My Supernatural Life of Leisure

Chapter 1876: 1841: : crush(2

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"Wow, wow, wow..."

The river was turbulent, and some fish jumped out of the water from time to time, and then smashed into the water, causing waves.

After Ji Xiaoxiao and Cheng Ling separated from Wang Chao and Sun Bin, they quickly moved along the upper reaches of the river, looking for a place where they could cross the river.

They were safe and sound along the way, and they were not attacked by strange beasts.

"We've been walking for so long, but we still haven't found a bridge to cross the river. It seems that the goblins living in this underground space have no idea of ​​building a bridge over this river," Cheng Ling said.

Ji Xiaoxiao thought for a while, shook his head, and rejected Cheng Ling's statement, "Probably not! Although the previous Goblin Village Chief didn't say whether there is a bridge on the river, but from some information he revealed, it is not necessary to cross the river. not difficult.

If there is difficulty, he will certainly emphasize the danger of the river. "

"That's true, then let's go ahead and see!" After hearing Ji Xiaoxiao's analysis, Cheng Ling thought it made sense, so she nodded.

Afterwards, the two continued to move forward, and walked another dozen kilometers. Just when they were about to give up, a building appeared in front of them that made their faces glow.

A stone arched bridge appeared in front of Ji Xiaoxiao and Cheng Ling. They were very happy. They quickened their pace and ran towards the bridge they saw ahead.

The arched bridge with a span of more than 100 meters spanning both sides of the river should be old. From the traces of time on it, we can know that even though this bridge is old, it is still strong.

"Don't look at the old bridge, it's actually quite strong!" Cheng Ling came to the arched stone bridge, stomped on it a few times, and then said to Ji Xiaoxiao with a smile.

"Okay, we found the bridge, now go back and find Wang Chao and Sun Bin!" Ji Xiaoxiao said with a smile.

"Yeah." Cheng Ling nodded, "It took more than half an hour, I have to find them quickly and cross the river quickly."

Afterwards, the two returned the same way and ran quickly downstream along the turbulent river.

The glowing brown plants growing around them began to dim as time passed, which indicated that the dark night in the underground space was coming.

They had to cross the river before nightfall and reach the exit, otherwise, they might have to stay in this underground space for another night.


"Roar..." The four-legged, scale-covered megalodon roared angrily, and spit out small water **** to attack the enemies who were running and counterattacking them.

After chasing all the way, this group of ferocious beasts were killed and injured by Wang Chao's counterattack, but even so, these beasts still refused to give up and pursued closely.

"These strange beasts are really persistent! We chased them all the way, and we ran for more than ten kilometers, and we still have no intention of giving up."

Sun Bin looked back at the four-legged and scale-covered megalodon that was still chasing after him. He couldn't help feeling a little admirable for their will to never give up.

"call out."

Wang Chao and Sun Bin dodged, and the scale-covered giant toothed fish with four legs launched another wave of supernatural attacks. It slashed out a few sharp sword auras with its backhand, and attacked the strange beast. They beat and killed several of them.

After a wave of counterattacks, Wang Chao turned his head and said to Sun Bin.

"These strange beasts are indeed very persistent, but if this is the case, it will be endless. It seems that we need to change our thinking just now."

Originally seeing these strange beasts chasing after them, there was a steady stream of reinforcements, Wang Chao and Sun Bin felt that they ran away, and after running for a certain distance, they could get rid of them.

As a result, the other party didn't even have the slightest idea of ​​giving up. This result was beyond their expectations.

If you don't want to give up, you have to deal with it. If you keep going, you can't take them to meet Ji Xiaoxiao and Cheng Ling!

Cheng Ling would definitely make fun of that, saying that the two of them couldn't even deal with such a strange beast, and instead brought trouble to them.

It was usually Wang Chao who joked with Cheng Ling, if he brought those four-legged, scale-covered giant tooth fishes that were chasing after him to Ji Xiaoxiao and Cheng Ling.

Cheng Ling will definitely seize this opportunity to make fun of him loudly at that time, Wang Chao doesn't want this kind of thing to happen.

