My Vampire System

Chapter 158: Chapter 158 Hello Quinn

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Chapter 158 Hello Quinn

As soon as Vorden had entered the room and saw Quinn and the others, he was trying his best to figure out what was going on. Judging by the fact the head of the first years, General Nathan, was here would suggest it was very serious. However, Vorden couldn't make the link between him and Quinn? How had he come to the conclusion the two of them were involved in something.

If someone had spotted them when they were escaping with Peter, it would make more sense for them to call Layla and Peter, not Quinn. The only thing that the two of them had done together was head to the red portal planet.

Unknown to both of them, the thing that had linked the two together were the bite-marks. It was too much of a coincidence to see bite marks on multiple students as well as one on the red portal planet. The one connection they all had was Quinn. But they had their doubts it could be him, so now there number one suspect was the person who was with Quinn at the time of these events.

"Please sit down." Nathan said politely.

One thing was for sure, Vorden was happy that it was Nathan in the room and not Duke. After learning everything that Duke had done to try and get rid of him for some reason. Vorden would have been tempted to do attack him right there and then.

Vorden sat down in the chair opposite the girl, while he was sitting, he would give the odd glance towards Quinn. He could see that Quinn had a worried look on his face which meant something was going to happen that they didn't like.

"Now were just here to ask you a few questions Vorden, simple right?" Nathan said with a smile. Usually Vorden was quite good at reading people, but for some reason Nathan creeped him out, with that smile. Because it was nearly impossible for him to tell if it was genuine or not. "But I warn you to answer truthfully now, for our beautiful girl here can tell when you are lying, or when you are telling the truth."

Suddenly, Vorden realized why Quinn was fidgeting about so much, and why he looked so worried. They were clearly questioning Vorden about some type of event, had they found out what he was and just wanted him to confirm it, or did it have something to do with Peter. The problem was Vorden himself didn't know how much information Quinn had revealed.

The women then held out her hand for Vorden to touch it. When the two of them touched hands, Vorden had copied the women's abilities but he didn't really know how it worked and it wasn't something he could figure out right now. If he could, perhaps there was a way he could use it against her.

"Did you have anything to do related to death of the student named Earl Hampton?" She asked. Vorden didn't answer immediately, because he was trying to think.

Hearing that name Vorden finally knew why they had called him. He didn't know why Quinn had been asked to come here or what Quinn had said but the best thing to do now was to lie and not get caught. All Vorden could do was hope that Quinn had done the same.

The teachers had made one mistake before interrogating Vorden, and that was telling him the abilities of the female in front of him. If her ability worked similar to the lie detectors of the past, then as long as the person answering believed their own answer, or if they really didn't know the even, then it would still be seen as the truth. Although Vorden was there the, same couldn't be said for Sil.

He couldn't rely on Raten because Raten often stood by Vorden; s side when he was in the chair watching everything he did while criticizing him and also giving him advice. But it was different for Sil. Sil spent most of his time sleeping in the room or just sitting in the back staring blankly in front of him.

This was the only option he had and he hoped it would work. He closed his eyes and left the chair. As he did he walked over towards Sill who was in a fetal position rocking backwards and forwards like he usually did.

"Sil, there is some lady who wants to ask you some questions." Vorden said. "All you need to do is answer them and then we can go play."

"Play?" Sil replied back staring at Vorden.

"Yeah, Quinn is in the room as well and they asked him the same question. So I need you to do the best you can, to answer for me know. Okay?"

Whenever Vorden spoke to Sil. He would speak in a slow patient voice, like a mother did when talking to their child. This was because Sil's mind was quite childlike. One wrong word could set him off on a tantrum, usually parents were stronger then their kids though and if this were to happen they could control them. But in this case Sil was both stronger then Raten and Vorden so they always had to speak to Sil om a careful manner.

"Okay, and then Quinn and I can play together right." Sil asked

"Yeah, but maybe only for a little bit okay." Vorden replied.

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Sill sat there as if he was thinking about it.

Meanwhile outside Vordens mind.

"If you don't reply Vorden, we have to take your silence as a confession that you were involved somehow." Nathan said.

Just as Vorden was about to give up and go back into the chair Sil replied.

"Deal." Sil said with a smile on his face.

Sil stood up and ran over to the chair with a smile on his face.

Back outside Sil was happily smiling away looking at the people around him. When he spotted Quinn, he started to wave. Quinn found the actions weird especially when they were in a tough situation like this, this behavior was unlike how Vorden usually acted.

Still, Quinn decided to wave back which put an even bigger smile on Sil's face.

"You have a question for me." Sil said pointing at himself.

Even the women was a little taken aback by the change in attitude but decided to press on. She repeated the question and asked again.

"No I wasn't there." Sil replied. "I don't even know who this Earl is, the only person I know is Quinn." Sil said pointing in Quinn's direction.

The women continued to ask questions that Nathan had presented and Sil continued to answer in a naive childlike manner. "He's telling the truth, not a single time did either of them lie."

Nathan then went to adjust the glasses on his face, a habit of his when he was stressed out. "Maybe we really do have a beast roaming around the school." Nathan then looked at the two of them, his gut feeling was telling him something was wrong. But it was impossible, the girl's ability was clearly telling them they were looking in the wrong direction.

"You two stay here for now." Nathan said. "We're going to keep you here for a while, and pull up some people who were around the scene at the time, see if anyone spotted you there too."

"Huh, but we already answered your questions." Quinn complained.

"Look, if you're not guilty then you have nothing to worry about, right?" Nathan replied. "All I ask is that you stay here a little longer.

With that most of the sergeants had left the room to try and gather more information. The only ones left inside were them with Fay and the girl. Now that the two of them were no longer under interrogation they were free to sit on the couch and relax together. Right now Fay was busy looking over some documents with the girl while the two boys were sitting next to each other.

But while doing so, Sil couldn't help but keep smiling at Quinn.

"Umm, Vorden are you okay?" Quinn asked.

Sil then turned his head to the left and right to check if anyone was nearby, before placing his hand over his mouth and whispered. "Oh, I'm not Vorden, my name is Sil."

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