My Unwelcome Reincarnation

Chapter 1: Chapter 1: A Queen Reborn

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A frigid ache greeted me as my consiousness slowly stirred. Opening my eyes I gazed upon stone walls, meekly lit by a dying lantern. For a moment, I simply gazed at the point where the floor and the wall met, unable to process what I was seeing. 

The last thing I could remember was the heart-rending terror of a semi-truck jumping the median. There was no time to avoid it, no chance of survival. I stared death in the eyes, and then, nothing. In that moment I’d felt certain of my death, yet here I was, somehow alive.

Moving my arms I felt metal cut into my skin, the sound of metal chains filling the room. Terror gripped my heart as I twisted to look down at myself. 

“What the fuck?!” I screamed, my mind raced to process the unfathomable image my eyes fed it. My voice, now several ocvates higher than it’d once been.

Chains bound me to the wall, trapping me in the stone room, and yet they were quickly becoming the least of my worries. My body, was no longer the one I remembered. Though I was clad in loose hemp clothing, which obfuscated much of my body’s outline, the form before me was undeniably feminine. Extremely, undeniably, feminine. 

“Looks like you’re awake.” 

“What’ve you done to me?!” I shouted, twisting and turning to find the source of the voice. As far as I could tell, I was alone. 

“Forgive me, your majesty. I was not the one who bound you in those chains, though I am perhaps the one who stole your power. For that, I sincerly apologize. The girl you now inhabit is a sacrifice, destined to rot away, forgotten by all. I granted her a swift death, so that her body could be used to house your soul.” 

“Where are you?!” I couldn’t make sense of what my unexpected conversation partner was saying. Your Majesty? I wasn’t a king, I was the shift manager of a greesy, understaffed, burger joint. My power? What power? The power to somehow not punch the bitch who kept coming in and complaining about her food, day after day? 

“I am far from your present location, Your Majesty. However, do not fret, for I have not summoned you here to punish you for the countless lives you reaped. No, I have brought you here as my spirit of vengance. I wish for you to clense this world in unholy fire, and for that, you need to escape. I’ve sent an agent of mine to fetch you. They will help you acclimate to this world, and assist you in training your new body to harness the strength you cultivated in your world.” 

“The fuck are you saying?  Do you even know who I am?!” 

“Of course I know who you are. Her Royal Majesty, the Queen of Ulryme, Rikara Froststone. Slayer of Gods.” 

Every thought I had drained away till I was left with nothing. In a way, I knew exactly who Rikara Froststone was. I knew her, because I had created her. She was but one of many characters I’d created in my favorite mmo, a dark mage that I’d abused a few exploits to turn into a hellish knight. As Rikara, I’d become leader of my guild, and later “Queen” once an expansion added the ability for players to form kingdoms of their own. I’d truly adored playing as her, racking up countless hours slaying rival guild members until the exploits I’d made use of were patched, and the character banned. 

It could be argued that, as the player behind Rikara, I was her. Yet, she was just fiction. A character in a game. One of many characters I’d created. I even created her ‘daughter’, a alchemist named Mika, to replace her after the moderators had her banned. Effectively, my guild acted as if Rikara had died, and their young princess had been forced to take the throne. If I had been somehow mistaken for a character, wouldn’t Mika have been the one? After all, Rikara was dead in my guild’s canon, and it’d been years since I last played her. 

Of course, all of that did nothing to explain the outlandish situation I found myself in. Even if a delusional guildmate had somehow mistaken my real world self for a fictional identify, it wouldn’t have any effect on my body. Just trying to find some rational sense in my predicament made my head ache. 

“I have no delusions of superiority over you, Your Majesty. I am but one of your faithful hounds, wielding my power for the glorious apocalypse you will sometime enact upon the sinsoaked masses.”

“If you are my hound, why do you send others to greet me in your steed?” I was done trying to make sense of things, if this weirdo wanted Rikara, he was going to get Rikara. 

“Forgive me. I am a coward. Perhaps someday we will meet. Until then I will make use of telepathy when you are in need of council.” 

“You can’t hide from me forever.” 

“When the time comes for you to clense this place, I will offer up my neck. Until then, Your Majesty, I wish you luck in your recovery.” 

I continued to speak to the voice for a bit, until it finally became apparent that whoever I’d been speaking with had cut off communication. Hissing under my breath I cursed the man until the cry of rusted metal hinged drew my attention to a short figure hidden underneath a black cloak. 

“Are you the one he sent for me?” 

The hooded figure nodded, then sprinted to my side, snapping the chains that bound me with a black-bladed dagger. As if it were the most effortless thing in the world, the figure lifted me into their arms, and carried me from the room. 

“Where are we going?” I asked, trying to catch a glimpse up the figure’s hood. All I could see was a thick scarf wrapped carefully around their face and neck, and a pair of bright yellow eyes. Whoever it was, they’d gone through great pains to ensure their identity would remain hidden. 

Without replying the figure carried me past dozens of slain knights, up a near-endless staircase and out into a castle courtyard. There two men in full plate armor, their swords dripping with blood were waiting. 

“Is that her?” 

The figure nodded. 

“Good. Let’s get out of here then. Elrich, you take point. I’ll bring up the rear and make sure we’re not followed.” 

“Yes sir.” The younger of the two knights, a man with a wild mane of blond hair and a beard which almost resembled fur, slammed his fist into his chestplate twice. Turning on his heels, he began to sprint forward, my hooded savior following close behind. 

We ran through balding trees, racing away from the castle fortress where I’d been kept. Only after we’d traveled a great distance did Elrich stop, motioning toward a cave, hidden behind ropes of vines. 