"Shall we stop and kill them all before leaving?" Sun Bin asked.

"Well, I have this idea, how about stopping and killing them?" Wang Chao asked for advice.

After being chased all the way, Sun Bin, who was already a little annoyed in his heart, nodded immediately when he heard what Wang Chao said.

The two people's thoughts hit it off, so they all stopped, and then turned around to look at the four-legged, scale-covered megalodon that was chasing in the distance.

"Roar...?" The four-legged, scale-covered megalodon that vowed to kill the enemy saw that Wang Chao and Sun Bin no longer ran away, but stopped and turned to face them .

This move made the four-legged, scale-covered megalodon, which had been chasing for so long, stunned for a moment.

"Since you are going to keep chasing us, then we will stop and fight with you as you wish." Wang Chao said, holding the spiritual weapon long sword and charging forward.

Sun Bin saw Wang Chao make a move, and he followed immediately.

All of a sudden, a fierce fight broke out on the river bank. Wang Chao, who was at the beginning of the third stage, and Sun Bin, who was at the peak of the second stage, fought with hundreds of four-legged, scale-covered megalodon fish.

Although there are only two humans on one side, their comprehensive combat power can crush the other side.


A giant toothed fish with four legs and covered with scales roared angrily. As soon as the words came out, it was cut in half by Wang Chao's sword.

At this time, another strange beast rushed up, and Wang Chao killed it with a backhand sword.

Sun Bin activated his supernatural ability, and his strength multiplied. He threw the stone he picked up from the ground vigorously, and instantly knocked a four-legged, scale-covered megalodon fainted on the spot.

Then, he rushed to the unconscious beast, grabbed the opponent's tail with both hands and swung him up.

"Crack, crack, crack..."

The strange beast that was swung up knocked the rest of the flying beasts into the air.

Wang Chao and Sun Bin seemed to be in no man's land, killing the four-legged and scale-covered giant tooth fish that followed them for more than ten kilometers.


The giant tooth fish with four legs and scales was about to kill the enemy originally, but it did not expect the two enemies to be so ferocious.

All of a sudden, their arrogance disappeared, their eyes showed a look of fear, and they subconsciously began to retreat.

"They're starting to get scared!" Wang Chao split a four-legged, scale-covered giant tooth fish in half.

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Then, he noticed the color of fear in the eyes of the other alien beasts, and then he laughed and shouted at Sun Bin, and then sneered at the alien beast, "Hey, I let you chase after, now you know you are afraid?"

"Hurry up and defeat them, and then go meet Xiaoxiao and the others, we've wasted too much time..." Sun Bin smashed the beast he swung around on the ground heavily, then pulled out the spirit weapon from his back, The long sword pierced through the head of another beast that was about to attack him from behind.

"They will be defeated soon, it shouldn't take five minutes." Wang Chao estimated the number of remaining beasts on the field, and said to Sun Bin.

The two men killed all directions, and the grass by the river bank was stained red by the blood from the strange beast.

The **** smell wafted far away with the blowing wind, and the **** smell wafting from here could be faintly smelled several kilometers away.


Wang Chao originally estimated that he would be able to defeat the scale-covered megalodon fish with four legs in five minutes, but in less than three minutes, most of the alien beasts that had been killed could not hold on and collapsed.

Some older, four-legged, scale-covered megalodons yelled at their companions in fear, beckoning everyone to run away.


There were screams one after another, and then Wang Chao and Sun Bin stopped attacking, watching the four-legged, scale-covered megalodon running towards the river not far away, and then Only scrambling to plunge into the river.

"Wow, wow, wow..."

The water was tumbling, and the giant tooth fish with four legs and covered with scales jumped into the river water, and the waves that it set off joined together and rushed to the shore.

"They're all gone." Sensing the psionic fluctuations in the river water that was drifting away, Sun Bin knew that all the terrified strange beasts had left.


Wang Chao let out a long breath, and the tiredness on his body eased a little.

Although his strength can be said to be far superior to those of the beasts, after one side fought, it still consumed some energy, which made people feel a little tired.

