My Supernatural Life of Leisure

Chapter 1465: 1453: : Whether you can complete the task has nothing to do with me (2

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"Huh? Why is this person's hair black?" When Hua Xiaolu saw Lin Fei's true face, she was immediately attracted by Lin Fei's black hair.

   Lin Fei noticed Hua Xiaolu’s curious gaze, and said calmly, “I’m a trader from a far away place. Our people’s hair is this color.”

   "It turned out to be a foreigner!" Hua Xiaolu nodded, and accepted Lin Fei's explanation. After all, everyone is about the same length, just the hair color is different.

   And, to Hua Xiaolu, blue hair and black hair are as good-looking.

   After a ten-minute break, the two continued to move forward.

   "My father doesn't seem to be here." Hua Xiaolu said as she cleared the road.

   "I felt a little strange when I went up the mountain just now, and I didn't see any traces of other human beings along the way." Lin Fei said.

   "My father should have taken another route!" Hua Xiaolu was a little confused, and said, "I haven't been into the mountains with my father for a long time, did he find another route."

  A thought suddenly flashed in Lin Fei's mind. Hua Xiaolu also turned her head at this time. Both of them saw the same idea from the other's expression.

   "Unless the road is dangerous."

   "Be careful, your father can't give up this familiar road for no reason." Lin Fei reminded Hua Xiaolu who led the way.

   Hua Xiaolu nodded, immediately heightened his vigilance, and became more cautious.

   The two walked for more than half an hour, and never encountered the danger they imagined. Hua Xiaolu quietly breathed a sigh of relief.


   Suddenly, when Hua Xiaolu relaxed her vigilance, her feet seemed to have stepped on something.

   Hua Xiaolu gave a fierce meal, didn't dare to act rashly, and slowly looked down.

   I saw a worm nest like a haystack under my feet, almost blending with the dead branches and leaves on the ground, very inconspicuous, so she relaxed for a while, and stepped on it without noticing it.

   Of course Lin Fei also saw this scene. She was still stunned, and quickly pulled her back.


   The next moment, a intensive buzzing sounded, and a group of fingernail-sized brown flying insects flew out of the insect nest instantly, rushing towards Lin Fei and Hua Xiaolu.

   Not only that, but a bunch of flightless bugs appeared on the ground, much larger than those that could fly.

   Close observation will reveal that these reptiles have big heads and ferocious mouthparts. They are fast, and swarms of bees are coming towards Lin Fei and Hua Xiaolu.

   "It's over, this is a sawtooth flying insect!" Hua Xiaolu's face was pale, she was cautious all the way, thinking of many possible dangers, but she didn't expect it to be a nest of sawtooth flying insects.

   These sawtooth flying insects and strange beasts do not have much attack power individually, but they are all in groups, and there are more than one hundred and two hundred thousand terrifying numbers in a litter, and there is basically no way to survive.

   She heard her father mentioned that when he was a child when he followed others into the mountains to hunt, he had seen this kind of strange beasts besieging large animals. The scene was very tragic.

   Later, this strange beast was wiped out by the guards of the city, but he did not expect to appear in the mountains now.

   At this time, the sawtooth flying insects and strange beasts are all out, a group in the sky, a group on the ground, and a black and heavy scalp rushes towards the two of them, making their scalp numb.

   "Boss Lin, I'm sorry, I killed you." Hua Xiaolu cried and said guilt.

   "Apologize for anything, it's just a litter of bugs, and no one can die." Lin Fei said flatly.

   Seeing Hua Xiaolu was so frightened, the spirit energy gushed out of his body, and a scorching breath appeared around the two of them out of thin air.


   A cluster of small flames divided into two teams, greeted the sawtooth flying insects and strange animals in the sky and the ground.


   The black and crushed sawtooth flying insects and alien beasts immediately turned into two seas of fire, and they were burnt clean in an instant, leaving only a pile of ashes.

   The fire did not spread to the surrounding vegetation under Lin Fei's control, and it went out in no time.

   "Practitioner, such a powerful practitioner!" Hua Xiaolu stared at Lin Fei with wide eyes. She thought that Lin Fei was an ordinary trader, but she had never thought that she was a practitioner who had awakened his abilities.

   In the blink of an eye, a large nest of sawtooth flying insects and strange animals was wiped out, and Hua Xiaolu felt that she had gained insight.

