My Turn

Chapter 2: Ch 2

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“Hahh- hahh… Hahh,” Seong shakily barged through the door, stumbling on the ground,

‘Damn it, slow down!’ Seong looked to his left, two figures quickly leaped into the shadows. 


Seong ran while gliding his fingers on the cement walls of the buildings into an alleyway. 


Seong quickly turned around to see Dae-Jung patting him on the shoulder,”Seong-nim, please wait over here…” He bent down to whisper and held Seong’s shoulders, guiding him into a lightless spot. 

“Seong-nim,” His hot breath made Seong shudder,”Please stay here and take a video of these assaulters, when they come through that alleyway over there,” Dae-Jung pointed towards an illuminated alley,”Just having their faces will be enough for Hyun noona to track them down.”

Dae-Jung’s face looked elated as he handed Seong a small video camera, 

‘It seems Kim Hyun is quite the role model, since he talks so highly of her.’ Seong scoffed as he remembered that cold face of hers,’I should pay more attention to her.’

Dae-Jung left Seong in the alley as he wall jumped up the building, soon disappearing from Seong’s vision. Seong sighed and took the small camera and fidgeted with its buttons, sitting on the floor. 


The sky that had already darkened, turned a deep shade of blue. And the time Seong sat on the floor felt very long, to the point his bones felt like it was digging through his skin.

‘Why do I have such a boring spot…’ Seong opened and closed his hand in a repetitive motion, his hand has become numb as the pain was no longer there. Now it just needs some stimulation.

As Seong momentarily waited, he heard the sound of footsteps. He held his breath as he heard distant voices from afar.

“Y’know, that rumor with that- um… Y’know…”

“Y’know, Y’know, what? Stop stuttering, I feel like I’m losing brain cells…”

“I’m trying, ok! But it’s his stare, like he’s going to kill me. I don’t know!”

“Who are you even talking about..”

“The one with silver eyes… What’s his name? He’s one of the sons of the Han affiliate group…”

“That one?! …What could he do? He’s just a D-rank, I think.”

“We’re normal people.”

They both stared at each other in the alley, then one pulled out a cigarette box and offered the other one a cigarette. They puffed smoke while mocking Han Seong.

The ones barking were staffs of the bar: the host who was stuttering, and a bartender offering cigarettes. Han Seong had to sit there and listen to this nonsense.

Seong sprawled himself onto the floor, making sure to get a good angle, cursing them to be the next victims. Then some more employees of the bar—about five—came out from the back. 

“Aishh… What’re you doing smoking without us?” She was the waitress who served Seong, she looked way more dignified than her last appearance.

“Eh? Oh you! Ha-eun,” The host waved at her,”Tell Do-Young hyung about why you wouldn’t come out of the bathroom!” The host pointed behind him.

“W-what?! What’re you talking about, nothing like that ever happened!” She batted a bashful eye while being handed a smoke. 

The others laughed. After everyone was given cigarettes, the host spoke,”Anyway, you know that rumor with that Han guy right? About how he’s been lurking around these alleys,” He inhaled the smoke,” There’s been a lot of assault cases, and that Han guy is a possible suspect.” 

“Then wouldn’t he already been arrested as a suspect?”

“It’s just a speculative rumor, that’s why everyone is so wary. That’s why the police hasn’t done anything yet, but as long as there’s proof, he’ll be gone for good!” The host snickered as smoke came through his nose.

“…” Han Seong watched them laugh,

‘…I’m really a villain, aren't I?’ He recalled the information from the book. He’s reincarnated as one of the basic villains in this world, Han Seong, the one that Lee Woo-Jin is after because Han Seong supposedly caused Lee Woo-Jin’s cousin to go to the hospital. 

        She was the only family member Lee Woo-Jin had, so when he heard that Han Seong was responsible for the assault happening, they’ve been crossing paths ever since. 

Seong sighed, the real Han Seong also drove Lee Woo-Jin into a massive break down, putting him into a crazed and obsessive mindset. And right now, that stuff has already happened. 

‘So what am I doing here? Isn’t this even more dangerous?’ Seong felt chills running up his spine.

“Hey… Do you get the feeling we’re being watched-“ As one of the employees stopped gossiping, his head got bashed in with a hammer. 

        He was knocked out on the floor with a cracked skull. The other employees looked at the direction of footsteps, terrified as they saw a man in full black, grinning. 

“Hoh? It’s not nice to talk behind others backs, Y’know? But it’s great lee-way for us, so keep doing it.” The man’s unsettling smile paired with his taunting tone silenced the air. 

Seong’s heart dropped,’I didn’t really mean to curse them…’ He laid there pointing the camera at the scene, video-taping the screaming and bloody mess across him. 

-Drip, drip, …drip.

