My wife is a very cold-hearted CEO

Chapter 2141: 2141

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Shen Lang could not have expected that there were friars of the Lianhua nationality to know him. He was quite moved.

Most of these friars are young, some of them are even under a thousand years old.

The friars of Lianhua nationality have a very long life because they are the flesh bodies made of ancient spiritual flowers and trees or chaotic spiritual flowers and trees. For them, the age of one thousand is just from childhood to adolescence.

After all, Shen Lang was only a flash in the pan thousands of years ago before the Lianhua people killed their families, so there were few monks who knew him.

Shen Lang explained: "don't get me wrong, I'm not the son-in-law, but As a member of Lianhua family, it's natural to save you. "

"In a word, we have one more senior of Lianhua nationality in the period of deficiency, which is expected to revive!"

"Yes, elder generation is so powerful, we hope to revive the Lianhua nationality!"

All the friars of Lianhua family in lingkuangshan gathered in front of the waves, their eyes full of hope.

Shen Lang frowns. It seems that the current situation of Lianhua clan is really a bit bad.

Seeing that these people were more or less wounded, he immediately took some healing pills from his storage ring and distributed them to all the people.

The young girl also swallowed a healing medicine. Her physical injury has been much better under the treatment of Shengyang battle Qi. The wound has also scabbed and started to heal.

The girl looked at Shen Lang with a trace of worship in her eyes.

"I've just come here, and I don't know much about it. You answer me some questions first, and then I'll take you safely out of here. " Shen Lang said in a positive tone.

"Excuse me, elder, I have no choice but to say it!" The first girl cried out.

All the friars of Lianhua ethnic group also expressed their opinions and were willing to answer Shen Lang's questions.

Shen Lang nodded his head with satisfaction, and began to ask about the situation and crisis of Lianhua people, as well as some of the major events that had taken place in these years.

With reverence, the monks of Lianhua race rushed to answer Shen Lang's questions.

Thanks to this, Shen Lang learned a lot of information.

Things to start from more than a thousand years ago, the collapse of the Lianhua people.

More than a thousand years ago, an unknown giant insect egg appeared in the lianlin swamp. A large number of ancient fierce insects hatched from the egg, and insect tide broke out.

Lianhua family lost in the battle against fierce insects. The land of Lianhua family was occupied by fierce insects. The huge Lianhua family was completely reduced to the nest of fierce insects. Countless spiritual flowers and trees in the family were devoured by fierce insects, and the land of Lianhua family became a wasteland.

At that time, empress Xuelan led a group of remaining monks of Lianhua nationality to escape, killing a blood path and escaping from the range of fierce insects.

Only a thousand monks of the Lianhua family survived.

At this time, the empress Xuelan was deeply hurt. In addition, in order to resist the attack of fierce insects in the period of combination, the energy consumption was serious, which made the life-threatening empress Xuelan worse.

Three days later, empress Xue landi sat down and confessed his later affairs.

She asked the remaining friars of Lianhua family to gather together and not give up hope. Now it's down, but one day they will be able to stand up again!

The remaining Lianhua clan is headed by the highest cultivator.

Who knows that not long after emperor Xuelan sat down, empress Qijue suddenly appeared, which made the Lianhua people who were on the verge of despair regain their confidence again.

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Later, empress Qijue took charge of the remaining Lianhua people. Although she didn't deal with the empress Xuelan before her death, she also had the idea of reinvigorating the Lianhua family.

Under the leadership of empress Qijue, the Lianhua clan conquered the land of a small clan and temporarily recovered.

After hundreds of years of development and vigorous reproduction, the number of remaining ethnic groups has increased from 1000 to more than 3000, pouring some blood into the new generation of Lianhua ethnic group.

And in these years, the situation of the whole wilderness has changed dramatically.

At first, due to the insect disaster in the lianlin swamp, the famine area was ravaged by a large number of fierce insects year after year, and countless races were destroyed one after another.

Until a hundred years later, there was a strong race named "tongtianshuzu" who moved to the wasteland for unknown reasons.

The Tongtian mouse family ranks 190 out of the three hundred tribes in the ancient Lingjie, and has a profound foundation.

The Tongtian mouse family did its best to eliminate most of the fierce insects in the great wasteland, and drove them back to the lianlin swamp, which restored the great wasteland to normal. At the same time, it occupied nearly two-thirds of the northern part of the great wasteland.

It's said that the insect egg in the lianlin swamp is actually an egg of the top level Holy Level beast dragon spider!

But the spawning dragonflies have long been lost, and no other clues can be found.

The original land of Lianhua ethnic group has long been a wasteland because of the ravages of fierce insects. But after 700 or 800 years, the wasteland has grown again with flowers and plants.

In addition, the five elements of the land of Lianhua ethnic group are full of spirit, which is occupied by two powerful ethnic groups in the great wasteland, namely, the green claw and the red tiger. The two ethnic groups occupy the land of Lianhua ethnic group.

After seven Jue emperor, the natural heart was unwilling to take back the ethnic land, so he simply declared war on the two races directly.

It is worth mentioning that there are no combined demon cultivators in the green claw and red tiger families, but there are totally 35 in the two families.

On the other hand, only empress Qijue of Lianhua family was in the early stage of integration, and there were only two friars in Lianhua family. As a last resort, empress Qijue didn't want to tear her face.

The high-level officials of the green claw and the red tiger were awed by the cultivation of the seven Jue emperor in the post Union period. They came out to negotiate and agreed to give up all the lands of the Lianhua nationality. However, they asked to jointly develop several lingkuangs of the Lianhua nationality and share some profits.

After weighing the advantages and disadvantages, empress Qijue endured humiliation and accepted the demands of the two families.

They are rare in number, and each of them is not short of cultivation resources. At the beginning, several spiritual mines in the Lianhua family were in an undeveloped state.

What's more, lingkuang is mined by friars of green claw and red tiger. Lianhua people can enjoy their achievements. Why not? It's much safer than fighting.

In this way, it took hundreds of years for Lianhua and the two families to maintain their relationship. There are more and more new friars of Lianhua ethnic group, and the number of people is more than 5000.

Although there are more and more monks, the development of Lianhua is still very slow. This is mainly due to the long life and slow growth of the friars of helianhua nationality, so the new friars are too young and weak.

Empress Qijue is dissatisfied with the current situation. In addition, the attitude of green claw and red tiger has become more and more tough. It seems that she intends to annex lingkuang of Lianhua nationality, which makes empress Qijue feel that she has to find help.

She thought of her old face, the good blissful master. Later, she went to Nanyuan to ask for the help of the blissful master.

Later, there was a scene Shen Lang knew.

"I see." Shen waves nodded and frowned.

After seven Jue emperor left the wasteland and went to Nanyuan, the green claws and red tigers suddenly turned to fight against Lianhua.

Without the protection of empress seven Jue, the Lianhua ethnic group had to flee from the ethnic land. Nearly half of the Lianhua ethnic group were taken away. The male cultivator acted as the labor force for mining. The female cultivator basically became the plaything of the green claw and the red tiger demon cultivator, and the end was extremely tragic.

After Shen Lang heard it, he was furious.

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