“We should be safe here,” Elrich noted, as he gathered up the materials needed to start a small fire at the cave’s mouth. 

“Safe from what?” I asked, narrowing my eyes at the knight after the hooded one sat me down. “I wasn’t informed that we were being hunted.” 

“Sorry, Miss… er… Princess? We caused a bit of a ruckus trying to free you. Dova tried to go in all stealthy, but, Thomas and I aren’t very skilled at skulking around.” 

“Dova? Is that this one’s name?”

“Yeah. She doesn’t talk much, sorry about that.” 

“Why? Cat got her tongue?” 

Dova froze, while Elrich smiled wrly. “We were told you were a perceptive one. Yeah, she’s a Felryin. The fangs give her a bit of a lisp when she tries to speak, which tends to give her away.” 

“Oh? And what exactly where you told about me?” 

“Not much. Your some royalty from a fallen kingdom far away from her. The boss says you’ve got some ancient magic in your blood, the kind strong enough to make the Emperor quake in his boots. Seriously, he’s gonna regret not killing you when he had the chance. I’m Elrich by the way. Former knight of Treu.”

“I’m Rikara, though you can just call me Rika if you like. Am I right to assume we’ll be living like bandits for the foreseeable future?” 

“Of course not. Once we reach the coast we’ll take a boat to Ostabrun. We’ll be safe there, for awhile at least. The Empire drained a lot of resources killing us, I doubt they’ll attack Ostabrun for a decade at least.”

“And which of you is the one responsible for helping me harness my power?” 

“I am,” Dova lisped, pulling back her hood. A pair of adorable cat ears perked up, twitching happily now that they were free of their covering. “I am also from… a far place.”

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“Oh? Are you from Kansas? Still looking for your silver shoes?” 


“You’re kidding?” 

Dova shook her head, before getting close to me, her fuzzy ears tickling my cheek as she clung excitedly to my arm. “You mentioned Kansas, then you are from, same place as me?” 

“The same planet at least, yeah.” 

“I am, so glad.” Tears welled up in Dova’s eyes as Elrich watched the two of us with an unreadable expression. “Thought I was the only one.” 

“Then, the others?” 

“Native. We are alone. This world, like game. You should, open your status.”

“My status?” As soon as the question left my mouth, a transparent window appeared before me. 

Rikara Greystone
Spirit (Human-Bound)
Level 1

Strength: 1 
Spirit: 15 (+8 Spirit, +6 Dark Mage)
Endurance: 1
Faith: 1
Luck: 5 (+4 Spirit)

Class: Dark Mage
• Weaken Vitality [Minor]
• Summon Abyssal Spirit (Imp) [Minor]

• Analyze [Minor]

The part of me that’d always dreamed about what it would be like to live inside my favorite games, felt elated. Yet the rational part of me felt sick. This world, it was far too real to be a mere fever dream, and yet I couldn’t view it as reality. Not when I had a literal game interface glowing in front of me. Worse yet, it was nearly identical to what I’d seen in the mmo where Rikara had originally been created. 

The only major difference between the window before me and the character screen in the game, was that the [minor] designation was listed beside my skills and abilities. It was well known in the game that all abilities had a hidden rank, starting with minor, then skilled, favored, mastered, and sage. No matter how high your level went, a skill’s rank would never change unless you used it. Now the rank was visible to me, which would’ve been super convient back in the game. 

Unfortunately, the screen made it clear just how much of a glass cannon my present self was. With an endurance of one, I was likely to die if I was hit by anything stronger than a gust of wind. And my low faith score locked away any chance of using recovery magic. 

Since in the game Analyze allowed players to see the basic stats of other players at a glance I mentally willed it to activate. After a few moments, I finally saw a small text box appear above Elrich and Dova’s heads. 

Elrich, Human, Knight Level 17
Threat: Deadly

Dovarla, Felryin, Slave Level 21
Threat: Deadly


“I was, born here.” Dova muttered, nuzzling my shoulder. “Was nightmare. Wish I could change it.” 

“Damn, you must have some crazy magic to have Dova warming up to you so quickly.” Elrich commented shaking his head at us. “Alright, I’m going to head out to hunt and hopefully meet up with Thomas. I’ll give you ladies some alone time.” 

“Who owns you?” I asked as soon as Elrich left the cave. 

“No one. Escaped a long time ago, but class won’t change.” 

“Are you… at least unlocking new abilities as you level up?” 

“Yes. Mostly support, some things from every class. It is a weird build.” 

“Got it. And ugh… how old are you?” 

“Nineteen. Thirty-two if you count old life.” 

“You’re kidding?!  You died when you were only thirteen?” 

“I was sick. How about you?” 

“I was only a few years younger than your total age when I died. As for how old I am now, I have no idea. I woke up in this body for the first time today, it wasn’t mine originally.” 

“I assumed so, when I saw spirit as your race. I am, very happy you are here.” 

“Yeah? Did you know I was from Earth when you saved me?” 

“No. We were not told anything. But you said, cat got your tongue. That expression, it doesn’t exist in this world. Then you made, a wizard of oz reference.” 

“You’ve been dead for nineteen years and you still remember Dorothy’s shoes huh?” 

“There’s no place like home,” Dova recited the line with a chuckle. “Sadly, we can’t go home. We are, trapped in hell.” 

“It won’t be hell for long,” I gently patted Dova’s head. “You’ve got me now, for what it’s worth. I may not be capable of much now, but your boss seems to think I’ll get strong enough to make some real change.” 

“I look forward to it.” 

“You better. Now then, ugh, I have a question.” 


“Were you… always a girl?” 

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