My third Life: Mass Effect Edition

Chapter 5: Time Skip

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<Council Meeting, The Citadel, Feburary 10th, 2147 CE ,10 years to first contact war>

"Tevos why are you supporting the UNSC again? Are they blackmailing you or something? This latest infringement on Turian territory can't go unpunished, they have taken 3 worlds from us, three fucking worlds and you sit here and demand we play nice, what do you know that we don't?"

The Asari councilor turns to her left, staring the Turain dead in the eyes, "Have you ever seen their Emperor?"

It was a simple question, one that caused the bustle of the room to quieten down instantly, "You haven't have you?"

The Asari continues, "Only two people have met him and survived me and Aria T'Loak, Aria lost her station to UNSC forces while I nearly lost my daughter, there is a reason people go through Vanessa and don't look for the Emperor, even the Shadow Broker respects this rule."

An alert goes off in their meeting room, answering, it, Tevos smiles slightly as a cloaked figure appears,

"Well, well a nice meeting you have here, I would be upset if I cared what you were talking about, I'm here to announce the UNSC is officially withdrawing from the Council, our borders are considered closed for all purposes except trade, any military ship will be shot. I would say it has been a pleasure working together but we both know that would be a lie, when you are getting your arse kicked come and find me. If another spectre attempts my life, I will wipe all of your races from existence, this is your only warning, do not test me again. Sorry, I have got to go, meeting with Krogan, something about a cure to the Genophage, will keep you posted."

Zach's Pov

With that dealt with its time to back up my claims, my body splits into four, each version of me with its own duties to complete, they are as follows:

1. Make a deal with a few Krogan clans to cure the Genophage in return for their eternal service. (Even with superior genetics, Krogan are stronger than the average spartan, imagine a genetically modified Krogan, boosting their strengths and removing their weaknesses. RIP Salarians/Turians.)

2. Continue to mess with Earth, preparing them for the first Contact war a little better. (UNSC squads are already being trained to fight on Shanxi, by the time the war comes around, my first Flag Ship should be built.)

3. Look after my Daughter.

4. Continue to look for the Rachni, I know that some survived and were messed with by Cereberus, want to tame some bug troops myself.

Zach's Pov, Tachunka, Krogan DZ

With a shudder I appear in the sole valley in this hell hole that has any form of natural life, this valley is important as it has the largest female clan, my go-to for both information and recruitment. With a slow walk forwards I approach the clan, staring forwards as the Krogan guards walk toward me, I try to look as less threatening as possible.

For once I remove the shadows that usually cloud my face, I allow my human features to be seen by an alien for the first time since I have arrived on this planet, 79 years I have been here, 79 years this secret has been hidden.

"Halt Alien, you shouldn't be here, Name your species and purpose for being here."

A Krogan guard snarls, two of them approach, Claymore shotguns in hand, I smile slightly," My name is Zach, Emperor of the UNSC, I have a proposition for your clan, not the sexy kind, not yet anyways."

Both Krogan stare at me, one talking into a primitive communicator, like a weird phone, a gruff snort comes from the Guard as she turns to me, gesturing for me to follow her, I do, taking in the beauty of the valley as I travel.

After a short walk, we arrive in a central clearing, I was directed to seating carved into the rock, and planting my ass on the seat, I waited for what seemed like a while, the Guards still eyeing me suspiciously, understandable, the unconfirmed rumors surrounding the UNSC and Turian skirmishes probably has them on edge.

After a small wait, A flame Shaman approaches me with another four guards who put themselves between me and her, "Why are you here?"

I pause, should I?

Fuck it.

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"Well Bakara,"

All of the Krogan tense at the Shaman's name, claymores turn on me instantly, "I have come with an offer for your people, a chance to excel as a race once more. To undo what was done to you in the past, there are conditions to this of course but I can have a few clans cured within a week."

"I do not believe you, your empire has reached even our ears, the Males praise your aggression toward the Turains but do you truly believe you can beat them? The council? Freeing us will turn them against you, you will isolate yourself."

I laugh slightly at this, "The UNSC has been self-sufficient for the last 5 years and has officially terminated its associate status with the Council, events are coming in the future where they will need me more than I them at that time they will come crawling for our help.

I pause, allowing my words to sink in before continuing,

"I have worlds in my empire that are suitable for your species, I ask that the clans we cure reside on these worlds for an extended period of time so we can make sure that the cure world effectively before we distribute to all of your kind if you can pass the message to any clans that you think may accept my offer then please do. Food, medicine, and all needs will be provided for the clans by us, the only thing we ask is you defend the planets that we give you if they are attacked."

As Eve goes to speak, my phone goes off in my pocket, picking it up I freeze for as second, fuck my second body should be dealing with that shit, fucks sake man. "I'm sorry, I have to cut this short, something of vital interest has come up, here, take this."

I hand Bakara a card, "It has my head ambassador's number on it, contact her and a ship will be sent to pick up any Krogan who wish to be cured. I know this sounds crazy but I do want to help, take a risk, and see what happens, you have nothing to lose."

With that I teleport to Earth, USA, New York to be exact, Body 2 is late, if he fucked up this date I swear to God I will delete him.

"Hey Hannah, sorry something came up, I hope I didn't keep you waiting too long."

Citizen Species: Human (82%), Asari (16%), Turian (4%)

Homeworld: Lucifuge (1.9 Billion Population)

Potential: SS

Other Planets of Note: Suen (300 Million Pop), Kyto (460 Million Pop).

Clusters: 7

Systems: 22

Spaceports: Twenty-Two Large Scale Citadels.

Military Rating: Imposing Fleet: 350 Destroyer Class Ships, 45 Carrier Cruisers, 25 Battle Cruisers, 18 Battleships, 2 ? in production.

Economic Rating: ThrivingEconomy (1250 Alloy excess a day produced, 200 consumer good excess, 250 energy excess, 2500 Mineral excess, 100 food excess)

Diplomatic Rating: Asari (-30), Salarians (-60), Turians (-90), Krogan (+30)

Research Rating: Competent Research (95 Civic pieces of research complete, 75 Military pieces of research complete)

Thanks for reading, have a good one.

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