Myriad Realms Summoning System

Chapter 102: 102: Think of the limelight

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Looking at the domineering Sun Shangxiang, everyone present felt like they were in a dream.

It really was this girl who was less than twenty years old, who smashed the gate of the Prime Minister's Mansion?

Sun Shangxiang was a little angry when he saw that the group of people in front of him were just looking at him dumbly and did not answer his own questions.


Sun Shangxiang waved the giant sickle on his shoulders, pointed the sickle at the people below, and said coldly: "My lady asks you something! Why don't you answer!"

Although her voice was sweet, it was like a demon in everyone's ears.

Especially the black sickle, which was shining in the sun, made them frightened, for fear that the sickle would fall on them.

"Who is presumptuous in my Yan family!"

At this time, a voice full of breath came from, and then a gray-haired old man walked over with the support of a dozen officials.

All courtiers near Yan's house saw this and hurriedly bowed their heads and stepped aside.

Because this person is the greatest power official of the Great Zhou Kingdom, the prime minister Yan Jilong.

When the old emperor was reigning, in the officialdom of the Great Zhou Kingdom, there was such a saying, you may not know who the emperor is, but you have to know who the prime minister is!

One can imagine Yan Jilong's power in the officialdom of the Great Zhou Kingdom.

Xiao Chen stood in the crowd not far away, looking very inconspicuous, but the moment he saw Yan Jilong, there was a faint glow in his eyes.

"Prime Minister, you have to severely punish this villain!" A vassal of the Yan family walked up to Yan Jilong and wailed.

Yan Jilong nodded faintly, and the Yan family stood tall in Los Angeles for a hundred years. Although it was not as good as the four great families, it had never experienced a door smashed.

If things are not handled properly today, the Yan family will become the laughing stock of the entire Los Angeles city.

He looked at Sun Shangxiang blankly and asked: "Girl, should you give Lao Yu an explanation?"

Sun Shangxiang smashed the black sickle on the ground heavily, then jumped off the rubble, tilted his head, and looked at Yan Jilong and said, "Old man, are you the chief of this family?"

Sun Shangxiang's voice from the old man shocked the nearby officials. No one dared to speak like this in front of the prime minister.

Unexpectedly, Yan Jilong did not get angry from the thunder, but said in a flat tone: "I am indeed the head of this family!"

Sun Shangxiang plucked the scythe that was deeply into the ground with one hand, then pointed at Yan Jilong and said with a grin: "My son let me cut off your head, say, you do it yourself, or me. Do it?"

"Hey, who's this little girl, she's too courageous!"

"Yes, I dare to say such a thing in front of the Prime Minister, I really don't know what to say!"

"I don't think it is necessary. The little girl has just shown a lot of strength. Maybe she really has something to rely on!"

The crowd onlookers was in an uproar because of Sun Shangxiang's words.

Even Xiao Chen couldn't help his mouth twitching, when did he teach her to say these things.

But let's not say it, it sounds domineering.

Yan Jilong's face was also not good-looking, he had already tried his best to control his emotions. He didn't expect that this crazy girl would still not save him any face. If it weren't for Sun Shangxiang's strength, how could he talk nonsense with her here.

On the surface, Yan Jilong is the head of civil servants, but in fact he is also a consummate warrior, so he can see more from Sun Shangxiang.

He was able to destroy the gate of Xiangfu in one blow, but it was very difficult to destroy it along with the surrounding walls. Intuition told him that the teenage girl in front of him was no weaker than him.

But no matter how scared, the Yan family's face must be preserved. In the eyes of these people, face is sometimes more important than fate.

"Girl, your words are a bit too much," Yan Jilong said with a gloomy expression.

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Anyone who is familiar with him knows that Yan Jilong is already angry at this time.

"Humph," Sun Shangxiang snorted, taunting: "What's too much, hit it if you want to. If you don't hit it, come over and let me cut my head, what nonsense!"

"Where did the little ladies dared to speak up in front of the Prime Minister, it's almost death!"

There were many people in Los Angeles who wanted to curry favor with Yan Jilong. At this time, seeing Yan Jilong being humiliated, someone immediately jumped out of the crowd.

"Really stupid! Try to die!" Xiao Chen murmured in the crowd.

The first to jump out was a middle-aged martial artist, Xiao Chen could tell at a glance that his cultivation was no more than a four-star martial artist.

This middle-aged man was the patriarch of a small family in Los Angeles. He came to Xiangfu today to ask Yan Jilong to do something. When he saw Sun Shangxiang making trouble, he thought it was a chance to cheat the prime minister.

"It's Shen Long! Okay, you can help the old man teach this girl a lesson!"

Yan Jilong had some impressions of this middle-aged warrior, and he also knew his name.

He didn't stop the brain-dead behavior of this warrior named Shen Long, but instead encouraged him. He also wanted to find someone to test Sun Shangxiang's strength, so he naturally liked this scene.

"Little girl, you will save your life today!" Shen Long was excited when he heard Yan Jilong's encouragement, with a grinning smile on his face.

It seems that the limelight today is right!

Then he stepped on his breath and moved, the white cyclone on his body quickly condensed between his fists, and he slammed into Sun Shangxiang a giant white fist visible to the naked eye.

This scene made many people nodded secretly: "Zhen Long fist, does Shen Long really have some strength?"

"With bare hands, you can hit a real Qi fist that can be seen by the naked eye. Although Shen Long is only a four-star military soldier, his immersion time in this realm should not be short!"

"I'm afraid it won't be long before Brother Shen will be able to break through to a five-star military soldier!"

The warriors onlookers saw Shen Longlu's hand, and they all talked a lot.

Shen Long listened in his ears and was proud of his heart. Not only did he help the Prime Minister a big favor today, let him remember himself, but also let himself show his face in front of the power of Los Angeles.

It seems that today is the day of my own transfer!

After punching this punch, Shen Long did not move.


everything is over.

Even if the other party smashed the door of Xiangfu with one blow, he believed that this little girl would definitely die.

However, his little skills of carving insects can surprise others, but in Sun Shangxiang's eyes, it is like a frog at the bottom of a well, like a poor worm.

I saw Sun Shangxiang's petite figure standing there motionless, letting the infuriating giant fist hit him, and at the moment his fist flew in front of him, gently lifted the sickle in his hand and tapped on the giant fist. The giant fist, which seemed to be violent, was scattered.

The noise around is abruptly silent, everyone is silent, their mouths slowly open wide, some can stuff eggs, some can stuff steamed buns.

"This..." A warrior who was also a four-star warrior took a deep breath, feeling very uneasy.

Although both are four-star warriors, he thinks he is not Shen Long's opponent, but he did not expect...

Shen Long even petrified directly. He couldn't believe his eyes, and now his mind needs to be clear.

"How can this be?"

When he woke up, his face turned pale when he saw that the killer punch was lightly broken by Sun Shangxiang.

"It's not fun, do you have any other tricks?" Sun Shangxiang pouted and looked at him, as if she was just playing around from the beginning.

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