My Supernatural Life of Leisure

Chapter 368: 366: : It's all caused by the moon

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"Whirring whirring……"

   One person does not breathe quickly or slowly, while the other is panting.

   Lin Fei looked back and saw Zhou Yue, who was dragged far away by him, still following. He muttered in his heart, "Why is this idiot still following! I've been running fast for 5 minutes, and I don't know to stop for a while.

   Hey... I blame the moon, if it weren't for it to be so bright tonight, it would clearly show the road conditions on the road, and if the road was dark, she would never chase it. "

"Hateful Lin Fei, don't you know that I am trying very hard to chase? I still don't stop. It seems that I am determined to get rid of me!" Zhou Yue panting and staring at Lin moving away in the distance Fei, thought in my heart.

   Lin Fei's speed suddenly accelerated a few minutes, and instantly disappeared from Zhou Yue's sight.

   Zhouyue saw that Lin Fei was gone, so she stopped, panting for Lin Fei's disappearance, and shouted aloud what she thought was heavy.

   "Big fool Lin Fei, how dare you really leave me and ran away, you wait for me, I will definitely not forgive you easily."

   After Zhou Yue finished her harsh words, she rested on her knees with her hands for a while, and then continued to run towards Lin Fei's disappearance.

   It's just that her speed has slowed down a lot this time, and thanks to her improvement to the first-order peak a while ago, she won't have the strength to continue running.


   A refreshing wind blew from the lake, causing Zhou Yue, who was running alone on the road by the lake, to panic. Now she regretted chasing Lin Fei out of the camp. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest computer terminal: https://

   On both sides of the road, one side is a slope, below the **** is a lake that can't be seen at a glance, and the other side is a barren woods and grass. The sparse insect sounds continue to be heard from the grass.

"Why don't I stop and turn around and go back to Xiaoru now! Anyway, I'm not in a hurry to teach Lin Fei, he can't escape the monk, he can't escape the temple, after all, he has to return to the camp." Zhou Yue ran for ten minutes at the second start. Finally, I thought of giving up.


   Just as Zhou Yue was thinking about going back to the camp, she accidentally stepped on a small rock under her feet, and she suddenly lost her balance and fell on the road.


   Zhou Yue, who fell down, sat on the ground and took a breath. The pain in her right ankle and knees caused a lot of sweat on her forehead.

   Following the moonlight in the sky, she clearly saw her knee bruised, traces of blood leaking from the wound, and her right ankle sprained and swollen.

   "It's really unlucky." Zhou Yue mumbled quietly, sitting on the ground.

   The night is quiet, the water and waves on the lakeside are rustling, the grass and trees on the roadside are rustling by the wind, the two are intertwined, and the sound of insects is really disturbing.


Zhou Yue supported the road with her right hand. She tried to stand up and sat down again in pain. She wanted to use her mobile phone to make a call to Wang Xiaoru and ask her to call Lin Fei to pick her up. But when she touched her pocket, she found herself Earlier, he was anxious to teach Lin Fei and left his mobile phone in the tent when he left the camp. First release https://https://

"This is over. You can only wait for Lin Feizhe to find yourself when he returns. Don't use your ability to return to the camp directly! Otherwise, I will be a tragedy." Zhou Yue stared at the direction Lin Fei was going. Sitting on the ground in a daze.


   Suddenly, when Zhou Yue was in a daze, someone patted her on the shoulder behind her, which scared Zhou Yue.

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Don't look at her usually in front of Lin Fei and Wang Xiaoru. She looks like she is not afraid of the sky. At this time, she is injured again in this kind of wilderness. If she meets a bad person, she will definitely be scared. .

   "Lin Fei?" Zhou Yue turned her head to look a little flustered. After seeing the person's face, she cried out in surprise.

"Before I hid in the grass on the side of the road. I originally thought you would go back after seeing me disappear. I didn't expect you to be so stubborn and continue to chase, so I could only follow behind you." Lin Fei was very helpless. Said.

   This incident really made me depressed. Originally she was chasing herself, but in the end it turned out that I sneaked behind her, and in turn chased her. What a thing!

Zhou Yue nodded, and then turned her head to ignore Lin Fei. The surprise when she saw Lin Fei was suppressed by her. She had said cruel words that did not easily forgive him, and now she cannot talk to him for the time being. It would be shameless to talk to him.

   Lin Fei smiled and did not speak. He came to squat down in front of Zhou Yue, activated the light of life ability, his hands burst into warm white light, and treated her injured knee and ankle.

   Under the treatment of the light of life, Zhou Yue's minor injury was too pediatric, and it was completely healed in a few seconds without leaving any scars.

   "Well, it shouldn't hurt anymore! Stand up and walk, we should go back." Lin Fei stood up and said to Zhou Yue who was sitting on the ground.

   Zhouyue did not respond, just sitting on the ground, looking at the shimmering lake in the distance under the moonlight, it didn't make any sense at all.

  Lin Fei scratched his head incomprehensibly when seeing her like this. There was really nothing to do with Zhou Yue who was silent.

   After a while, he thought for a while, and said to Zhou Yue, "Uh...I was not good before, I shouldn't run away from you, otherwise you won't step on a stone and fall."

   "Will you get rid of me and run away like this in the future." Zhou Yue asked Lin Fei, looking at the lake in the distance.

   " won't be anymore." Lin Fei said mixedly. At this moment, he just wanted to quickly coax the ‘child’ who was sitting on the ground, and go back to dinner together.

   "Well, I hope you remember what you said today, but don't have the next time." Zhou Yue said, supporting the ground with her right hand and immediately stood up from the ground.


   She patted the dust on her pants, UU reading raised her leg, and seeing that she had recovered completely, she secretly praised Lin Fei's ability.

   "Okay, let's go! Now turn back to just in time for Xiao Ru to make dinner." Lin Fei said to Zhou Yue.

Then Lin Fei stepped forward and started walking back, but after a few steps, he stopped, looked back at Zhou Yue who was standing there, and asked her with a puzzled expression, "Why don't you go! Does the leg still hurt? I should have cured all your injuries."

   Zhouyue calmly said to Lin Fei, "The injury has been healed, but I just used up almost all of my physical strength just to chase you. Now my legs are sore and I can't walk at all."

   You liar, don't blink your eyes without blinking, do you think I'm stupid...... Lin Fei muttered in his heart looking at Zhou Yue, who looked calm.

   "What do you want to do? Do you want me to use the space teleport ability to take you directly back to the camp?" Lin Fei thought about it and asked.

   "No, I patronized and chased you along the way, but didn't appreciate the scenery along the way. When I go back, I must walk back." Zhou Yue denied.

   " don't want me to walk back with you on my back!" Lin Fei said to Zhou Yue with some uncertainty.

   Zhou Yue nodded calmly, without words, silently looking at Lin Fei.

   Lin Fei saw Zhou Yue staring at him. He raised his head and looked at the bright full moon in the sky. He secretly blamed it, "Why are you so bright tonight."



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