“…Little rat, you’re still there?” The man bellowed his voice, looking at the dripping mess.

‘What?..’ Seong’s throat felt like it was closing, he didn’t move his camera away.

“Hoh Hoh! You’re really brave, Y,know?” The man’s shadowed face brightened as he turned towards Seong, the alley lights illuminated his pale face: his crusty platinum hair accentuated his wide smile, his eyes were shut and looked as if they were burned, his pointy finger beckoned Seong to come closer. 

‘Oh, fuck this! My life matters more!’ Seong backed himself against the wall, the man that stood alone soon had other people by his side,

“Take these bodies away. I’ll get the rat, it’ll be bad if he’s let loose.” The man’s people hummed in agreement.

But as the man took a step, he heard tases and grunts behind him. 

“Huh?” He turned to see Myung Dae-Jung disabling his people, acting as if he’s killed them,”No wonder you were so brave…” The man laughed. 

“It’s best if you surrender now.” Dae-Jung got into a fighting position.

“Do you think I’d care if you kill them? It’s a hassle, but sacrifices are needed when sources are running low,” The man shook his head,”But no matter how I look at it, you’re just trying to avert my attention from that rat over there.”

“?!” Dae-Jung flinched.

The man threw a bottle of gas at Dae-Jung and bolted towards Seong, Seong’s instincts came in and screamed at him to run. His feet started to kick at the ground, bolting through the tight corners of the alleys towards the streets and across the bar. 

But Seong knew, he knew he was too slow, he could hear the grinning man slowly catching up to him.

‘This bastard!’ Seong took a quick glance behind him, but quickly looked back as he needed to know where he was going,’Where are my useless bodyguards right now?! Aren’t they supposed to protect me?!’


Kim Hyun dropped down from the building,” Where is Seong-nim, I don’t sense him anywhere.”

“Cough, he ran away…We need to hurry, there’s someone chasing after him.” Dae-Jung flapped the smoke away from his face.

“You take these assaulters into the car, I’ll go after Seong-nim…” Kim Hyun ran off with a strange look.


Even though Seong has been running for a while, he didn’t feel tired, but that didn’t matter when there’s a damn psychopath on his tail! The chaser was catching up,

“Haha! It’s nice running on the weekend, can’t you feel that burn?” 

‘Yeah, the view is great on the bridge but, what the fuck is this nonsense?!’ Seong tried to think of a way to lose him, but the man kept spouting bullshit,

“Hah, what’s your name? Hah..” He’s even jogging as if nothing happened earlier! 

‘Stop being friendly! It’s even scarier!’ Seong tried to push all the noise from his ears, then he thought back about his mana… Could he use it to temporarily move him faster? He slowed down a little.

He flinched when he felt the mana rush down the veins in his legs, it wrapped itself around and Seong tried to push himself with the mana. As his foot stepped on the concrete, the mana swished from his foot to the ground, pushing his momentum forward like an arrow.

“Hey, aren’t you- What?!” The man crossed his arms in front of his face, he was suddenly pushed back by the motion, skidding on the concrete,”What was that?…”

Seong’s body shot forward as his squinted eyes watered,’How do I stop!?’ He was shot into a grassy area, rolling until his side hit a tree.

“Agh!” He recoiled into himself, his legs shook from the sudden burst of mana. He groaned as he grabbed his left side, worried that the pain from back then would come to prick at him again. He felt nauseous.

“Where am I?” When he tried lifting his head, all the blood rushed down. He saw a park ahead of him, he somehow ran miles away from the bar, and he had to unfortunately go back.


The man was surprised, where did that burst of energy come from? It wasn’t an ability. Then he got a call,

-“Park Eun-Jae, stop the operation, we have to lay low for a while.”

“Aha, well, things already been done hyung-nim. Our people has been captured as well-“

-“Shit! Are you serious?! Have you been slacking off or something?!”

“I’m catching a rat right now, it’ll be a problem since he has my face.”

-“Has your face? Just hurry up and kill that bastard then come back.”

The call abruptly ended, Park Eun Jae sighed. He opened his left eye, a magenta hue glimmered in the moonlight. He looked straight ahead, the streets darkened while a white misty streak formed in a curvy direction. 

‘It’s a good thing I placed that tracker on him while we were running,’ Park Eun Jae tapped the front of his left shoe on the floor,’I was just going to play for a little while-‘

-‘Have you been slacking off or something?!’

Park Eun Jae stood still for a while then spat at the floor,’Guess I was for a bit.’ Then he smiled,”But this cat just wanted to have fun.” 


Seong panted while limping with trembling legs, he grunted with every step. He clenched the camera tightly in his jacket,’How long have I walked?’

