next to it was a hot pot of mutton soup.

Zhou Yue craned her neck and carefully observed the pot, she turned her eyes back and said to Lin Fei, "I feel that the lamb soup in this store is relatively light and not boiled. I guess the taste is not as mellow as the one we went to last month. It should be different. a feeling."

Lin Fei just nodded and couldn't answer the conversation. After a while, the mutton soup came up.

Zhou Yue blinked twice and said to Lin Fei, "I heard that the rice wine brewed in this shop is very good. Would you like to have some?"

"No..." Lin Fei hesitated, then changed his words suddenly, "Taste some."

Zhou Yue looked at the end of the menu on the wall and said to the waiter, "Give us a catty of rice bar!"

Soon, the rice wine came up.

Zhou Yue poured herself more than half a cup, took a sip first, and squinted her eyes, then handed the flask to Lin Fei, "This wine is a bit sweet, and it tastes good?"

Lin Fei poured himself half a glass. He himself didn't like drinking and was very resistant to wine. At this moment, he poured a little bit and tasted it, and found that this rice wine was not like other wines, and the taste was not bad.

Zhou Yue smiled and handed the spoon to Lin Fei, "How about it, not bad!"

"It's better than beer." Lin Fei put down his wine glass and began to serve the soup. He also served Zhou Yue a bowl.

Zhou Yue loves to drink, she simply loves to drink. She usually does not clink glasses with other people, and chats with Lin Fei about Wang Xiaoru while drinking. During the process, she raises a glass from time to time and takes a sip. It seems to drink slowly, but in fact a glass of wine is very fast. It's bottomed out.

She added another glass and continued to drink.

Picking up a piece of mutton and dipping it on a dish with super spicy sauce, Lin Fei accidentally choked and coughed constantly.

"Cough, cough!"

"Oh! Oops!" Zhou Yue was gloating across him. Every time Lin Fei coughed, she yelled. While smiling, she pulled a piece of toilet paper into his palm while Lin Fei fumbled for the toilet paper. "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

"Why don't I choke?" Zhou Yue said with a cheerful joke.


"Oh, oops~" Zhou Yue laughed at Lin Fei, while also dipping a dish with super hot sauce.

Afterwards, Zhou Yue's face changed, "Puff, cough, cough!"

The choked person changed from one person to two people. Lin Fei got better than Zhou Yue. He silently watched Zhou Yue coughing and handed over a piece of toilet paper. "Tsk tsk, you are not much better, and you are also laughing at me. Yeah!"

Zhou Yue took the paper and glared at him fiercely, as if Lin Fei was laughing at her.

Lin Fei withdrew his hand silently, "This woman will avenge her revenge!"

After Zhou Yue didn't cough anymore, she stretched out her hand to Lin Fei again. With long hands and narrow table, she played smoothly.

After eating a meal of mutton soup, Zhou Yue drank more than she drank at family gatherings and other occasions, and got drunk.

It seems that she walks as her face is not red, and her expression is normal, but when you ask her questions, she becomes slow.

And insisted on going to Lin Fei's house to play games all night...

"It's okay, I'm so clear!" Zhou Yue insisted, "Walk around, let's go to your house to play games all night, and sister will take you to the top."

"Forget it! Next time." Lin Fei said.

"No, I'm going to play games" Zhou Yue was stunned.

"Go home and sleep!"

"I don't! I want to play games! I want to be super god!" Zhou Yue's eyes widened, her expression serious.

Lin Fei pulled her, but couldn't pull her.

Zhou Yue took a step forward, hugged Lin Fei's neck directly, and hung half of his weight on him, "Go, I will go to your house to play games tonight! How about?"

"Huh, are you talking?"

"Oh, oh, good."

Lin Fei is rarely so close to Zhou Yue. He can smell the light wine in Zhou Yue’s breath and the smell of laundry detergent on her body. He even feels that he will be in close contact with Zhou Yue’s face when he turns his head a little bit. He was at a loss.

With a glimpse of Yu Guang, Lin Fei found that the passers-by were watching them. Some of them were holding their mobile phones with concentrated expressions. They were actually watching the excitement.


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