My Wife is the Boy next Door!

Chapter 8: Entering Boss Level

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It wasn’t Teo’s first time in the airport. For the past few years, his job required him to travel to various video game conventions. Mr. Yaro was always so persistent in sending him not only within the country’s borders but also to the United States and even Great Britain for the sake of research. The company was not a big name yet in the industry and there was plenty to learn from the veterans. Teo would meet with creators, discuss with them about creating and promoting, try out the latest games and work on several workshops, and even approach potential sponsors. Many times he wondered if he was the right one to carry all that weight and responsibility but then again, the expenses were paid by Mr. Yaro and he’d get to meet his favorite creators and artists. In the end, he’d return with a handful of collectibles and advice he’d picked up from the professionals.

There were also those days when Carla was in grave need of vocation. Teo’s free time was always limited and being available at any time without a heads up, was not easy. That wouldn’t stop her, of course. She would pick a random spot within Australia and book the ticket as soon as she could. It never mattered to her how expensive that kind of life could be. The money she was earning from those yoga classes was almost insane. Just in a week, she could earn as much as he did in a month. Was he jealous? Sometimes, especially those moments that she’d rub to his face how many new designer clothes she bought when he couldn’t even afford the figurine of his favorite video game character. In the end, Teo was in love with his job and he wouldn’t let it go for anything. Anyways, when Carla was about to return from her trips, he’d pick her up from the airport, every single time. At first, he couldn’t wait to hold her in his arms, touch her, kiss her, and feel her presence next to him. Afterward, it became more of a habit and a way to get some fresh air. As a result, he knew the place like the back of his hand. Hell, if his life was depending on it, he could navigate himself through the endless corridors, stairs, floors, and different sectors with his eyes closed. He also knew from experience to always expect delays in arrivals. Never fret if the cab was late or the streets were swarming with the entire population of the continent; the flight you’d expect at eight o’clock was due to land at least an hour later. Another great experience trivia was that the best instant ramen was served in the lounge. The shop’s name was a funny one, a mistranslated pun that made zero sense, while the kiosk was bathed in green light colors. The blackboard was a cute addition as it presented the seven or ten different courses and the two beverages they’d serve. Treating himself a nice hot bowl of spicy chicken ramen was enough to make the waiting a very sweet experience. Aside from food, a pair of headphones, his favorite book, or comic were a must.

His parents would arrive at ten o’clock in the morning, and Teo was there since eight, with a large cup of dark cold brew, a grilled cheese toast, and a very sleepy attitude. If someone was to approach him, he’d either understand not a word of English or simply ignore them for both parties' benefit. Teo wasn’t a morning person. If there was an official title to award himself with that would be “Amazing Night Owl,” or “Leader of the Nocturnal Cult.” Yeah, if he could he’d create a cult where people would praise the gods of night, work during night-time and sleep through the day. Ah, that sounded like a great idea to him and an even better script for a game. The young man pulled out his notebook and started writing every little thing that was popping up in his head, he even doodled some sketches that fit his overall idea. Well, once “Dawn of the Scare Crows” was finished, he’d start working on this one. Moments passed, and Teo checked his phone; it was already nine. He threw his head backward and let a muffled cry, shifting in his seat. Eight in the morning was the time he’d normally fall asleep, maybe have a quick snack before or even watch some video on the net to help him relax, but he certainly would not be waiting in a crowded place with loud music and endless murmuring. People were pacing up and down while the irritating noise of luggage sliding on the glossy floor was a bitter delight to the ears! Bright lights were shining on every corner keeping this place trapped in an eternal morning, while the various smells of fast food, cologne, and the scented air could easily mess up someone’s stomach. Now that he was thinking about it, the grilled cheese was not such a good idea.

He had waited for a total of five hours already. Time managed to fly thanks to his creativity, filling the entire notebook with scribbles and small notes to himself, but by the time he realized that it was suspiciously late, Teo walked to the Information desk, rubbing the back of his neck. The young man greeted him with a smile, and Teo was awake enough to smile back genuinely; after all, a tiny little piece of him was hoping that the flight got canceled, and thus his parents were nowhere to be found.

“Hello, I’d like to ask for the flight from Doha” he paused and rubbed his eyes “Qatar, to, well, here. There was supposed to be arriving exactly three hours ago.” There was this glimpse of hope in his eyes. The hope that the gentleman would let him know of the bad news that the flight was canceled or something.

“Of course, one moment please,” he replied with the smile still hanging on his lips while his fingertips were on fire, typing as fast as a human being could, on the computer. “But of course, it arrived two hours ago. There was a minor delay but nothing worrisome.”

“How’s that possible?” Teo wandered out loud and looked around him.

“Excuse me? Um, is there something else you need? Do you want me to call for someone?” Even if he did so, his parents wouldn’t wait that long. They’d probably take a cab and go somewhere fancy to eat.

“No. It’s fine. Thank you very much.” He left in a hurry. How could he possibly miss them? Was he so preoccupied with outlining the new game that he didn’t notice the huge wave of people waking out of the gate? But then again, how many would have returned from Qatar? Which was even worse, since he didn’t notice the only couple coming out. Teo moved towards the exit with that knot in his stomach growing tighter and tighter. He should call them. That was the right thing to do. Call them and give an end to the misunderstanding. Go pick them up from where they had gone and let the nightmare begin.

It rang once and twice. Either his father would answer or the call would end on its own.

Hello?” the stern voice from the other line caused unbearable dizziness in Teo.

“Father. It’s me, Teo” was this even the appropriate way? Was it too informal?

Theodore,” the man corrected him, “is everything alright?

“Um, yeah? Where are you? I probably missed your flight. Shall I pick you up?” no, he wasn’t too eager to do that, but he had no other options.

Pick us up?” his father chuckled, “Are you planning on coming all the way to Qatar, Theodore?

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“Wait, weren’t you supposed to”

Ah yes, the flight. Oh, we are very sorry, Theodore. Your mother insisted on staying for some late – shopping so we had to change the flight.” Right…why wasn’t he surprised?

“I understand, of course, but why didn’t you call?”

We didn’t think that you would get in the trouble of picking up your parents


Teo leaned against the building’s hard wall and closed his eyes as the chilly breeze messed with his hair.


“Yes, father?”

Send us the address of your house. We will be leaving with the three o’clock flight, so expect us tomorrow morning to come and visit.

“Have a safe trip, father.” And just like that he hung up.

No, he wasn’t surprised at all. He knew his parents and he knew very well how considerate they were of him.

“Just my luck.” He whispered to himself. The heavy load in his chest became unbearable and if he was at his house, he’d lock himself in the bathroom, emptying the entirety of his stomach. It was nothing new, after all. The stress of the days was slowly burning him out and his parents were not helping at all, and they hadn’t arrived yet.

He chuckled and shook his head, putting on his earbuds and blasting some heavy, powerful music in his ears.

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