Myriad Realms Summoning System

Chapter 1174: 1170: One hit

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"Hmph, I want to prove myself, it's very simple, just knock this seat down!" Tang Ye said coldly.

As he spoke, Tang Ye showed a cruel look in the corner of his eyes, as long as the kid dared to fight, he would kill the kid, and a real **** ant in a small area could be destroyed by himself.

In the battle, she missed and killed someone, Bing Wei couldn't say anything.

Bing Wei was also aware of Tang Ye's sinister intentions, and immediately said dissatisfied: "Tang Ye, use your Promise Realm Consummation strength to challenge a true God Realm Consummation, don't you feel shameless? You want to fight, I will fight you! "

Tang Ye said shamelessly: "Junior Sister Bingwei, this Young Master Xiao Chen said just now that he wants to accept my challenge and prove himself. I didn't force him. Now Junior Sister acts for him. ?

If he feels that he has no strength, then Tang Ye will not embarrass him, but he has to withdraw from the Qingwei Tianzong and no longer interfere with the affairs of my zong, otherwise he will ask him to fight! "

Tang Ye was very aware of the gap between himself and Bing Wei, and if he let him fight Bing Wei, he would definitely not be able to withstand three moves, and he would be beaten to the ground. Therefore, he grabbed what Xiao Chen had just said and held on to the challenge. Xiao Chen.

Bing Wei was annoyed. Tang Ye clung to this. Even if he used the authority of the sect master to let everyone recognize Xiao Chen's status, the sect master disciple of the Qingwei Tianzong might not really be convinced by Xiao Chen.

Just when she was riding a tiger, Xiao Chen had already come to Bing Wei and stood side by side with Bing Wei, then looked at Tang Ye and smiled disdainfully: "Only you? You are not qualified to fight me."

With insulting words, Xiao Chen not only did not make Tang Ye dissatisfied, but made him happy, and then relentlessly mocked: "Why? You still have to stand behind the woman? What a waste?"

Xiao Chen shook his head and said, "I'm afraid I'm talking about yourself! A Qingwei Tianzong of Nuo Da is supported by a woman. If there is no Bingwei, you people would have gone to Da Chi Tianzong long ago. Picked up soap."

Xiao Chen's words also made the Qingwei Tianzong elder and disciples present embarrassed.

Although Tang Ye didn't know what picking up soap was, he also knew that it was definitely not a good thing, so he said angrily: "Don't want to make a profit here. Now when you are not talking about this, you just say whether you want to fight."

Xiao Chen shook his head lightly and said, "I said, you are not qualified to let me take action, but if you have to let me prove your incompetence, I can fulfill you, and I won't speak to my subordinates first! Celebrate!"


Xiao Chen's voice fell, and a horrible blood poured into the chamber, making the expressions of the Qingwei Tianzong elders in the chamber drastically changed, thinking that some powerful enemy had suddenly attacked.

Immediately afterwards, a heavy footstep sounded slowly from outside the chamber, and everyone looked at it. A giant with a huge double-sword back and a body like an iron tower more than two meters high slowly walked into the chamber.

This man was Xiao Chen's first guard, a celebration of Promise Realm's completion.

Although Dianqing's cultivation base is only the Promise Realm Consummation, which is the same as Tang Ye, but he is physically cultivated and possesses terrifying talents and supernatural powers, and the Reincarnation Realm Consummation does not hurt him anything.

In a sense, Dianqing was Xiao Chen's number one master.

Under the dumbfounded gaze of everyone, Dianqing walked to Xiao Chen step by step, bowed and said, "I have seen the son!"

Xiao Chen nodded, glanced at Tang Ye who was surprised on his face, and said faintly: "Dianqing, someone wants to challenge me, you are my personal guard, just play with him!"


Dianqing replied in a deep voice, then turned to Tang Ye, and said in a hungry voice: "In Xia Dianqing, the son of Xiao Chen will stand guard, and on behalf of my son, please enlighten you, please enlighten me!"

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The soup industry's complexion became extremely ugly, and he said every word: "No...extreme...realm...consummation!"

Tang Ye never imagined that Xiao Chen's True God Realm was complete, and he was accompanied by the guard of Promise Realm Perfection, and it was still a rare practice.

In the intermediate and low-level continents, the number of advanced physical training is basically zero, but there are many high-level continents. Although the absolute number is still very small, it is not too mysterious.

Tang Ye knows exactly what the strength of the Promise Realm Master is. Don't say that the opponent is a real master. Even the ordinary Promise Realm Completion cannot be caused by him, a rookie who has just entered the Promise Realm.

Thinking of this, Tang Ye's eyes flickered slightly, he didn't want to face Dian Qing.

But Dianqing would not let him go easily. He would strictly abide by Xiao Chen's orders, so he urged again aggressively: "Next Dianqing, please enlighten me from this elder!"


When Dianqing's words fell, Tang Ye suddenly turned into a light and fled outside the chamber.

Obviously, he was going to flee for his life. With his feast with Xiao Chen, he knew that Xiao Chen would not let him go. Once he fought against this strong man, the other party might kill him mercilessly, especially when he was still clear. The rebellion of Wei Tianzong.

But Tang Ye obviously made a mistake this time.

Although Xiao Chen hated Tang Ye, he was not so sure that he would kill him. After all, he was the second person in Qingwei Tianzong after Bingwei. For the face of Bingwei, Xiao Chen would temporarily let him go. Life.

And Xiao Chen didn't know from beginning to end that Tang Ye was a traitor to Qingwei Tianzong.

Not only Xiao Chen, Fairy Bingwei, but the elders of the Qingwei Tianzong also don't know. Who would have thought that the number two figure in the Qingwei Tianzong would be the internal response of the Great Chi Tianzong's rebellion.

However, Tang Ye's escape also gave Xiao Chen an excuse to kill him. Xiao Chen unconsciously showed a sinister smile, and then said to Dianqing: "Dianqing, this person betrayed the Qingwei Tianzong and tried to escape. ,kill him!"

Xiao Chen didn't care if Tang Ye was betrayed or not, anyway, if you ran away, you would be at a loss, and I'll just give you a qualifier.

Hearing Xiao Chen's words, many elders of Qingwei Tianzong were also shocked.

It's just that they haven't reacted yet, and Dianqing has already rushed out of the hall with double knives in his hands.


Immediately afterwards, a terrifying explosion and Tangye's screams came from outside the chamber.


A terrible cry came, and many elders of Qingwei Tianzong rushed out of the chamber. Fairy Bingwei followed Xiao Chen to the outside of the chamber. After coming outside the hall, they were shocked by the scene in front of them. Up.

I saw Dianqing standing proudly in his hands and holding double knives, while Tang Ye fell on the ground, with a large sunken back and extremely pale face. He wanted to get up from the ground, but he couldn’t do it anyway. Half-life is left.

He raised his head with difficulty, looking at Dianqing unwillingly.

Similarly, as the Promise Realm Consummation, Tang Ye was beaten to the ground by Dianqing with one move, and there was no way to fight back.

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