My Supernatural Life of Leisure

Chapter 1806: 1771: : So she's already married! (2

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Chapter 1771 It turns out that he is already married! (two chapters in one)

blue star.

In a seafood restaurant in Qingxi Town, there is a table near the window.

"I'm full." Zhou Yue peeled off a prawn and put it on sticky chili sauce. After eating it, she picked up the wet towel on the table and wiped her hands, and said to Lin Fei who was dealing with a crab. .

"Why did you get full so quickly today?" Lin Fei raised her head and looked at some of Zhou Yue's food, and found that her food intake had decreased a lot, so she asked suspiciously.

"I'm not very hungry today." Zhou Yue said with a twinkle in her eyes.

Actually, it was because Zhou Yue used it after taking a bath at home yesterday. She weighed herself and found that she had gained two pounds. So she wanted to lose weight, so she started by controlling her food intake.

Lin Fei looked at Zhou Yue carefully, thinking to himself, this guy's eyes flickered just now, obviously he didn't tell the truth.

"Hurry up and eat! Why are you looking at me like this..." Zhou Yue said when she saw Lin Fei staring at her all the time.

"Are you trying to lose weight, that's why you eat less!" Lin Fei said what was in his heart. Zhou Yue was stunned after hearing what Lin Fei said.

"Looks like I guessed right." Lin Fei said with a smile.

"Okay! I really want to lose weight, so I eat less." Zhou Yue admitted truthfully.

Even in winter clothes, he still couldn't hide his curvy figure, and he couldn't tell where he was getting fat. Lin Fei looked at Zhou Yue and said helplessly.

"Don't lose weight, you don't look fat at all, even if you want to lose weight, you will lose weight after the weather gets warmer..."

After speaking, he picked up his chopsticks and put a big squid in Zhou Yue's bowl.

Zhou Yue looked at the big squid in the bowl and muttered, "You don't know how much women care about their weight, that's why you say that."

Having said that, Zhou Yue did not rest in her hands.

She picked up the chopsticks and picked up the big squid that Lin Fei had picked up for her, and ate it without any rush.

So, Zhou Yueben thought about controlling her food intake first, and then supplementing it with exercise to lose weight, but Lin Fei directly disrupted her. She had a very full lunch this lunch.


The afternoon sun was very bright, and occasionally birds flew in twos and threes in the sky, leaving a series of crisp calls.

After lunch, Lin Fei and Zhou Yue came out of the restaurant, and suddenly, Zhou Yue hiccupped.

Lin Fei turned his head to look at her, and was about to make fun of her, but before he could laugh, Zhou Yue raised her arm, her fair and slender five fingers bent inward a few times, and the threat was very obvious.

"Uh..." Lin Fei stopped laughing immediately. At this time, Zhou Yue couldn't help pinching Lin Fei's soft underbelly.

"What are you doing? I'm not laughing at you anymore, why are you still pinching me?" Lin Fei, who was attacked, stepped back a few steps and said depressedly.

"Hiccup..." Zhou Yue, who was about to speak, hiccupped, and then she quickly raised her hands to cover her mouth. After she felt better, she immediately gave Lin Fei a roll of eyes.

"If it wasn't for the food you kept feeding me just now, I wouldn't be able to eat.

If I stop eating, I won't burp, it's all your fault. "

Lin Fei smiled and did not refute. After all, what Zhou Yue said was the truth, then he reached out to open the dimension space and took out two ice creams.

Zhou Yue's eyes lit up when she saw the ice cream in Lin Fei's hand.

"Dessert after dinner, how about?" Lin Fei asked. Zhou Yue, who likes ice cream, naturally nodded, and then took the ice cream that Lin Fei handed over.

Afterwards, the two walked away while eating ice cream.

Wandering around in the town, there are fewer cars in the town in the afternoon, which should be the reason why many people are eating lunch.

In the distance, a car drove fast towards Lin Fei and Zhou Yue. They were eating ice cream and chatting. The two people walking aimlessly did not notice the car behind them.

When the car passed by Lin Fei and Zhou Yue, it suddenly stopped, the driver rolled down the window, his eyes lit up after seeing Zhou Yue, then he opened the door to get out of the car and walked over.

Lin Fei and Zhou Yue stopped when they watched the people who got on and off the car walking over quickly.