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He lurked around behind the buildings in case he saw that nut job again, he peeked around the corners before moving. He was still inexperienced, to the point he couldn’t protect himself.

‘Damn it! I took self defense classes for what?!’ Before Seong reincarnated, he was skilled at fighting. Is this karma for what he has done in his past life? It’s not like he went after the weak, he only went after ones who were bullying others anyway, he thought that was a way of doing things right. 

Seong’s pace slowed down, he felt miserable, sentimental even. He missed his high school days, which made him got to know his best friend, Cha Kyu. He was a weak and cowardly kind of person, being the subject of bullying. Up until Seong started to intervene.

Why? No reason really, just on that particular day Seong remembered watching a puppy being beaten and grow up with a disability that way. 

And coincidentally, Cha Kyu looked just like that puppy: his brown hair dirtied with dust and sticks along with his trembling white hands being stepped on, his glossy black eyes begging them to stop, his hoarse voice croaked as he yelped. And, Seong snapped.

Seong doesn’t remember much from that event, but as much as they were beaten and bruised, Seong was off even worse as he was just one person. He crouched and reached out to Cha Kyu’s head, but he flinched.

Seong stopped,’The dog was like this too.’ 

It was how they were treated, they’ve gotten used to it and couldn’t trust anyone, that dull look in their eyes as if they wanted to die. 

Seong patted Cha Kyu on the shoulder with his hand lightly,”Hey, you should run away, go to the infirmary and get treated…”


“I’ll be responsible for the situation so…” Seong’s nose and head started to bleed simultaneously,”Please don’t live like this…” Then he fainted on Cha Kyu.

Seong woke up in the infirmary with his black hair pulled away from his face, one of his amber eyes were bloodshot, and his flawless white skin was colored in hues of purple and red. 

He found out Cha Kyu went to get the school officials and told them everything that happened, as a result, they were given suspensions for causing a ruckus on school grounds.

After that, Seong asked his mother to put him in self defense classes, there he learned he had quick reflexes and was greatly skilled. 

Seong thought about crying kid on the floor, comparing them to the dog. Though he had issues with the dog, it soon began to know human affection, and was now the happiest dog in the world. But it was already old, withering day by day, if Seong only helped it sooner, this dog would’ve known the joys it could’ve gotten, if only sooner. 

If he could change what he could’ve done, he would’ve done so. But it was too late. But there was another opportunity to make things right.

Seong’s suspension was shorter, so he was able to go back to school, everyone avoided him due to fear. As he was leaving, he bumped into Cha Kyu. Seong would’ve never struck up a conversation if not for Cha Kyu thanking him, and from then on, they became friends.

But, Cha Kyu was still the same person—weak, cowardly, and defenseless. The subject of bullying. But Seong was there, and as his high school days became more difficult, the more twisted his personality became. He didn’t realize that until Cha Kyu pointed it out,

“Hyung, you’ve become more angrier lately.”

“Of course, everyone wants to fight-“

“Hyung, that’s not what I mean. Please don’t lash out at people…”

“What do you mean?”

“Don’t you remember that you did this to help people like me? Please don’t lose your reason.”


Though Seong felt frustrated at Cha Kyu, he eventually reformed his behavior. As Seong was Cha Kyu’s reason to keep living, Cha Kyu was the reason for Seong to appreciate life beyond fighting. Cha Kyu was his savior as he was to him. 


“I can’t help every time.”

“… I know, I’m too useless. I don’t mean to bother you, Hyung-“

“See? That’s why you keep being targeted. They want someone who thinks like you.”

“… I- I don’t know what to do.”

“Then just get stronger.” Cha Kyu gave a disheartened look, as if saying he knows that,” With me. Let’s get stronger together, so when we part ways, you won’t be taken advantage of.”

Cha Kyu’s eyes watered,”…Pft…”


“Nothing, just… Thanks…For staying with me.” Cha Kyu smiled sweetly at Seong, and they held that moment together for a while. 

Later on in high school, Cha Kyu could finally leave his days of a coward behind, and Seong stayed by his side till… This sudden possession. 

Seong cracked a smile, he isn’t this type of person to smile affectionately, but he did. He laughed disheartenedly,

“Cha Kyu…”


Seong’s eyes widened, that sweet taunting voice was back again. The man stepped right behind Seong, wrapping his arms around him. 

“Did you forget about me? It’s not nice to have someone else in mind when there’s someone trying to get your attention.”

“Stop with your twisted bullshit.” The man was to Seong’s neck, Seong had no idea why the man was acting so weirdly, was it some sick game to him? 

“Haha, c’mon, don’t say that. I’ve only been able to see the back of your head, I wonder what you look like?” The man raised his arm and placed his fingers on Seong’s chin, then he twisted Seong’s neck to face him. 

