My Supernatural Life of Leisure

Chapter 27: 27: : The advent of the spirit weapon

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  A woman is an animal that is very sensitive to her weight. When others say that she is fat, even if she shows a calm look on her face, she has already written down a note in her heart.

   Lin Fei saw that the limelight was not right, and immediately entered the diving state. No matter how Zhou Yue bombed, he would not rise to the surface.

   "Go out beforehand, and talk again when you have time!" Lin Fei replied when the enemy's attack momentum had weakened.

  Wang Xiaoru: "Yeah. We are almost at the gym too."

   Zhou Yue returned a picture of the bomb.

   "Huh!" Lin Fei breathed a sigh of relief.

   After finishing the dining table, Lin Fei took out a set of miner’s clothes from the dimension space, changed the clothes, and looked in the mirror after getting dressed neatly: “Today I will dig it all day.”

The biggest difference between autumn in the south and summer in the south is that the temperature has changed slightly. The others are the same. Autumn in the south is everywhere green, as if you can’t feel the arrival of autumn. Before you know it, autumn will pass quietly. By the time I realized it, winter had come.

   Wangyue Mountain Forest is the second largest forest in China, spanning east and west, north and south.

With the advent of autumn, the forest in the northern part of Mochizuki Mountain has fallen leaves, and golden leaves cover the forest. It seems that the forest has been replaced with a new outfit. The forest area where Lin Fei is located belongs to the south, and there are fewer deciduous trees. The trees are still as lush as ever, and the flowers in the forest bloom all year round.

   "Good morning! Xiaobai" Lin Fei greeted the white wolf.

   "Wow!" Xiaobai replied happily.

  Xiaobai was named by Lin Fei yesterday. The name has always been Lin Fei's weakness. At that time, I saw it was covered in soft white hair, and the common name Xiaobai was given to him with a flash of inspiration.

   "Okay! Be quiet! Anyway, you are also a girl, be quiet." Lin Fei smiled.


"This is the delicious thing I promised to bring you. You eat first, and I will go first." Lin Fei took out five roast ducks from the dimension space and placed them in front of Xiao Bai before turning around. Enter the mine.

Xiaobai looked down at these foods that he had never seen before. He smelled it with his nose, and his eyes lit up immediately. He had never smelled such an alluring scent. He opened his mouth and bit at one of them, tearing off a part. Meat, bite in the mouth, its eyes are getting brighter.

   "Woo," it's delicious!

   Lin Fei is going to dig down today. He feels that digging down should be more abundant.

   Lin Fei grabbed into the air with his right hand, and Lin Fei took a piece of Kuailing iron ore from the dimension space, totaling 150 kilograms.

   "Pop" Lin Fei snapped a finger with his right hand, and a large group of hot flames appeared out of thin air, enveloping the black pyrite.

   For a moment, the spirit iron ore was melted into a large mass of molten iron. Lin Fei used his mind to control the mass of molten iron, dividing it into five parts, and shaping it into the appearance of 5 shovel.

   After half an hour, five identical shovels came out.

   Lin Fei grabbed a shovel and poured a little psionic energy into it. The shovel quickly absorbed the psychic energy like a sponge, and then emitted a faint aura from the inside out.

   "How do you feel that the best online game weapon comes with special effects?" Lin Fei looked at the glowing shovel in his hand.

   If a worker wants to do his job well, he must first sharpen his tools.

   Tools made of ordinary materials cannot withstand the infusion of psychic energy for a long time, and will collapse on their own after a long time. In order to smoothly carry out the great mining industry, Lin Fei decided to forge five shovel from ling iron ore.

Lin Fei injected psychic energy into the 5 psychic shovels, using the power of mind to control them to dig into the ground, "click!" The shovel worth tens of millions of dollars glowed with aura, and it broke through the blocking objects in front of him. In a moment, a big hole was dug.

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   "You get what you pay for! This efficiency has improved too much." Lin Fei said with emotion while controlling.

   "ding" "You will have something so soon!" Lin Fei jumped into the pit with joy and picked up a 300-gram psionic ore.

   "Ding" has another discovery, another piece of psionic ore weighing 50 grams.

   "Ding" harvested another 10 kilograms of Lingite.

   Click, Ding, Click, Ding...

   Lin Fei kept digging and digging like this! I was busy in the mine until 5 o'clock in the afternoon.

"It's 5 o'clock so soon! Alas, happy times always pass so fast." Lin Fei looked at the time displayed on the phone, turned his head and looked at the harvest piled on a hill, revealing the farmer's uncle harvest dealer When the smile.

Today is a good harvest day. Lin Fei dug a total of 500 kilograms of psychic ore and 2,000 kilograms of psychic iron ore. 500 jin of psychic ore is worth 750 million, and 2000 jin of psychic ore is worth 200 million. Today Lin Fei harvested The total value of 950 million yuan.

"Now I am also a man worth more than one billion yuan, but why don't I have any special feelings?" Lin Fei touched his chin with his right hand and said: "Is it because there is no cash? If you turn them into cash and pile them in front of me, The impact should be very big."

   Lin Fei put away the tools, and while thinking about the realization of the problem, he walked out of the!" Xiaobai's cries pulled Lin Fei's thoughts back.

   "Well! I'm finished today, I won't come in the next few days, I have to deal with some things first." Lin Fei looked at it.


   "I will finish my work as soon as possible, and bring you delicious things to eat." Lin Fei said.


   "I'm going back." Lin Fei smiled.

   Xiaobai saw Lin Fei disappear in front of him, so he went back to the mine and became a guard. He wouldn't be able to deal with the things the boss confessed. Would you like to collect some younger brothers to guard together!

   The white light flickered. Lin Fei appeared in the living room at home. After cleaning up his personal hygiene, Lin Fei went to the kitchen to prepare his own dinner.

   Half an hour later, there were scrambled eggs with tomatoes, shredded potatoes with leek, fried octopus, garlic lettuce, and clam tofu soup on the table.

   Lin Fei filled himself with a bowl of white rice. Looking at the four dishes and one soup on the table, Lin Fei nodded in satisfaction.

   After digging the mine for a day, Lin Fei was already very hungry. He quickly picked a few chopsticks and dishes for himself, and ate it with big mouthfuls, "Eating after work is delicious."

   "Dingdong" The prompt of the message from WeChat sounded.

   Lin Fei picked up the phone and looked at it. It was a message from Zhou Yue.

   Zhouyue: "Today, the boss gave a red envelope to the employees who worked overtime during the holiday. We will be off work later. Shall we have dinner together? I'll treat you."

   Lin Fei took a photo of the four dishes and one soup on the table with his mobile phone, and then sent Zhou Yue over: "No, I'm already eating."

   Zhouyue: "Okay! Then Xiaoru and I will invite some colleagues to eat."

   Lin Fei: "Hmm!"

   Lin Fei put down the phone and started to concentrate on eating.

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