My third Life: Mass Effect Edition

Chapter 3: Replacement.

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Chapter 3

Triggering a Mother.

Unsc space, Asari Command Ship, BullDog's Pov

With a sizeable clinking sound the side port opened, and the aliens in front of us oozed hostility, I hoped one would try something, it had been a while since I killed something, and my trigger finger began to twitch as the Alien's guns were aimed at me, walking into the room a deep calm washed over my body, the Emperor's will as the Spartans call it, A deep calm that increases our combat capabilities, distributed to us by a mental link all Spartans maintain with the Emperor.

"I'm here for the councilor the rest of you are to remain here, the Emperor will return your leader to you by the end of the day."

Walking forwards, I approached the center of the command deck, the two other members of my squad fanning out around me, picking two Alien targets to kill if things went south as they coned out, a single shot echoed through the room, an alien with an itchy trigger finger had shot at my second, the bullet didn't break her shields but if I knew my second, that wouldn't matter.

Before anyone could react, Jasmine had the Alien in a headlock, an M6G Pistol lodged in its mouth, a simple glare from her shut the whimpering alien up, turning to the rest of them, with a hand gesture, I motioned for my team to fall back to the docking port, standing there, still waiting for someone else to move.

I threw a device onto the floor as two of the Aliens began to flare blue, 'Biotics' the Emperor called, the manipulation of some element, the device? A sort of Jammer, something the Emperor had Gloria cook up, that woman is as insane as she is smart, took a week and a half to come up with this thing, we tested it on the alien the Emperor keep in the citadel, it worked a treat.

The aliens instantly lost their biotics and for the first time, I think I see genuine fear cover their faces but before things progressed any further, what I assume is the 'Councilor' walked towards us, hands out in a show of surrender, she pushed past us and into our ship, with a snarl, Jasmine punch her hostage in the jaw before following the councilor, Myself and Samuel covering her retreating form, quickly disconnecting our ship form the Alien one, making our way towards our fleet, the captured alien remaining silent, only glaring at Jasmine, who was aiming her pistol, waiting for this alien to try something like the last.

Zach's Pov

I smile as the hologram of my favorite Spartan reports the successful acquisition of the Asari Councilor, honestly, I'm glad we didn't have to kill anyone, even happier that the dampeners actually work, my test subject could have been faking it, and if she were and my troops died as a result? Death would have been the least of her worries.


An old voice calls out to me, with a Smile I turn from the holographic projector, coming face to face with a leading engineering researcher Gloria Marques, the crazy glint in her eye has me scared, only good can come from it but my fear is the cost of her latest invention, "Yes Gloria?"

"My daughter is pregnant, would you grace us with your presence at the baby shower?"

Huh of all things, that was literally the last thing on the list of things I expected to hear from her, wait, when did she have a daughter?

"You have a daughter?"

She smiles for a second, "Yes a clone from my DNA, I had aged her up to her twenties to see if clones could reproduce naturally, and it appears that they can, giving us another option to ballon our population, we will need it to fill out the colonies you have planned."

Ok, that makes more sense, after all, I'm sure no one is thirsty enough to actually give her a child, I mean don't get me wrong, she is pretty hot but her 'intelligence' is scary, even for me, below mine but not by enough for me to comfortable.

"Of course, run it by Ameilia, she will clear my schedule for the duration of the shower, now what was your actual update?"

A knowing smile dons her face, " We have mastered the next level of hangers, would you now like us to work on the ship type you dubbed the 'Cruiser'?"

"Yes please, has Marcus told you how far along he is on the next level of shields?"

She nods her head, "We have moved past deflectors now and have shields proper, he is ecstatic about the progress and has asked for time to work on a personal project, something to do with sensors, to be honest, I zoned out as he droned on."

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I chuckle slightly, "Let him know he can begin on the sensor asap, they will help prepare us for the future."

She nods her head, leaving the temporary throne room as my next appointment enters.

"Councilor Tevos, a pleasure to meet you at last."

The Asari in question is dragged into the room, Bulldog bows to me before taking a defensive stance at my side, Jasmine, his lover? Stands behind the councilor, her hand sitting on her pistol, the Asari in question looks angry and slightly confused. The emotions that my extra sense picks up are a mixture of the two with fear slowly building up, I struggle not to laugh as she tries to see my features, I have distorted my body and face using shadows, and nothing is too clear except my eyes, one golden and the other crimson red.

"Councilor I have brought you here to discuss the Council races clearly ignoring the signs of this system having independent space-faring life and sending an invasive scientific ship to one of our new colonies, the science ship in question began to aggressively take my people as samples for study."

"Now wait a minute-"

She goes to interrupt me, but a click of a weapon behind her, causes her to pause, turning slightly she sees an M6G barrel staring back at her.

"In retaliation my navy has destroyed the vessel, bringing the crew back to my capital for interrogation, what I have learned from their minds is so intriguing, did you know that one of them was an assassin sent to kill your daughter by a rival of yours? Another interesting fact is we believe we can cure the geonphage within 10 years, that would shake up the galaxy, wouldn't it? An unknown empire releasing a vengeful Krogan back on the Galaxy."

The Asari does something I don't expect, she forces herself to be calm, a thing that is definitely not in my interest.

"Where is my daughter?"

Is the sole thing that escapes her mouth,

"My new servant is currently on my capital planet, tending to my plants, two Spartans stand near her at all times, waiting for the order. I understand your anger, I do, if my daughter was the one held hostage, well, I would tear this galaxy apart to save her but that's irrelevant, isn't it? It's not my daughter that has been taken hostage by a crazy emperor right?"

Her anger returns, much more viciously than before, and her biotics flare around her body, with such force that the dampener explodes, before Bulldog or Jasmine can react the Asari flings herself at me in a biotic charge, the speed and force of which is impressive, when she is two inches away from making an impact, I teleport to the side of her, slamming my hand around her throat using her own force and speed to rip her head off her shoulders.

As the corpse slams into the floor, I turn to the two Spartans, remarking" Too slow"

Before bending down to the corpse, grabbing the head, and teleporting to my genetics lab, time for part two of the plan.

A week later,The Citadel, Vanessa Del Deray's Pov

As we walk through the impressive alien structure, I make sure to remind my staff that this will all turn into a death trap soon, we are here to steer as many resources to the UNSC before that happens, as of right now, a diplomatic corp form the Empire is being lead by Councilor Tevos and her daughter through the citadel, towards our new home, an embassy on this structure, I wish I was still on Lucifuge with the Emperor but if this is my role so be it.

It didn't take long for the Councilor to organize all of this, I guess she had political weight behind her before he sudden 'visit' to our system, I was a little worried that the Citadel sensors would pick up on the Councilor being different but it seems our devotion to genetic mastery has not been a waste.

I have many meetings with the various alien races over the next few days, I hope I'm able to secure our independence while the Navy rapidly expands, my next goal is to claim the neutral systems near us to become our territory officially, we have already begun mass creating space stations in the areas we wish to claim.

With the backing of the Asari councilor, I'm sure plenty will be possible...

Thanks for reading! One thing to note, the release schedule for the novel will be whenever I am motivated to write for it, I'm not going to force myself to write when I don't feel like it. Doing so will only reduce the already subpar content. On fanfiction,net it is once a month atm, looking to move to a chapter every two weeks, will see about increasing further than that at a later date.

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