   "Let's go!" Lin Fei's voice pulled Hua Xiaolu back to reality from shock, and walked forward subconsciously, but still absent-minded.

   "Energetic, don't step on anything that shouldn't be stepped on, if it's a viper or something, just bite you, I can't save you." Lin Fei reminded.

   Hua Xiaolu was a violent spirit, and suddenly recovered, with a twelve-point spirit, and no longer dared to take it lightly. At the same time, she said in a very admiring tone, "Boss Lin, you are amazing."

   "It's okay! As a businessman walking around, if you don't have any strength, you can't do it." Lin Fei said casually.


   The sun in the sky is rising higher and higher.

   Finally, just before eleven o'clock, the two reached the edge of a cliff.

   "That's it." Hua Xiaolu stopped, observed the surrounding environment, and said, "My father has seen it here before, please find out if you have it."

   Lin Fei swept his eyes around, but did not see the trace of Lingzhi. He began to perceive and probe, then walked to the edge of the cliff and looked down.

   "Really." He smiled slightly, and jumped down to Hua Xiaolu's exclamation.

  The cliffs are covered with various vegetation and vines. Among them, a plant growing in the grass exudes a light golden aura. It is the plant that Hua Xiaolu said.

  Although this spiritual plant does not seem to be very advanced, it is a genuine spiritual plant that can produce spiritual fruits. This can be confirmed by the small green fruits hanging on its branches.

   While Lin flew down, he reached out and grabbed a vine, and he uprooted the spiritual plant, and then shook it gently. When he was about to go up, suddenly a black shadow flew out of the grass and attacked Lin Fei.

   "Be careful!" Hua Xiaolu above exclaimed.

"I've been waiting for you a long time ago." From the beginning, I found that Lin Fei's mouth was hooked and the palm of his hand was waved. The hot flames gushed out, and the black shadow was burning with flames and hissing. Down the cliff.

   This is a black snake-like monster, because the color is similar to the surrounding vegetation, it is difficult to be found hidden in the grass.

   "Don't hide, hurry up if you want to come out!" Lin Fei said to the grass in front of him.

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   As soon as the voice fell, a few more black snake-like exotic animals sprang out of the grass, opening their mouths in mid-air and biting them towards Lin Fei.


   Lin Fei launched a flame attack again, and easily solved these deadly snakes and monsters.

   These snake-like monsters all use mental attack abilities. If ordinary people are attacked by them while picking spiritual plants, the result is afraid that without exception, they will be cool.

   It is a pity that their enemy is Lin Fei, those mental attack abilities, against Shang Lin Fei's strong mental power, are like a mosquito bite, and they can't shake him at all.

   Lin Fei kicked his left foot on the bulge of the cliff, then returned to the cliff and landed lightly beside Hua Xiaolu.

   "It's done, let's go back." Lin Fei took out a flower pot from the dimensional space, planted the spirit plant in the flower pot, and said to Xiaolu Hua while turning his head.

   "It's over!" Hua Xiaolu hasn't slowed down yet.

   This is too fast! She thought she was going to go through a hard fight, but Lin Fei killed several snakes and strange animals that were very dangerous to her in twos or twos.

   "This boss Lin is really strong!" Hua Xiaolu was amazed, and thought a little enviously, "If I were as strong as him, it would be okay to make a lot of money every minute.

  Also, he took out a flower pot out of thin air. He should have the spatial artifact that my father told me. I heard that the item is very expensive, and most people can't afford it. "

   "Otherwise, what do you think? Let's go! I'll take you back to Forge City." Lin Fei smiled, using Fei when he was about to return, but he stopped suddenly.

   "Boss Lin, what's the matter?" Hua Xiaolu asked in surprise.

   "Someone is coming." Lin Fei said, looking at the grass on the side.

   "Someone is here, is it my father." Hua Xiaolu's heart moved and said in surprise.

   Soon, several figures walked over from another direction. One of the middle-aged men wearing hunter costumes saw Hua Xiaolu, he was obviously taken aback, and exclaimed, "Xiao Lu?"

   "Dad, it's me. It's great that you are fine, and it made me worry all night." Hua Xiaolu said happily.

   "You kid, didn't I prevent you from entering the mountain? Why did you run in." The middle-aged man reproached.

"Didn't you always want to find a buyer? I found it for you." Hua Xiaolu gave a dry smile, pointed at Lin Fei and said, "And don't worry, this buyer is very strong. Is there nothing wrong with it?"

