My wife is a very cold-hearted CEO

Chapter 2300: 2300

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There is no difference between the two attacks.

Shen Lang takes advantage of the astonishment of the phantom demon butterfly and quickly draws the girl close to him.

Before the phantom demon butterfly responds, Shen Lang attacks first, and opens his mouth to spew out nine fire gods' ashes.

If the fire of the sun formed a fire whirlpool, toward the phantom demon butterfly swept away.


The phantom demon butterfly sucks a breath of cold air. I didn't expect the attack of Shen Lang to come so fast!

"Magic light!"

He retreated quickly, with a fierce clap of his wings. The dark golden wings suddenly burst into a large light and collided with the whirlpool of fire.


It was another earth shaking dull sound. The sinking wave retreated a hundred meters, and the apricot yellow light wall in front of him resisted the aftershock of the explosion.

However, the phantom demon butterfly was hit by the power generated by the explosion, and a lot of black smoke came out all over her body, and her face was like earth.

"Ah! You are

The girl in Shen Lang's arms looked at Shen Lang's face in horror, and stood there in a daze. She had a big mouth and couldn't speak in complete shock!

"Who are you, sir? Why do you break into the territory of our Magic Butterfly clan?" The phantom demon butterfly's eyes were fixed on the waves in the middle of the sky and roared with gnashing teeth.

It seems that this man is only a friar in the later stage of cultivation, but most of them are combination friars who hide their accomplishments from the just displayed combat power.

How could such a person be killed suddenly? The face of the phantom butterfly became very ugly.

"Whoever I am, I will not worry about my friends. As for why I broke into the territory of the unreal butterfly clan, naturally I wanted to kill you! "

Shen Lang smiled, turned his right hand, and called back the Hunyuan gold sword.

Feeling the horror and evil spirit of Shen Lang, the phantom demon butterfly panicked and roared around: "are you all watching the play? Come on! "

"Enemy attack!"

"Support the patriarch!"

More than a dozen elders of the illustrious butterflies in the surrounding area cried out one after another, trying to use their magic skills to attack Shen Lang.

"Five color magic light!"

Shen Lang glanced at the mob and opened his mouth to spurt out colorful magic light.

The thick colorful light column, like a laser gun, sweeps through the elders of the illustrious butterfly family. Where they pass by, the elders of the illustrious butterfly family are all under control.


In the early stage and even the middle stage of refining, the Magic Butterfly elders were shot by the five color magic light, and then the spirits were smashed and killed instantly!

Only a few elders in the later stage of deficiency refining supported them, but they screamed with their heads in their arms, their faces were twisted, a lot of blood was gushing out of their mouths, noses and ears, and their combat effectiveness was zero.

Shen Lang waved the Hunyuan gold sword at will, and the dazzling golden sword light rushed out like the sea wave, devouring the restricted elders of the Magic Butterfly family.


After a lot of bombardment, the body of those Magic Butterfly elders in the period of deficiency was hanged by the golden sword light into a blood mist and killed on the spot.

Almost just a breath, all the elders of the unreal butterfly family around died!

The young girl in Shen Lang's arms is shocked. It's really 30 years in the East and 30 years in the West. Unexpectedly, this man is so powerful that she needs to look up.

"Five Five color magic light! Are you the demon cultivator of the giant toad clan

The phantom demon butterfly eyes are frightened.

Shen Lang is too lazy to respond, holding the Hunyuan gold sword and rushing towards the phantom demon butterfly.

The phantom demon butterfly was so scared that her scalp was numb that she cried out quickly: "Tao friend, we have no grievances and no hatred. Don't be impulsive! If you want these human cauldrons, I can give them to you. Don't fight any more! "

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These nonsense Shen Lang turns a deaf ear to, go up is an aurora chop, chop to phantom demon butterfly's head.

A golden straight line is formed by the golden sword light like a sea of mountains. Thousands of golden sword shadows emerge in the straight line, and the space is torn open.

