My Three Yandere Wives

Chapter 2: Luna’s sadness

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"This is going to be an amazing experience I hope we get along to Supreme system!" Daniel screamed excitedly in his head!

"Daniel Sole as you noticed you have been given a system made by all of us, its about time we start your reincarnation." Violet appeared in front of him smiling from ear to ear. Lightly touching his forehead with her pointer finger she started to speak ancient a language.

"I the goddess's of reincarnation grant Daniel Sol a safe passing into reincarnation through the world of Nero a magical world full of mysteries, I select Arius Fay a sick 1-year-old child who was born into the Fay family will be his new body."

Daniel's body began to disappear starting from his feet to his waist he gradually disappeared from the heavens into the new world Nero.


"Did I reincarnate?" Arius slowly opened his eyes as he muttered to himself, gazing around the wooden room he noticed it was an old fashioned type of room you would expect from before the 90's more like 1400 AD.

After gazing around the room he noticed his small body wouldn't listen to him and move on his command making him slightly annoyed but hey he was in a babies body so he would have to deal with this set back until he grows older.

"I need to study this world as soon as possible so I can learn the cultures, religion, cities or kingdoms and all the species in this world. While Arius was talking to himself he heard a door open.


A old lady in a maid uniform holding a wet towel walked into the room staring at Arius with an expression full of pity.

"The gods are to cruel, not giving a newborn baby a magic pool is like punishing him for the rest of his life."

Listening to what the old maid said made Arius's face scrunch up.

"Hey old lady the gods didn't punish me they did the opposite they blessed me with a beautiful system... wait did she say magic pool!" Arius talked to his system excitedly.

"Yes host there is magic in this world, don't worry the old body owner didn't have a magic pool because he was extremely sick you on the other hand have me supreme system so we will have your magic pool healed by tomorrow!"

"Supreme system I love you to death if only I could kiss you" Arius blew kisses in the air full of love.

"Thank you host!"

"Supreme system can I look at my menu?" Arius asked with eyes that shined with curiosity.

"Of course"

[Supreme System]

[Points 0]

[Level 0]  [0-100 EXP]

[Skills locked]

"Interesting, can you explain me how the system works?" Arius curiously asked.

"Of course. Points will be used to unlock skills once you level up, in order to level up you must kill hostile monsters or defeat a hostile human this also includes how you will gain points, once you start leveling up more skills will be unlocked and the larger your menu will grow."

"That's all I need to know"

While Arius and Supreme system were speaking to each other the old maid silently walked over to him and gently placed a warm wet towel on his naked body while feeding him cut up bananas.

"damn this feel relaxing" he couldn't help but feel relaxed after having a warm towel placed on his small cute body and fed dinner that was cut up small pieces of bananas.

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Seeing the baby smile the old maid sighed still feeling pity for the small baby.

"Once the baron learns about his 3rd son not having a magic pool he wont be happy worst case scenario he will get rid of him." Leaving those words behind the old maid left the room filled with sadness.

Hearing this Arius had a huge grin on his cute baby face.

"Well this will be a shocker when they find out I do have a magic pool by tomorrow" He chuckled to himself thinking about the old maid's reaction especially his mother who he has not seen yet.

The hours went by as he talked with the Supreme System and eventually he fell asleep excited for tomorrow.


"Host wake up your family is in the room with a high class mana user"

"Mhm I didn't notice I usually slept with an alarm clock on my phone to help me wake up so this is new" Arius responded inside his head as he opened his small eyes gazing his surroundings.

Present in the room was a women who was extremely beautiful with long white hair that reached the back of her thighs, and green eyes that shined elegantly while the aura around her screamed ara ara.

Next to her was a grown man with short white hair that reached a little to his ears, he had red eyes that could pierce through anyone the aura around him screamed veteran from war.

Standing behind the man was a 5-year-old boy who had long white hair reaching his shoulders and beautiful green eyes that could make anyone think he was cute the only problem was he was staring at Arius filled with hatred in his eyes.

Standing closes to Arius was a old man who's face was full of wrinkles and lazy eyes that could make anyone feel lazy themselves.

"So Albus is my baby boy healthy?" The mother asked with anxiety showing on her face.

Albus gently lifted Arius's small body off the bed and closely examined his body to see if anything was wrong he casted a examine spell but found nothing wrong instead he found out he is extremely healthy.

"Countess Luna, Arius is extremely healthy and has a strong magic pool he will have an amazing future!"

"Thank god I was told he didn't have a magic pool and I felt like passing out" Luna sighed in relief knowing what her husband would do to her child.

"Who ever told you that his magic pool was broken probably made a mistake it's impossible to fix it once its destroyed" He chuckled.

"So nothing is wrong with him?" The Father questioned Albus with a gaze that could kill.


"No Count Ivan he is extremely healthy" Albus answered while sweat appeared on his old wrinkly face.

"Good I do not need a trash son, I will be taking my leave" With these words Ivan left the room followed by the 5-year-old boy.

"Well Ill be taking my leave Countess" With these words said Albus bowed and left the room.

There were only two people left in the room Arius and Luna. Slowly walking towards her son she gently caressed his squishy clean white face and gazed at him with a loving smile.

"Arius listen to me... you are one of my shining stars besides your little sister who is on her way soon. Remember this is a world where only the powerful rule, I want you to grow up to protect your self and your little sister, mommy will not be here for long my disease is finally catching up with me I only have 11 years left, in my heart I know you will be a great man I'm sorry I wont be able to watch you get married and see my grandchildren" Tears started to come down her beautiful face as she spoke softly.

Listening to what his mother said he felt like his heart was being squeezed.

"Don't worry mother I will find a way to cure you're disease, I promise no matter what this world throws at me I will come out on top!" Arius spoke from his heart knowing that she could not hear him but he still wanted to say something no matter if it was heard or not.

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