   "Buyer?" The middle-aged man's expression changed slightly when he heard the words.

   "That's right! Didn't you mean to find a buyer for Lingzhi? I found it for you. We just finished picking it, but you may be late." Hua Xiaolu said quite proudly.

   After all, she rushed ahead of her father this time, although it was Lin Fei's credit.

   However, when the middle-aged man heard this, his face was a little ugly, he turned his head carefully and looked at the three people who came with him, and quickly apologized, "Everyone, I'm really sorry, my daughter is not sensible..."

   "Huh!" The three people snorted coldly, before even listening to him, frowned, looked at the flower pot in Lin Fei's hand, and said, "This is the Lingzhi you just picked?"

   Lin Fei heard the words and looked at the three men on the opposite side. These three men were around thirty-six or seventy-seven years old, dressed in sturdy clothes, each holding a weapon in their hands, and staring at Lin Fei with enthusiasm.

  Looking at the appearance of their servants, they should have encountered strange beasts along the way.

   "Well, you guys are late." Lin Fei responded calmly.

  Hua Xiaolu's father and daughter suddenly felt the rigid atmosphere of both sides, and felt a little uneasy. They just made some money. Who knew it would happen?

   "Dad, am I in trouble?" Hua Xiaolu's face turned pale and asked nervously.

   "Well, I also blame me for not reminding you in advance. It is useless to say anything now. It seems that both sides are not easy to provoke. I don't know if we will anger us later?" Hua Xiaolu's father whispered worriedly.

   "Friend, can you give us this spiritual plant?"

   What do these people think? How could it be possible to hand over what you got... Lin Fei gave the other person a blank look, and didn't want to say anything, "If there is nothing wrong, please let me. I'm in a hurry."

   Lin Fei is really in a hurry, the meal is almost here, he wants to go home quickly to prepare lunch!

   "Wait, my excellency, our boss asked us to take this Lingzhi back. You have picked it now, and we can't explain it when we go back." said the leader of the pigtail man.

"It's not my business for you to complete the task assigned by the boss." Lin Fei stopped and frowned as he looked at the three people standing in front of him. Come, first served."

   Indeed, the unowned things in the wild have always been first-come-first-served. This is an unwritten rule. The braid man was speechless by Lin Fei.

"Slot, of the three of us, he is the only one, and he is afraid that he can't be robbed? It's just right to encounter this kind of thing, there is no other way." Another hot-tempered man couldn't help it, and directly exploded. , The sword in his hand pointed at Lin Fei.

   The braided man and the last man saw this, knowing that things could not be done well, and they were also ready to rob them.

   The atmosphere suddenly tightened, and the battle between the two sides was about to start, but the next moment, Lin Fei suddenly looked behind the three of them in surprise.

   "Don't use this kind of trick! We are not new, and your expression is not in place. UU reading" The three men said with contempt when they saw this.

   Suddenly, a shadow cast above the head.

   The three men slowly raised their heads, only to see a python strange animal hovering from under the cliff, the body as thick as a bucket, and a pair of scarlet snake pupils coldly looking down at the people present.

   At this moment, the three of them bear the brunt of the nearest python monster.

   "Slot, there will be strange beasts in the early stage of the second stage unexpectedly here." The three men exclaimed, and then quickly fled.

   It was the first time for the father and daughter of Hua Xiaolu, who were ordinary people, to see such a huge python and strange animal.

   After the three men moved a distance apart, they looked at the python strange beast with solemn expressions, thinking about what to do next.

Among the three of them, the strongest man with braids is also the strength of the early stage of the second stage. If they go together, even if they can kill this python monster, the three will suffer some injuries. If it is serious, there may be casualties. .

   "Hiss!" The python creature hissed up to the sky and swooped down. The first goal was Lin Fei, who was the closest to him and stood motionless.

   A fierce aura hits instantly with a fishy smell. Not far away, Hua Xiaolu mustered up her courage, gritted her teeth and yelled to Lin Fei, "Boss Lin, run away!"

   Lin Fei did not move, standing still, looking at the python and alien beast swooping down, shook his head and sighed.

   I have to say that the luck of this python strange animal is really bad.

   Among the few people present, this python and alien beast provokes no one to be killed immediately, but only provokes Lin Fei... Isn't this thinking of letting himself ascend to heaven immediately?


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