"Zhou Yue, it's really you! Long time no see." The handsome young man in a suit came to Zhou Yue and greeted him with a bright smile.

"Who are you?" Zhou Yue couldn't remember who the person in front of him was saying hello to. Lin Feimo was eating ice cream silently, frowning slightly without knowing it.

"I'm Wang Xiaoqiang! It's normal that you don't recognize me. I was fat when I was a child, but now I've lost weight... But you, you were beautiful when you were a child, and now you're even more beautiful." Wang Xiaoqiang, a handsome young man, said with a smile. .

Hearing Wang Xiaoqiang's self-introduction, Zhou Yue immediately flashed past memories in her mind, remembered who this handsome young man was, and then said with a bright smile on her face.

"It's you! I didn't expect you to lose weight successfully when you grew up."

Lin Fei was a little surprised when he saw Zhou Yue smiling brightly and chatting with this handsome young man very enthusiastically.

"When did you return home?"

"It's been half a month since I came back."

"Are you still going out after returning home this time?"

"I don't plan to go out anymore, I plan to develop in China in the future."

Lin Fei ate the ice cream in his hand silently. Watching the two of them chatting enthusiastically, he could see that they were old acquaintances. It was rare to see Zhou Yue chatting so eagerly with the opposite sex. Feel.

"By the way, who is this?" Wang Xiaoqiang asked, looking at Lin Fei next to Zhou Yue.

When Zhou Yue was about to introduce her, Lin Fei said to Wang Xiaoqiang one step ahead of her, "Hello, my name is Lin Fei, Zhou Yue's boyfriend."

"Uh?" Zhou Yue didn't expect Lin Fei to introduce herself like this, she was stunned for a moment, and then the corner of her mouth rose, revealing a fascinating arc.

"Hello, my name is Wang Xiaoqiang, Zhou Yue's elementary school classmate." Wang Xiaoqiang said with a smile, then stretched out his hand.

When Lin Fei saw the other party stretch out his hand, he immediately stretched out his hand and shook it.

"You are really amazing! You actually caught Zhou Yue. I have been abroad for so many years, but I heard from many students that Zhou Yue has many suitors, but no one can succeed." Wang Xiaoqiang said with a smile.

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Lin Fei nodded, but he didn't answer, and he didn't know how to respond. After all, he and Zhou Yue were not male or female friends at all. What he said just now was also a subconscious reaction.

Now that he knows that Wang Xiaoqiang is Zhou Yue's primary school classmate, then he must know many of Zhou Yue's acquaintances. Now that he tells Wang Xiaoqiang like this, he will definitely be known by many of Zhou Yue's acquaintances in the future.

"Oh, I shouldn't have said that, what should I do now?" Lin Fei secretly regretted in his heart.

"Zhou Yue! You really know how to hide! If I hadn't run into you all of a sudden, I wouldn't even have known you had a boyfriend.

When my wife and I were having dinner with Wu Xiaoyu yesterday, she said you don't have a boyfriend! "Wang Xiaoqiang said.

Lin Fei on the side was stunned when he heard Wang Xiaoqiang say this, "Ah? Is this person married?"

Wu Xiaoyu is also Zhou Yue's primary school classmate. Her home is not far from Zhou Yue's home. Zhou Yue said with a smile, "I didn't have time to say it."

"That's it, okay, that's it for today. When we have time, we will invite our old classmates to have a meal together." Wang Xiaoqiang said, then said goodbye to the two of them, turned back to his car, and drove away. .

After Wang Xiaoqiang drove away, Zhou Yue turned her head to look at Lin Fei who was silent. Before she could speak, Lin Fei spoke first.

"I didn't expect this person to be your old classmate! What a mistake! If he says among your classmates that you've already talked about a boyfriend, just tell the truth and explain it to them!"

"It's okay, just say it, then you can continue to pretend to be my boyfriend." Zhou Yue said indifferently.

"This is not good, they are all your old classmates..." Lin Fei said.

"Don't you know, some of my old classmates knew that I hadn't talked about a boyfriend before, and they were very eager to introduce people to know me.

It's all right now, what you said to Wang Xiaoqiang should spread quickly. After they know about it, they won't introduce people to me again, and I have a clear ear. " Zhou Yue said.

"Okay!" Lin Fei raised his hand and scratched his head. He had pretended to be Zhou Yue's boyfriend in front of strangers for so long, and now he pretended to be in front of Zhou Yue's old classmates and acquaintances.