The phantom demon butterfly was frightened and had to beat the wings of the butterfly wildly, releasing a large amount of light, trying to resist the attack of the waves.

However, this counter attack is hard to shake Shen Lang's all-out Aurora chop.


The fierce golden sword shadow directly scattered the light. The sword shadow directly hit the head of the phantom demon butterfly. The other side's head suddenly broke and was hanged into a blood mist by the sword shadow. It was so miserable.

After a blow, half of the body of the phantom demon butterfly disappeared, and died on the spot.

The battle power of the phantom demon butterfly is ordinary. Shen Lang kills the opponent easily.

Shen Lang puts down the girl in his arms and rushes forward immediately, sucking the blood of the phantom demon butterfly crazily.

"Gollum Gollum!"

A lot of blood poured into the throat. Shen Lang felt the blood boiling all over his body, the bones and collaterals clanking, and the meridians bursting.

A blood spirit flew out of the eyebrow and entered the body of the phantom demon butterfly.

At the next moment, the spirit of blood spirit pulls out the spirit of the phantom demon butterfly. The spirit turns into air flow and is swallowed by Shen Lang.

Severe pain came again, and the blood of the phantom demon butterfly was melting into its own flesh.

It may be that there are many blood vessels of Holy Level spirit beast in Shen Lang's body, which restrict each other, and the newly integrated blood vessels can be quickly suppressed by the power of other blood vessels.

In a word, the sinking wave did not suffer too much.

Within half a minute of the whole process, Shen Lang had swallowed up the blood of the phantom demon butterfly successfully, and a dark golden butterfly pattern was condensed at the waist.


After swallowing the blood of the phantom demon butterfly, Shen Lang's body suddenly makes a roar, and his body's spiritual power is like exploding. The amazing spiritual pressure radiates towards all sides.

His accomplishments have finally climbed to the peak of the later stage of practice!

Shen Lang is in a good mood!

With the six word mantra, Shen Lang quickly suppresses the manic power in his body and spits out a mouthful of turbid Qi.

When he opened his eyes, the demon Xiu of the unreal butterfly clan around him had already fled four times. They were frightened by the terrible strength of the Shen wave. Even the clan leader was hung up, and they naturally had no resistance.

Only seven ethnic women in the cage under the ancient trees shuddered, and all the women looked at the waves in panic.

Shen Lang waves the Hunyuan gold sword in his hand, splits the prison and cuts off the cloud swallowing lock tied on the hands and feet of the girls.

"Well, you're free. Get out of here."

After that, Shen Lang took some clothes from the storage ring and threw them to the seven nuns.

"Thank you for your help!"

All the girls were relieved and tears filled their eyes. Fortunately, Shen Lang was not that kind of villain. They knelt down to thank Shen Lang one after another.

Five of the nuns may have been frightened. They put on their clothes in a hurry and left immediately.

There are two nuns with low eyes, not caring about shyness, said straightforwardly: "elder, even if the little girl is afraid to leave, she can't leave the golden green sandbank. Little girl would like to be the elder maid, serving tea and water for sleeping. Please accept me! "

Shen Lang shook his head and said, "I don't want a maid. Go. I'm not familiar with you. It's good to save your life. As for whether you can live next, it depends on your own creation. "

Seeing Shen Lang's so straightforward refusal, the two nuns were so upset that they had to put on their clothes and leave.

After all the seven nuns left, Shen Lang's eyes turned to the girl he had saved.

At the moment, the girl also put on a pink skirt and was stared at by Shen lang. the girl looked shy and embarrassed. She hurriedly arranged her messy hair and makeup. She bowed with red face and bowed: "little girl, it's snowy. I've seen brother Shen No, it's senior Shen! "

"It's you! It's snowy and windy. I haven't seen it for more than a thousand years. I can't imagine that we should meet again here. " Shen Lang said with emotion.

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