My Twin Brocon Sisters Gender Bend In Isekai, Not only That I’m Their Daughter?!!!

Chapter 1: I WOKE UP

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what is this.....the sound, it's so strange....

it sounds like rain?.... 

it sounds like water?....

I could hear the bird's chirping?...

I opened my eyes, everything was blurry

wait, I think I see something, a light, a bright orange light,...ugh, my head is ringing, ringing non stop,,,,

what is this..?


I-I have to get up...

get up...

get up!

when i lift my body from the ground, I realized something when looking around.

" I'm in a forest?.."

there were tree's all around me, It was raining, it was dark that I could hardly see what's in front of me.

except for one weirdly flickering orange light

without thinking I started to go towards the strange light, dragging my injured body towards it.

limping step by step until I could see clearly what it was in front of me,

it was a burning car...

the flip upside down car looks like it had fallen off from high place, it was totally wreck, with it's body damage and the car windows shattered to pieces on the muddy ground.

it was on fire

 ' what's going on? what happe- argh!?, my hurts..'

when I was looking around my head started to ach, it's like my skull was being beaten by hammers, pulsing.

I touch my head with my hand, I could clearly see bright red liquid similar to blood, I've come to realized my head was also injured during the fall.

' think me think, what happened? I was driving then I saw a light and hit by a car?? or truck??, argh my head! .... wait there's was someone with me too... Sayori and Sara.....!'

I realized that my sister's we're with me while I was driving the car, 

after realizing that I frantically look around me

"Sayori! Sara! where are you!"

after a few minutes calling for their names, I heard a sound.


I frantically started walking to the direction of where the sound was coming from, I fastening my past ignoring the pain from my injuries that's being transmitted to my head.

because I was worried of my sister's condition,

faster... faster!..., that's what I only had focusing on my mind, 

making sure I didn't trip while heading towards the sound with my injured leg, 

"Sayori! Sara!"

I called for their names one more time.


after reaching it, I found my sister's but,


" god.."

I found my sister, 

who had a metal scrap pierce through her stomach,

it was Sara,

"Sara! what happened to you!, oh my god!"

I grab hold my sister gently, making sure she wouldn't be in pain, 

I could believe my eyes seeing her become like this,

I tried grabbing the piece of metal that's is lounge in my sister, thinking I could remove it,

but when i tried to do so my sister gave an painful expression,


" I'm sorry!"

when I let go of it, she was breathing a little bit harder,

 she looked pale,

very pale,

she was losing to much blood, 

even though in her condition she was showing a face that was very calm,

but she was still in pain,

I don't know what to do,

Sara where is your sister? that's what I asked of her,

she used every last of her strength to point her finger in a direction where her sister is at,


when I looked at the direction where she was pointing at,

I found what it seems to be my other sister's... body,

her body lifeless, not moving as if she's dead,

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I don't know either she's already dead or to injured to move,

my mind felt like it's in a loss....., 

I couldn't understand what happened.....,

it happened so quickly......,

my sister's.....,

what did I do to deserve this?.....,


I snapped back to reality, realizing that My sister desperately needs medical attention,

" wait a second Sara, I-I call the ambulance I call f-for help so hang on!"

I quickly grab my phone, even though it's screen is cracked it's still usable,

I started calling emergency services ambulance, firefighters, police anything that could save us,

"hang on, ok? hang on onichan is calling for help, then t-they will treat you and your sister sayori, everything is going to be just f-fine, everything is going to be just fine"

I was panicking, I could hear my heart beating faster than normal, my hands...They cant stop trembling Even though I was holding the phone and Sara in my laps,

I could feel my face getting wet not by the rain but from my tears who are shedding unintentional without realizing it,

" oni-chann..."

my sister called out to me,

"yes Sara?" I replied with a trembling voice,

" oni chan...."

" what is it Sara?, do you need anything? you should save your breath, everything going to be okay, I promise"

" onichan it-"


she said something but I couldn't hear it,

I asked her again, " what is it Sara?" bringing my head a little closer to her mouth,

she says " Onichan it's all your fault"

I...was frozen in place, as if time around me was stopped for about second,

"wh-what?..." I asked to clarify what she said,

"it's your fault Onichan, everything is your fault"

" what?.., n-no it's no i-its-" 

I tried to talk but my mind could not comprehend to give a right answer,

" it's your fault Onichan, I'm severely injured, and sayori is already dead",

"no i-"

" you cause this accident onichan, you cause our death"

" no I-I was d-driving and-"

" and you killed us, face it onichan, you killed us both, your a murderer"


" you killed us onichan" 

" no..."

"you killed us" 

"no no.."

" you killed us!"

"no no no!..."



she repeated those words as if she was chanting,

over and over again, everything was spinning and everything became a blur,


*diiii diiiii diiiii diiiii diiiii diiiii*



I jump up from my bed, breathing heavily and then I realized,

I just woke up,

* dii dii dii dii dii dii dii* click*

with the alarm clock turn off, I looked around with my body full of cold sweat,

I was on my bed, in my room, in my apartment,

still breathing heavily, I got from bed and went to the bathroom, I opened the faucet and filled the glass with tap water,

opening the cabinet near me I grabbed a bottle of pills with the label saying, ' antidepressants, take two recommend dosage', 

I hurriedly ate and swallow those pills with the water, and wash my face with cold tap water,

" huff..huff, it's just a dream, it's just a dream.... it's just,... another nightmare,"

I looked myself in the mirror, my face pale like it saw a ghost,

" everything's ok, everything's ok, it's not your fault, it's not your fault, it was an accident,"

outside the bathroom there was a photo near the bed with what it looks like a older brother with his two little Twin sisters happy smiling together,

it was already morning,


 Hello everyone(・∀・) thank you for reading my novel, it's the author here, I hope your surprise of the first chapter<( ̄︶ ̄)>, there be more interesting events happening latter on explaining what happened, do follow and keep bye (≧▽≦)

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