My Supernatural Life of Leisure

Chapter 42: 42: : First heard of the spirit world

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   "Captain, let me go! My speed is fast, I see the situation is bad, and I have the greatest chance of getting out of it."

   "Captain, you still have to stay and lead the overall situation! Let me go! Although my strength is the weakest here, I am the most able to resist and have the best chance of surviving in a situation."

   team members have applied to be investigators.

   "Alright! Don't fight, let me go, I am the strongest, and you know my ability, no one is more suitable than me.

   You can just follow me at a distance, and wait for my instructions. "Zhang Yi made the final decision.

   "Yes," when everyone saw that he had made a decision, they didn't say much.

   Tall trees, dense branches and leaves covering the sky, it’s autumn now, but the trees here have not fallen leaves yet, instead they tend to grow wilder.

   Zhang Yi tried hard to restrain his breath and walked slowly in the forest. After a while, he finally climbed over two hills and reached near his final destination.

The scene that    appeared in front of his eyes shocked him. It was a hill, and the tall trees that were originally there were a lot less.

   Now there is a 2 meter high rabbit releasing the wind blade, the tall trees are knocked down one by one, and then a dozen red giant apes standing upright carry the fallen trees to other places.

   As the trees were cleared out, a huge cave appeared.

   is squatting in front of the cave with a two-headed giant wolf. In front of it is a black bear. The body of the black bear is close to the ground, the head is lowered, and the mouth makes a low noise.

   "What's the situation with these strange animals? I have never seen such a breed before. Could it be caused by mutation." Zhang Yi thought about it, and prepared to leave here first and meet with the team members to discuss the next step.

   The earth shook suddenly, and an afterimage attacked Zhang Yi.

   There was a loud bang, dust was flying, and several trees were knocked down. A four-meter-high wild boar with a horn on its forehead slowly walked out of the fallen trees.

   Zhang Yi showed his figure from the bush next to him. Just now, when he was about to be hit, he used his ability in time to avoid the one-horned pig's sneak attack.

   A trace of surprise flashed in the eyes of the wild boar, it did not expect that this tiny creature could escape his sudden attack.

   "Hmm!" Seeing that the one-horned pig missed a hit, he rushed towards Zhang Yi again.

   "Level 3 high stage," Zhang Yi judged by feeling the fluctuations in the psychic energy emitted by this strange beast.

   "Space Teleportation," Zhang Yi activated his ability, and once again escaped another attack from this gusty alien beast.

   The one-horned pig was angry. This hateful aboriginal was too cunning. It rushed towards Zhang Yi again. This time it was wrapped in whirlwinds, and its speed was even faster.

   Zhang Yi used his ability to avoid again. Before he had time to observe the situation, the one-horned pig appeared not far behind him and attacked from behind him.

Zhang Yi drew the spirit weapon dagger from his waist with his right hand. At the moment when the one-horned pig was about to hit him, he forced his feet and turned over and jumped. Slashed sideways.

   ticked, the one-horned pig turned his body to look at Zhang Yi, feeling the wound on his body.

   "Hmm," a huge cry sounded from this hill.

   "Is this calling a companion?" Zhang Yi frowned and looked at the strange beast, "Take it out first."

   Boom, a white lightning struck Zhang Yi. Zhang Yi quickly stopped the attack and dodged to the side. Boom, the original place was hit and a 2 meter wide pit was hit, and the electric flowers exploded in the pit.

   A 20-meter-long piece with 3 eyes on its head, a white python appeared beside the unicorn pig.

   "Level 3 pinnacle?" Zhang Yi looked solemnly at the alien beast opposite.

   Swipe, several figures rushed out of the woods behind Zhang Yi. After seeing the people, they were actually members of the special operations team.

   "Didn't I tell you to wait for my order? Why did you act privately." Zhang Yi said harshly.

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   "There is no way! Not long ago, we were suddenly attacked by some alien beasts, and they organized us to come here." Old Niu said helplessly.

   "What kind of love..." Just as Zhang Yi wanted to continue to inquire, the sudden change suddenly stunned everyone.

   "You are the aboriginal people who rule this world! I am the Eastern Territory of the Spirit Realm, led by the head of the soul bird, and the leader of the White Mang Mountain, the three-eyed snake."

   "This strange beast spoke in my head." The old cow exclaimed.

   "This is the communication of mental power, and it is a means only available to the third-order peak." Xie Yurong said.

   Everyone looked shocked, looking at the strange beast in front of them.

Spirit world? Eastern region? Soul bird leader? Boss? what is happening.

   "Where is the spiritual world?" Zhang Yi responded with mental strength.

  "The spirit world is a great world, the initial place of psychic energy, and a world like yours originally had no psychic energy.

Because the world barriers of the spirit world collide with your world barriers, and then space cracks are created. After that, the spirit world will inject psychic energy into your world through these cracks, so that your world will have psychic energy and evolve into having psychic energy. world.

   So all the psychic abilities you have now are bestowed by the spirit world. "Three-eyed snake proudly said.

   After listening to the description of the three-eyed snake, everyone finally knew the origin of the psionic energy, plus the things in the spiritual world, it was shocked.

   "What do you want to do when you come to our world?" Zhang Yi asked.

"What are you doing? Of course it is to collect the Our spiritual world bestows you with psychic powers, and you have extraordinary powers because of this. Shouldn't you give back to us spirit creatures?" The three-eyed snake took it for granted. .

   "What do you want in return?"

   "Psionic mine, the psionic mine of your world, you have psionic energy because of the spirit world. In return, the psionic mine of your world must belong to the spirit world."

   "It's impossible, don't even think about it." When the old man heard that he wanted a psionic mine, he exploded.

   "Yes! Wishful thinking."


   "Where to go back and forth!"

  As soon as the members present heard this, they asked for the ownership of the Blue Star Psionic Mine, and they were furious. All the jokes are given to you, and we still need to practice.

"Impossible, although I am very grateful to your spiritual world for allowing our world to have psychic powers, thank you, thank you, where you come from or go back! This world does not welcome you." Zhang Yi stared at the three-eyed snake on the opposite side. Tao.

   "Haha, do you think you have a choice?" The three-eyed snake proudly said: "Promise us, your race can continue to survive in this world, or just wait for destruction!"

   When everyone heard it, they knew that there was no need to talk about it.

   "Yang Jian, turn on the annunciator and send a message to the Beijing General Administration for support. The level is the highest." Zhang Yi gave the order.


  The team members took out their spiritual weapons one after another, preparing for the next battle.

   The three-eyed snake on the opposite side roared, and a dozen strange beasts popped out in the woods, each of which was a third-stage high.

   "Come on to me, tear them up." The three-eyed snake issued an offensive order.

   The war is about to start.

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