My wife is a very cold-hearted CEO

Chapter 1449: 1449

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Moreover, it seems that Shen Lang took a stroke of xuanhuozhu as a understatement. Zhu Yuanqing couldn't accept this reality, and his face became very ugly.

"That's all. How dare you shout?" There was a hint of sarcasm around Shen Lang's mouth.

The power of xuanhuozhu is acceptable, which is weaker than the bow of Sun God. Shen Lang pushes the sword array with all his strength, which can completely block the attack of the other side.

In addition, xuanhuozhu, an attack ancient treasure with a single magic power, must consume a huge amount of spiritual power when it is urged to move. I'm afraid Zhu Yuanqing is not very well.

"Boy, don't be complacent. There's a way to take me back!"

Zhu Yuanqing was so angry that he let go completely.

He quickly offered a magic weapon in the shape of a golden gong. He opened his mouth and spewed out a large amount of blood essence on the surface of the gong. At the cost of his life and energy, he frantically injected spiritual force into the gong.

Shen Lang's eyes shrunk. This thing is fresh. He has never seen a magic weapon of this shape before.

Zhu Yuanqing's face was ferocious. He held a heavy hammer that hit the Gong tightly and gave it a heavy knock towards the bloody Gong.


A deafening sound wave came towards the sinking wave.

"Be careful, young master. It's an ancient treasure Gong. It's very dangerous! The sound wave emitted by the Gong is light, which stimulates the spirit of the monk and makes the spirit disordered! The most important thing is to let people's Qi and blood flow against each other. The meridians will burst and die! Young master, quickly open your mind to resist the sound of the gong. " Xiaorou hastily reminds her.

As soon as Shen Lang's face changes, is there such a strange magic weapon? He didn't think too much about it, so he hurriedly followed xiaorou's reminder to release his divine sense.

The divine sense was released like the wind.


The sound waves from the burst gongs collided with the shenlang's divine sense. The two forces collided violently, and the sky was full of vigorous winds.

Shen Lang's divine sense counteracted most of the sound waves, but a small number of residual sound waves hit him.


After being hit by this strange sound wave, Shen Lang took a breath of cold air and felt dizzy and distended instantly. His whole body was full of Qi and blood, and his body's spiritual power was in disorder.

This magic weapon is too weird! Shen Lang's heart is still palpitating. If the power of the sound wave is stronger, it can make his Qi and blood flow back and hurt his body.

What's more, the sound wave can ignore the defense magic weapon and directly pass through the defense of the sky blue god sand and the sword array around the Shen wave. It's amazing!

After hearing the sound of gongs, the friars in the first infant period before Beilu formation also obviously felt ill.

The faces of all the people changed greatly. If they were not hit by the sound wave, it would have such a negative effect on the monk's body. If they were hit by the sound wave on the front, it would be sour as one can imagine.

Zhu Yuanqing was stunned to see that Shen Lang was still OK after he was hit by a burst Gong.


Wang Wenshan's friars in the first half of their life, who are facing the mainland in the East, are also surprised. You should know that this burst Gong is one of their top ten magic weapons facing the mainland in the East!

This treasure was lent to Zhu Yuanqing by Wang Wenshan. In fact, Zhu Yuanqing's xuanhuozhu was borrowed by others.

In order to win the first duel, the high-level officials near the mainland gave Zhu Yuanqing the most powerful magic weapon. As a result, Zhu yuanqingkeng's performance surprised them!

Although Zhu Yuanqing urged the burst gongs with his early accomplishments, he could not exert too much power of the gongs, but there was certainly no problem in severely damaging the friars in the early days of Yuanying.

If the opponent's divine sense is weak, he can even kill directly!

But it's unbelievable that there's nothing in shenlang when it's hit by a burst Gong.

The sound waves released by the burst gongs can be defended by divine sense. If the enemy's divinity cultivation is far higher than the one who urges this treasure, the sound wave power of the burst Gong will not be shown.

Shen Lang was not hurt by the burst gongs. There is only one possibility. That is to say, his divine sense is far stronger than Zhu Yuanqing's!

"No It's impossible. Your accomplishments are not as good as mine. Why is your Divine sense so strong? How can you defend against the sound of a burst Gong! " Zhu Yuanqing's eyes were fixed on Shen Lang, full of horror.

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Shen Lang takes a deep breath and the dizziness in his brain has disappeared.

It seems that this level of fighting really can not look down on any opponent! If I had not had a strong sense of divinity, I might have been seriously injured by a burst Gong just now.

Shen Lang used to take the dream fruit, and his divine sense was far higher than that of the ordinary friars in the early days of Yuanying, which basically reached the level of the friars in the middle years of Yuanying.

Naturally, it can greatly defend against the burst gongs urged by Zhu Yuanqing, the friar in the early days of the yuan baby.

"Well, you'd better think about it after you die. Now it's my turn! "

Shen Lang gave a cold drink and urged the Jiuli sword array with all his strength.

"Shua Shua Shua!"

A large number of golden sword light forms a lightning storm, and it quickly strangles Zhu Yuanqing.

Zhu Yuanqing's face was white. He urged Xuan Huozhu and burst gongs to expend too much spiritual power. For a while, his body's spiritual power was exhausted, which was hard to resist the attack of the waves.

"Tiger eagle, stop it!"

At the critical moment, Zhu Yuanqing ordered his spirit beast, tiger eagle, to stop the attack for himself.


The tiger Eagle let out a wail. Under the pressure of the blood contract technique, he had to do it according to his master's order even if he was extremely reluctant.

The tiger eagle is flapping its wings and is trying to fly towards Zhu Yuanqing.

"Don't try to get in the way of Childe!"

Xiaorou drinks with a coquettish voice, and flies out of shenlang's spiritual beast bag. Her beautiful eyes are cold.

"Blood magic light!"

As soon as xiaorou's blood pupil brightened, a large number of blood magic lights came out from the front of her like a whirlwind, attacking the flying tiger eagle.


The blood magic light hit the body of tiger Eagle solidly.

"Ouch!" Tiger Eagle stagnates in the mid air, making a howling cry like a ghost, which is extremely painful.

As soon as xiaorou's small hand lit up, the red sun flag began to shake.

On the other side, Zhu Yuanqing finds that the tiger Eagle suddenly loses control, and the sword array driven by the waves is hanged again, which makes him panic.

He hurriedly offered several ancient treasures of flying swords, his face was ferocious, and he tried to make some resistance.

Unfortunately, in front of the stormy Jiuli sword array, this resistance is no different from mayfly shaking the tree.

"Pooh Pooh Pooh Pooh!"

Zhu Yuanqing didn't have time to scream. His body was suddenly pierced by countless sword lights. His flesh was flying and blood fog was flying.

The red sun flag, which was urged by xiaorou, also released layers of red waves, which immediately smashed the tiger Eagle into pieces.

Zhu Yuanqing, kill!

The spirit beast, the tiger and the eagle are dead. They can't die any more.

Look at me. I'll take a breath of cold air! Shen Lang's strength is beyond imagination.

Seeing Zhu Yuanqing being killed, Wang Wenshan, the first monk of yuaninfantile period who faces the mainland to the East, looks like the bottom of a pot.

They thought Zhu Yuanqing could blow up the other side, but they didn't expect Zhu Yuanqing to be beaten up so quickly.

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