My wife is a very cold-hearted CEO

Chapter 1514: 1514

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After saying this, the demon suddenly took back the blood colored long gun.

"Cloud mark son?"

Shen Lang was shocked. He immediately recalled that when he got the Pearl umbrella of Hunyuan in Penglai palace, there was a shadow in the umbrella. It was yunchenzi, the leader of Penglai palace in the evening.

A remnant soul of yunchenzi was originally hidden in the Pearl umbrella of Hunyuan. When taking the umbrella, the remnant soul of yunchenzi also said something to Shen Lang.

In retrospect, yunxianzi praised his qualifications and opportunities, and proposed that if he could fly up one day, he would go to the South abyss of the ancient spiritual world to find him, and would pass on the second six layers of his Tiangang Chunyang sword code.

This demon queen is so surprised. It must have something to do with yunchenzi.

"Shen has nothing to do with yunkenzi. I learned his Tiangang Chunyang sword code by chance. However, elder yunkenzi has a close relationship with me. He said that if I ascend, I will go to the South abyss of the spiritual realm to find him and teach the latter six layers of the pure Yang Sword code of Tiangang. " Shen said, biting his teeth.

"Hum, it's nonsense. Yunchenzi is a character who soared hundreds of thousands of years ago. Can you meet him? Tell Ben where you learned the sword array of God's edge. Tell him the truth. Otherwise, you will die now! " The beautiful eyes after the demon are cold.

Shen Lang was determined to die. Now the threat from the demon queen can't frighten him at all. He sneered and said, "why should the demon queen be angry with my younger generation? You want to know that I can tell you that this is not the divine sword array, but the sword array included in some sword Scripture, named Jiuli sword array. There is also a divine sword array in that sword Scripture, but Shen has not mastered it yet. "

Seeing the demon, Shen Lang explained: "the sword code was learned by Shen in a small clan. Shen entered Penglai mountain by chance in the early years, and got a treasure called Hunyuan pearl umbrella. It sealed a remnant of the spirit of yunchenzi's predecessor, so he could have a chance to meet yunchenzi's predecessor...... "

In fact, Meier has already told the demon queen about the rumors and news of Shen Lang, because Meier suspects that Shen Lang took away xiaorou, so she told the demon queen everything she knew.

Shen Lang took a treasure from Penglai mountain at the beginning. It is clear after the demon.

The killing chance in the eyes of the demon disappeared gradually. She had the ability to see people's heart and knew that Shen Lang didn't lie.

I can't think of this relationship between the human Friar and yunchenzi. It seems that the words of the remnant soul of yunchenzi still want to accept them as disciples.

At the beginning, yunchenzi mistakenly used the worship array to summon three ancient demons to harm Penglai mountain. He fought three days and killed two ancient demons. Finally, he sealed the last ancient devil with the help of the Pearl umbrella of Hunyuan and the light of congenital separation and cooperation.

The first immortal gate of the sky sea was destroyed. After sealing Penglai mountain on the bottom of the sea, yunchenzi left the sky and traveled around, making countless friends.

Once, the ancestors of the Tianhu family had a deep friendship with yunchenzi. It is said that they also agreed to fly to the spirit world together. This is the only human friar that doesn't dislike after the demon.

After the demon learned about the relationship between shenlang and yunchenzi, the killing intention in her heart had been eliminated. She sighed slightly: "hundreds of thousands of years have passed. I didn't expect that yunchenzi was still left in the spiritual world. I think the cultivation of yunchenzi now is beyond our imagination."

"Hundreds of thousands of years ago, yunchenzi's Shenfeng sword array was the best in the world. At that time, no one in the human world was its enemy. Human friar, you can learn his sword formula, which is your great chance. Yunchenzi and the ancestor of our Tianhu family had a friendship. Since you are half of his apprentice, I will spare you today! "

Shen Lang was shocked all over. It was for this reason that she let go of her.

I have to say, my luck is too good. This time, it was the pure Yang Sword Scripture of Tiangang that saved his life. Even if he could take the post demon move just now, I'm afraid that his body would be on the verge of collapse.

Not far away the spirit son saw the demon's attitude after the 180 degree big turn, the pretty face also slightly stunned. Who is yunchenzi?

"Thank you, demon queen!" Shen Lang is relieved and punches at the back of the demon.

The beautiful woman turned her mouth and said with a smile: "human friar, don't be happy too early. Although I promise to spare you from death, I can't escape the crime. "

This is what the demon said on the back of his mouth, but the killing intention on his body has completely disappeared. There is even a trace of approval in his beautiful eyes.

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Shen Lang frowns a little. Is this for him to die or not?

In a word, Shen Lang is very upset. He no longer wants to experience the feeling that life and death are in the hands of others.

"Human friar, you will live in the forest of ten thousand demons for half a month. When your injury is completely healed, come to see Ben again. At that time, I want you to do something later. "

Finish saying, beautiful woman sleeve wave, turn into a white light into Fanghua palace.

Shen Lang's face is dull. He is confused by the words of the demon queen.

Meier was also puzzled. Since the demon queen said that, she had no objection. She said directly to Shen Lang in the air, "Shen, you are lucky. Come with me."

With that, Meier escapes from the sky and flies away towards the far horizon.

Shen Lang is too lazy to think so much. He takes back the ice Soul Mountain and turns into Lei Peng after the evil spirit.

Flying out of the mountains, you can see the prosperous scenery of the ten thousand demons.

It is not so much the forest of monsters as the neighboring cities.

One by one, there are all kinds of buildings, big and small. There are palaces, markets and streets. They are in good order.

Because the shape of the demon clan is much larger than that of the human friars, the buildings of the demon clan are extremely tall and the streets are very wide.

There are many high-level monsters walking in the city, or white tigers with wings on their backs, or fierce bears with golden horns on their heads, or even mammoths with huge size.

The demon family has a strict hierarchy. All the monsters moving around in the forest of ten thousand demons are of high blood. They have the intelligence close to human beings and can change their body shape at will.

There are not only cities and palaces in the forest of ten thousand demons, but also mountain protection array in the air.

Shen Lang looked at the prosperous scene of the ten thousand demons from the sky and couldn't help but feel shocked. He thought that the ten thousand demons was really a big hand.

Thinking of xiaorou's instructions before, Shen Lang did not change into an adult and kept flying in Lei Peng's shape.

Even if Meier doesn't change shape, no one doesn't know it. The demon family below saw the spirit flying over the sky and saluted one after another.

At the same time, watching a Lei Peng fly across the sky, the demons can't help but feel shocked.

Flying to a high mountain, there is a small courtyard in the epilepsy, the environment is quiet.

Meier falls on the top of the mountain, and Shen Lang also flies down, changing back into a human shape.

"Shen, this is your temporary residence. You will live here in half a month. You can't go anywhere. Understand?" Meier glanced at Shen Lang and said proudly.

Toss to toss to go, die also don't let die, live also don't let live, Shen Lang also was tossed annoyed, lazily shouted: "OK, phantom queen, you can do what you say."

Meier's face was cold, and she kicked Shen Lang out of the distance. Leng hum: "humble human, put away your frivolous attitude, who do you think you are, dare to be so rude to the queen?"

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