"Let's go!" Wang Chao said to Sun Bin. The latter nodded and was about to continue along the upper reaches of the river, but when they raised their heads and looked ahead, they found two familiar figures appearing in their field of vision. .

Ji Xiaoxiao and Cheng Ling spotted their companions from a distance, and when they saw them turn around, Cheng Ling immediately shouted and waved to them with a smile.

"We found the bridge across the river, it's a stone arch bridge."

When Ji Xiaoxiao and Cheng Ling came to their companions, they looked at the four-legged giant tooth fish covered with scales, their faces were full of surprise.

"Have you encountered a herd of alien beasts?" Ji Xiaoxiao asked the two of them.

"Yes! We searched for the bridge across the river all the way downstream, but we couldn't find it, so when we were about to return, these strange beasts suddenly jumped out and chased us all the way.

Annoyed, we stopped and crushed them, and just as we crushed them, you appeared. "Sun Bin explained with a smile.

"These strange beasts are really annoying. I thought about getting rid of them, but they kept chasing us. We had to deal with them before we knew how to be afraid, and then chose to run away." Wang Chao said.

"Aren't you injured?" Ji Xiaoxiao looked at the two of them carefully and asked.

"If you are injured, let me know, and I will treat you." Cheng Ling on the side echoed.

"What are you thinking? These strange beasts are far from hurting us!" Wang Chao said confidently.

In the battle just now, he and Sun Bin didn't suffer any injuries, but their physical strength and spiritual energy were exhausted. Now that the battle is over, they can recover after a while.

"Let's set off quickly! Otherwise, we won't be able to leave here before dark." Sun Bin said.

Afterwards, a group of four people started running to the upper reaches of the river, where the stone arch bridge across the river bank was located.


More than half an hour later, Ji Xiaoxiao and his party of four came to the stone arch bridge.

"This bridge must have been built for a long time, but it still looks very solid." Sun Bin patted the railing of the stone arch bridge and said.

"The patterns carved on it are very similar to some patterns we saw in the Goblin village before.

It appears that the stone arch bridge was built by goblins many years ago. "Wang Chao carefully observed the patterns carved on the stone arch bridge and guessed.

"It seems to be oh, these strange patterns are somewhat similar to the carved patterns we saw on some furniture in the village chief's house." Hearing Wang Chao's guess, Cheng Ling also looked at the stone carefully. The pattern on the arch bridge, said.

Ji Xiaoxiao looked around, and the brightness of those shimmering plants was lower than before, knowing that the time for darkness was getting closer, so he hurriedly urged his companion who was looking at the stone arch bridge.

"Let's cross the bridge quickly! Don't talk about the pattern of the stone arch bridge anymore."

"En." The three of Wang Chao nodded, and then followed behind Ji Xiaoxiao who was the first to walk on the stone arch bridge.

Four figures appeared on the stone arch bridge with a span of 100 meters.

"Tap Tat Tat..."

Stepping on the bridge deck, there was a sound of footsteps. The four of Ji Xiaoxiao and his party did not stop too much. The goal was very clear, which was to quickly reach the other side of the river with the help of the stone arch bridge.

But after a while, they came to two-thirds of the stone arch bridge, and at this moment, a huge water column suddenly spewed out from the water not far in front of the stone arch bridge.


Ji Xiaoxiao and his party on the bridge were attracted by this sudden situation, UU Reading www. They looked into the distance one after another, and saw that after the jet of water spewed out, the water surface of the river separated left and right, revealing the bottom of the river below.

A huge creature about ten meters tall appeared in front of Ji Xiaoxiao and his party of four.

This creature has blue-faced fangs, its body is covered with blue scales, and its four claws are extremely sharp, shining with a faint silver-white light.

"That strange beast is running towards us." Cheng Ling let out an exclamation, and it could sense the second-order peak spiritual energy fluctuations emanating from this strange beast.

"Humph..." Ji Xiaoxiao snorted coldly, raised her right hand, and slapped the strange beast rushing towards them with her white palm.

A tornado formed in an instant, hitting the incoming alien beast.


(end of this chapter)

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