My Supernatural Life of Leisure

Chapter 165: 165: : Tangle of Vines

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   Now the first day is about to pass, and they haven't found any useful information.

   Although Bai Moyan told them before leaving, ‘Nothing is detected and it’s okay, as long as people come back safely’, they don’t think so.

   Now they have to speed up and find news about the pig heads as soon as possible. After all, the pig heads are the only civilized alien they have encountered since the first town resisted the invasion of the spirit world for so long.

   The time reached 11 o'clock in the morning. Counting from the time when the sun rose at more than five o'clock, they had been running for nearly five hours, covering a distance of more than two hundred kilometers.

   When the investigation team was about to stop and rest, the sudden change occurred.

  Countless black vines moved on their own.

   The reconnaissance team that was advancing at great speed was suddenly stopped and surrounded by groups.

   "There is a situation, please be careful." Hu Jinchuan, the leader of the team, shouted, then quickly retreated to gather with the team behind.

   Lin Fei frowned as he watched the vines dancing around in front of him. He didn't feel any psychic fluctuations. It seemed that these abnormal vines were not caused by supernatural powers.

   Vines kept approaching the reconnaissance team. They were eroding the activity space of the reconnaissance team. Suddenly, these vines launched an attack on Lin Fei and the others, only to see these black vines shooting at them like a steel needle.

   Xie Yurong, Hu Jinchuan and others who had been on alert raised their weapons to counterattack, bursts of aura burst from these weapons, and the vines that were shot at the players were cut off when they touched these weapons.

   Waves of vines keep coming, and the attacks are endless.

   There was a loud bang.

   Xie Yurong fired several flames and blades in succession, blasting all nearby Teng Man and trees to pieces.

   Huo Kemu, the vines scorched by the fire contracted slightly, and then rushed forward more fiercely.

   Although these vines did not cause much damage to the members of the investigation team, it was not a way to keep fighting like this. It was a waste of time and physical energy.


   Lin Fei gave a low voice, and the cold ice spread from under his feet, and the black vines that were about to attack them were instantly frozen.

The ice continued to spread outward, and the ice crystals spread around. In just one minute, with Lin Fei as the center, the plants within a radius of several hundred meters were all frozen in the ice, and the surroundings suddenly became extremely quiet. .

"This is not an attack by a foreign beast. I just sensed it, and I didn't feel any signs of psychic energy fluctuations. These vines that attack us are all ordinary plants. They should be hunting when they attack us." Lin Fei put away his own. After the ability, express his thoughts to Xie Yurong and others.

   "This is indeed the case. I didn't feel any psionic fluctuations just now." Captain Hu Jinchuan supported Lin Fei's point of view.

   "Ordinary plants are so difficult to deal with, the spiritual world is really extraordinary." Tang Qing said.

   "If a practitioner from the early stage of the second stage falls into it, they should not be able to escape." Lu Qin said.

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   "Lin Fei is freezing them temporarily, let's leave here first!" Ma Zhutao said.

   Then everyone changed their direction slightly, bypassing the entangled Teng Man gathering place, and proceeded to the west.

   After another half an hour, after a morning long-distance rush, Lin Fei and the others finally got out of the forest.

   The moment they walked out of the forest, their eyes suddenly opened up. They were no longer tall trees covering the sky, but the endless blue sky and white clouds.

   Everyone is very excited. After all, the space in the forest is darker and the environment is worse. Now I finally came out of it.

   Everyone has a much wider vision now, and the nerves don’t need to be as tight as before, and the pressure on vigilance can be slightly reduced.

   There is an open plain in front of me, twos and threes of shrubs and small patches of small woods dotted the wide plain, and there are groups of unknown animals running freely on the plain.

  "The forest outside the first town turned out to be a plain area, and some small animals can be seen, and there is no danger here.

   Unlike the Sixth Town, after leaving the forest there is an endless grassland. There are such terrible bee swarms hidden in the grassland. "Lin Fei looked at the scenery in front of him and thought to himself.

   "Okay, we finally left the forest. Let's finish our lunch here! Then we will move on." Hu Jinchuan took out a pocket watch from his pocket and opened it to check the time.

   The bright sunshine shone on everyone in Lin Fei, and a feeling of comfort suddenly flooded everyone's heart. The space inside the forest was very hot and humid, but it was as dry and cool as the outside.

   The climate on the plains is very comfortable. The warm sunshine and cool breeze act on the so that everyone can sit in the makeshift camp with ease.

   It may be because of Lin Fei's relaxed state of mind, and some of his unusual performance that affected other people.

   For lunch at noon today, Xie Yurong and the others did not eat the marching food prepared in the space spirit weapon.

Hu Jinchuan and Ma Zhutao went to the plains and hunted down two Tier 1 strange animals and came back for lunch. They looked similar to the rabbits raised by the farmhouse on Blue Star, but they were several times larger than the rabbits. The alien beast is enough to fill their stomachs.

As investigators, they all have the experience of performing tasks in the wilderness, so they can handle these two large rabbits with their hands, but thanks to some condiments provided by Lin Fei, otherwise the taste of the two roasted rabbits will be better. Greatly discounted.

   The cooking smoke curls up, and the light smoke slowly spirals upward, passing away with the wind.

After everyone walked out of the forest, everyone's mood improved a lot. Coupled with the scent of the two roasted rabbits, their mood was even more happier. Although marching food is very useful for replenishing energy, the taste is definitely not as good as that. These things!

   "Lin Fei, don't you really come to try this roasted rabbit? It tastes very good." Xie Yurong said to Lin Fei.

   "Thank you, I'm going to have a vegetarian meal at noon." Lin Fei smiled and refused, and then he took out some snacks from the Space Spirit Tool, the ones he had packed when he went to the teahouse to meet Xie Yurong.

   "You eat first, I am responsible for guarding." Lin Fei said to Xie Yurong and the others, and then slowly flew up.

   While eating the tea in his hand, he kept climbing in the air.

   Lin Fei raised his eyes and looked into the distance, except for the vast forest behind him, and the plain in front of him...

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