“Hoh?” The man opened his right eye, a beautiful sheen of green reflected Seong’s tense face,”So it was you? The one in the rumors?”

“Shut up.” Seong pushed out of the man’s strong hold,”Who are you?” 

“Well, I asked for your name back then, but you didn’t tell me. I think I have a right to not tell you.” The man shrugged and Seong furrowed his brow. 

“Actually, I’m kinda running out of time, so stay still.” The man lunged forward and aimed for Seong’s chest, Seong twisted his body and caught his wrist. 

Then the man struck Seong at the back of his knee with his foot, making Seong lose his footing. Seong then fell flat on his back as the man rammed him into the ground, the man wrapped his hands around Seong’s neck and he dug his nails into Seong’s throat. It caused a little puncture wound, but that was enough for the man to use his ability. 

The man’s fingers excreted green liquid into Seong’s neck, it left a burning sensation which left Seong breathless every time he struggled. Seong tucked his limbs under the man’s body, quickly pushing the man over which made him loosen his grip. 

The man grunted as his head crashed into the ground, Seong took that moment to quickly grab both the man’s wrists. Surprisingly, the man’s wrists were small enough for one hand, Seong raised his elbow and bashed it into the man’s face.

“Argh!” The man twisted his face away quickly and grasped Seong’s hand, digging into it and burning Seong’s hand with his poison. Seong bashed the man’s head again before letting go, holding his raw hand while backing off.

“…You… I wonder why you don’t use your abilities…” The man shot blood through his nose while slowly getting up,”Let’s end this quickly, alright?” He opened both of his eyes as he wiped his bloody nose.

Seong clenched his teeth,’I don’t have anything special…’ The man disappeared and appeared right in front of Seong, Seong instinctively ducked and dashed forward. But the man went behind; Seong seen these kinds of feints before, he has to predict these moves if he wants to live. 

The man sneered,”Would you look at that? I guess you’ve got some good eyes.” The man landed on one foot and pushed forward, swinging his fist, creating a purple curved blade, slashing at the moving Seong. 

Seong couldn’t keep dodging forever, but he didn’t have anything to help defend him against a blade. Then he remembered about the bursts of mana he had when he was in the bar, he was able to create a weapon with his hand then, so he just needed to get close.

        Seong dropped low and skidded underneath the man, but the man stomped on Seong’s abdomen and skewered his blade into the ground. 

The man’s free hand was covered in a poison with fumes coming off of it, he went to strike Seong in the face.


“!?” As the man was about to strike, Seong had his fingers positioned as a gun, he had shot a burst of mana through the man’s neck.

“Damn it! I missed!” Seong pushed the man’s foot away while getting up quickly. 

“Kuk! Cack!” The man kept throwing up blood while trying to cover his neck wound.

Seong thought it was a good time to finish, so he lunged forward and tried use his mana again, but as he tried, blood rushed through his nose and mouth,

“Cough!” The blood splattered all over the floor.

The man saw the opportunity and impaled Seong in the shoulder, but Seong still reacted and shifted his hand to quickly grasp on to the tip of the blade, the man clicked his tongue while clotting his wound with poison. 

        He retracted his blade and rammed into Seong, knocking them both onto the floor, causing the camera in Seong’s jacket to fly out. 

Seong was afraid since the man had the upper hand, so he dug his thumbs into the man’s cauterized wound and violently ripped the skin, having the blood squirt onto his face. 

“Caakk!! Gurgle*” The man jumped away and began choking on his blood.

        ‘What the hell is this savage bastard?’ 

         His adrenaline pumped through all of his limbs, though he couldn’t feel the pain, he knew this situation was bad. He turned towards the camera and lunged for it, then he bolted while holding his flapping neck.

“Damn coward.” Seong cursed weakly, his internal injuries gushed blood and his heart continuously pumped, his shoulder wept crimson as he moved. ‘I’ll definitely remember you!’

He threw up blood again,

‘How am I still alive?’ He felt woozy and looked up, the wind blew Seong’s hair into a mess. 

‘Where are my bodyguards?’ 


A man in a hoodie heard the sounds of slashing that stopped a while ago, he was on the bridge with the brilliant moon watching from afar. 

        He didn’t know where to go but forward, but he stopped once he saw someone limping across from him. Once the person came into the moon light, the hooded man realized, the person was covered in blood.

“Cough!” The person’s hair covered their face, they were clenching onto their shoulder while shaking. 

The hooded man scurried towards the injured man,”Hello? What happened to you? Who did it?”

The injured man’s head didn’t look up, but his eyes did. And the hooded man could see, the stare of a predator after a formidable battle. The cold stare through his hair embedded a threatening aura as the hooded man hardened his face. 

‘You… You’re…’

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