"Give me another ice cream..." Zhou Yue ate the ice cream in his hand, and then reached out to Lin Fei to beg.

"One is fine, don't eat any more, eat less cold ones in winter..." Lin Fei rejected Zhou Yue's request.

"Stingy." Zhou Yue muttered, then walked forward, Lin Fei saw this and immediately chased after him.

"How can this be called stingy? You can eat as much as you want in summer, and eat less in winter!"

The two continued to walk aimlessly and chat, and unknowingly came to the door of a game hall. After thinking about it, the two decided to play in this game hall.

Entering the game hall, I found that there are many people, and there are quite a lot of children.

During the Spring Festival holiday, there will be so many children gathered in the game hall, it is quite normal to think about it.

Lin Fei and Zhou Yue exchanged some game coins at the counter, and then started playing games in the game hall.


Spirit world.

After the heavy rain, the damp forest gradually resumed its liveliness. Although the recovery process was a bit slow, in many places, the sounds of alien beasts could already be heard.

An off-road vehicle was driving on the wet road. The driver was Sun Bin, Wang Chao was in the co-pilot, and Ji Xiaoxiao and Cheng Ling were in the back.

After the rain stopped this morning, it didn't take long for the superior's order to come down.

The base camp issued an order for the investigators in the temporary strongholds in various forests to send exploration teams to see how many damaged locations on the road sections under their jurisdiction.

After recording, immediately send the data back to the base camp, and then the base camp will invite a special person to plan.

After lunch, several hours have passed since they came out of the temporary stronghold. Ji Xiaoxiao and his party recorded many damaged locations along the way.

Sun Bin, who was driving an off-road vehicle, saw that there was no way to pass in the distance, so he started to slow down the speed of the car. When the car stopped, the four people got out of the car.

They frowned as they looked at the large stretch of road that had been submerged due to landslides.

The roads on both sides of the forest are very muddy, and there is no way for off-road vehicles to pass through. Now the road in front of them is submerged by landslides, and off-road vehicles cannot pass through. Then, they need to walk forward...

"Mark down the seat of this damaged road, and then we will detour and continue to move forward." Ji Xiaoxiao, the captain, said, and then the others acted immediately.

Zhang Chengling took out the notebook in his backpack and marked the seat of the damaged road. After finishing the work, the four of them walked to the hillside below the road, and then started to walk forward.

After circumventing a large section of the road engulfed by the landslide, they were back on the road.

"In this heavy rain, we have damaged a lot of roads! The next days will be busy." Wang Chao, who returned to the road, said.

"Yeah! The road construction plan in the forest will be postponed." Sun Bin said.

"The section of the road submerged by the landslide is not short. The construction team's machines are used for excavation. I don't know when it will be obtained. After that, I should ask the supernatural construction team to deal with it." Cheng Ling looked back at the mountain behind him. Slippery zone, said.

The power construction team is specially composed of practitioners who have awakened their powers, and their awakened powers are very suitable for building bridges and roads.

Often, some of the roads in the forest that ordinary construction teams can't handle, are all looking for supernatural construction teams to deal with.

For the road submerged by the landslide, it may take more than a month for the ordinary construction team to clean up the soil in the collapsed area, but if the supernatural construction team handles it, it can be done in just a few days. nailed it.

"Let's keep moving forward!" Ji Xiaoxiao said, and then took the lead in running, running at high speed along the wet road, and ran hundreds of meters away after a while.

When Wang Chao and the others saw this, UU Reading immediately chased after them, and the group of four ran wildly on the road like this, recording various data.

More than half an hour later, a river appeared in front of Ji Xiaoxiao and his party of four.

Originally, there was no river here, but because of the heavy rain not long ago, a river appeared out of nowhere, and the road that was originally laid here was broken.

The rushing water rushes past the side of the road, and occasionally some fish can be seen in the water.

"Now there is a river here, and then we will see if the river will disappear. If not, we can only build a bridge." Cheng Ling said, and then recorded the coordinates of the location in front of him in his notebook.

"Sun Bin, there is a fallen tree over there, go and move it over there!" Wang Chao turned to look at Sun Bin and said.

"Yeah." Sun Bin nodded, but after a while, he came carrying a fallen tree and erected it above the river to connect the two banks.


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