My Supernatural Life of Leisure

Chapter 48: 48: : Achieve 1 small goal

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   Whenever thinking of the cruel words that Zhou Yue made before, Lin Fei couldn't help shaking his head and smiling.

   But this time it was indeed his fault, he forgot the agreement between them.

  While looking up the information, he wondered how to reassure him the next time he met Zhou Yue.

   Time came to 8:50 in the evening unknowingly, Lin Fei packed up the materials that he had organized, then walked into his bedroom and began to change clothes.

   Still the same, with a hood, glasses and beard. Looking at himself in the mirror, Lin Fei nodded in satisfaction.

   Lin Fei is going to trade 270 kilograms of psionic ore tonight. The total value is 423 million.

   A white light flashed in the hall, and Lin Fei's figure appeared in the park near the old Wang Lingshi shop.

   Still in the old place, Lin Fei looked around for a while before walking out of the park.

   The next transaction is the same as before, and the process is smooth.

   Delivering psionic ore and collecting cash, under Wang Wu's reluctant gaze, Lin Fei left his shop.

   Just when Lin Fei was about to walk into the park, two people suddenly appeared in front of Lin Fei, blocking Lin Fei's way.

   "No way! Did I encounter robbery again?" Lin Fei sighed inwardly.

   Just as Lin Fei was about to deal with them, the leading man showed his ID.

   "It turned out to be the investigators of the Ability Management Bureau! How could they suddenly come to me? Could it be that my selling of psionic ore was exposed?

How to do? Do you want to knock them unconscious and run away. "Just when Lin Fei was thinking about it.

   "Sir, can we find a place to talk?" the investigator said.

   "If you have anything to say here, please!" Lin Fei refused.

   "We know that you sold a lot of psionic ores to Wang Wu." The investigator said.

   Lin Fei heard this and quickly said, "Can't I sell Psionic Ores to Wang Wu? I didn't steal or grab them. My source of Psionic Ores is very clean."

   "Well, sir, don't get me wrong, we did not say that your goods are unclean." The investigator said.

   "I want to say, can you sell us the ore in the future, we can buy it."

Lin Fei frowned, then refused, "I'm sorry! I have reached a cooperation agreement with Wang Wu, and I have already agreed with him, and he will sell all my goods in the future. If you need psionic ore , You can buy from him."

   The investigator saw that the psionic ore business could not be negotiated, so he did not continue to entangle in this aspect.

   "Sir, did you stop the robbery that happened here last time?"

   "Well, yes!" Lin Fei had already been told by Wang Wu that the Ability Management Bureau had already known that he had shot the gangster last time.

   "Thanks to your help last time, we were able to catch all the prisoners in time."

   "Seeing criminals taking action against innocent people, as a good citizen, it is impossible for me to sit idly by."

   When the two investigators saw Lin Fei say this, their faces were full of joy.

   "That's it. Our director admires a person with a sense of justice like you very much. He sent us here to wait for your appearance. I don't know if you would like to join our Ability Management Bureau."

   "Thank you for your kindness, I have not yet joined any supernatural organization." Lin Fei refused without thinking.

   "That's it! It doesn't matter, if you have the intention in this regard, you can leave a message at Wang Wu's side and ask Wang Wu to tell us." The investigator suggested.

   "Okay, if I have the intention, I will tell Wang Wu." Lin Fei said, "Anything else? If not, I will leave."

   The two investigators stepped aside after hearing the words, and made a request. Lin Fei walked over between them and walked into the park.

   After a while, the two investigators called their superiors to report on the situation tonight.

   As soon as Lin Fei returned home, he took off his outfit.

   "Is the Ability Management Bureau so short of people now?" Lin Fei touched his chin and thought, "They have been recruited three times.

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   Forget it, I don't want to worry about them, let's see what I have gained tonight. "

   Brush, a lot of money was taken out of the dimension space by Lin Fei.

   423 million, so much cash appeared in the living room all at once, filling the whole living room.

   Lin Fei sat on his sofa and looked at the cash in front of him.

   With so much cash at once, Lin Fei also felt a little dull.

  "We still have to convert them! I see too much cash, and I'm numb now.

   First realize my goal of 100 houses! "Lin Fei muttered in his mouth.

   took out his cell phone, Lin Fei dialed Zhou Xiaochuan's phone again.

   "Manager Zhou, I'm going to trouble you again."

   "It's Mr. Lin! Is there something wrong with the house last time?"

   "No, I want to buy more houses."

   "Ah! How long has this passed! You want to buy a house again."

   "Well, is it convenient for you to help me organize the information tonight? This time, I plan to buy another 47 sets!

   Oh, yes, and help me find some shops! Bought it along the way. "

   "Convenient, convenient, Mr. Lin, I will send you the prepared information tonight."

   "Well, it's the same as last time, using cash transactions, I will be at Dream House at about one o'clock tomorrow afternoon."

   After finalizing tomorrow's deal, Lin Fei suddenly felt a lot more relaxed.

   "My small goal will be achieved tomorrow." He thought in his heart.

   Putting the cash in the living room back into the dimensional space, Lin Fei got up and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

   At 11 o'clock in the evening, Zhou Xiaochuan sent the compiled information to Lin Fei.

   After Lin Fei received it, he quickly browsed It took only five minutes to select the house he needed.

   47 houses, plus 25 shops, all houses worth 420 million have been selected.

   After forwarding the information to Zhou Xiaochuan, Lin Fei turned off the lights and went to sleep.

   Zhou Xiaochuan is suffering tonight. Within a few minutes after sending the information, Zhou Xiaochuan thinks that he will receive Lin Fei’s reply tomorrow morning, and he is about to rest with his wife!

   Ding Dong sounded, and Zhou Xiaochuan turned on the phone and looked at it.

   "Mr. Lin? Why is it so fast?"

   Clicking on the information, Zhou Xiaochuan's face flushed with excitement, his wife saw Zhou Xiaochuan's hands trembling, her face flushed, and asked worriedly, "My husband, did something happen?"

   Zhou Xiaochuan put down the phone, took his wife in his arms, and kissed her on her face heavily and said: "My wife, we may have insomnia tonight."



In the afternoon of the next day, when Lin Fei came to Dream House again, he found that the battle was bigger this time than last time. There were only a dozen people last time. This time there were more than 30 people waiting for his arrival. Some security guards were scattered around.

   "Mr. Lin, there is no way, because the transaction amount is huge, these security measures cannot be omitted." Zhou Xiaochuan, who knows Lin Fei, quickly explained.

   "Well, let's hurry up and trade! I'll have something to do later!" Lin Fei said.


   After three o'clock in the afternoon, after refusing Zhou Xiaochuan's request to send him off, Lin Fei walked out of the Dream House, stopped at the door, opened his arms and stretched his waist.

   "Okay! Almost all the money has been spent, and now we have to prepare the plan for this trip."

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