Myriad Realms Summoning System

Chapter 1233: 1229: Five God King

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In the coalition barracks, weird things have happened frequently every day, and the top masters have fallen. Even the top masters like Nine Extremes Tianzun and Mingwang Tianzun have died in their camps, making the entire coalition panic.

The high-level coalition forces also attached great importance to this. Several meetings have been held to deal with the matter, but none of them helped. The mysterious death of the top masters has not been alleviated at all, but the situation is getting worse.

Of course, for the coalition forces, what they are most worried about is that the opposing virtual door army enters at the edge and launches an attack on them at this moment.

However, what was unexpected was that the Xumen army chose to stand still at this time, and it was a very lively posture.

This time the coalition forces were completely confused. Isn't the death of the coalition masters caused by a false door?

Fortunately, five days later, the coalition forces were temporarily settled down, and no masters continued to die.

This is not good news, it can only be said to be a bit of gratifying news in an extremely bad situation. After all, the coalition forces have now killed several mainstays, including the absolute top master Ming Wang Tianzun, and their failure is doomed.

The coalition forces that had suffered heavy losses once again faced a virtual gate that was much stronger than them, and they had little resistance.

But the strange thing is that the virtual gate did not launch an attack because of this, but still stopped moving.

This makes the coalition side very puzzled, what exactly is Xumen doing?


In a cave far away from the battlefield, Xiao Chen watched as the aura in front of him slowly calmed down, and his cultivation had reached the level of the Fifth Divine King. He smiled and said, "Congratulations, Bingmeng, now your strength is already Not lost to Qian Haifeng!"

Bing Meng opened his eyes, slowly got up, and shook his head without sorrow or joy, and said, "There is nothing to congratulate, the current Qian Haifeng is still much stronger than me, and he is at least the sixth-level god! "

Xiao Chen smiled lightly and said: "This does not mean that his strength must be higher than you. Just like what you said, the difference of a level of the master of the **** king is almost negligible, and the battle strength is almost negligible. The impact is not great."

Even though he said that, Xiao Chen was actually not very confident about whether Bing Meng could beat Qiang Feng.

The guy Qian Hayate indeed had some unexpected strengths.

Bing Meng nodded noncommitantly, and then asked, "How is the situation outside?"

Xiao Chen replied: "In the past few days, I killed several enemies from my previous life in the military camp of the coalition forces. The strength of the coalition forces has plummeted as a result. What I didn't expect was that Xumen didn't take advantage of this victory. Adopted a wait-and-see attitude!

I think they should have thought that I was the one who shot, and didn’t want to face us so early, so they deliberately delayed the attack and waited for Qian Haifeng to come to help. This mystery might not necessarily be the same as Qian Haifeng. of! "

Bing Meng pondered for a moment and asked, "Then what shall we do now? Waiting for Qian Haifeng to arrive?"

Xiao Chen shook his head and said, "No longer, we heard from the spy who broke into the virtual door that the place where Thousand Gale is coming is on the battlefield. If you wait for him to arrive, I don't know how many masters will be brought, too variable. too much.

Let's go back, mobilize the army, and dispose of these people as soon as possible, at least crippling them, and then face Qian Haifeng with the most orderly lineup. This time I will let Qian Haifeng and his passer-through association be destroyed! "

Having said this, a sharp cold light flashed in Xiao Chen's eyes.


After Xiao Chen and Bing Meng returned to the territory of the Ice Palace, the army hidden in the territory of the Ice Palace slowly started to move under the command of the civil servants and generals under Xiao Chen's hand, and their goal was to return to the original place.

Of course, the mobilization of the army of nearly tens of millions of people couldn't hide from the Xuanmen. The Xuanmen is always watching the movements of the Ice Palace.

Xuan Wuji is worthy of a deep-minded person. He understood Xiao Chen and Bing Meng's intentions for the first time, and knew that it would be of no avail to drag him down. When the time comes, facing the Ice Palace army and the allied forces, the virtual gate will be defeated.

Now his only option is to destroy the coalition forces as soon as possible, and then shrink his forces to resist the attack of the Ice Palace army with all his strength.

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Only in this way can he be dragged until Qian Haifeng arrives.

Of course, if he wanted to be alone under the attack of the Ice Palace army, it would not be impossible, but he didn't want to do so. In this way, he would expose his strength, and he had bigger plans.

Xiao Chen didn't care about these things, even Bing Meng just sat behind and didn't take any action personally.

At this time Xiao Chen was staying in the Ice Palace, practicing alone.

This time he didn't enter the dream space, but entered the small world inside his body to practice.

"System, now Thousand Gale is coming soon, we are about to see this old friend!" Xiao Chen said with a smile.

The system replied: "Well, I hope the host can successfully defeat him this time!"

"By the way, can you help me break through the cultivation base in a short time?" Xiao Chen asked.

The system said: "Yes, by gathering all the power of the system, you can help the host break through the cultivation base as soon as possible!"

After the system was finished, Xiao Chen shook his head quickly and said, "Forget it, then, I'm afraid you will disappear!"

After spending so long with the system, Xiao Chen naturally didn't want to see the system just disappear.

The system said: "Don't worry about the host. The system is only temporarily sleeping, not permanently disappearing, and the functions of the system are now integrated into the host's body. Even if I sleep, it won't affect the host's use of functions.

In the future, after the host defeats Qian Haifeng and takes control of the Transmitter Association, there will naturally be a way to help the system return. If the host loses to Qian Haifeng, the system will naturally follow the host and disappear between heaven and earth.

So the host does not need to worry about this anymore, I will pour my strength into your body now! "


Xiao Chen hurriedly stopped, but it was too late. He only felt that a terrifying force was suddenly poured into his body.

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Chen's breath also rose wildly.

Level 2 God King...

The third-level king...

Four-level **** king...

The fifth-level king...

In just a few breaths, Xiao Chen's cultivation base had increased to the fifth-level **** king, which was comparable to Bing Meng Tianzun.

"Five-level **** king! Faced with Qian Haifeng like this, I won't lose a chance!"

Xiao Chen slowly got up, with a hint of joy on his face, but soon the hint of joy disappeared.

Because Xiao Chen was in his body, he could no longer feel the breath of the system.

"System, rest assured, I will defeat Qian Haifeng and help you resurrect at that time!"

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