Myriad Realms Summoning System

Chapter 134: 134: Li Cunxiao shot

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When Xiao Chen brought Li Cunxiao out, countless people's eyes focused on him.

"Boy, you have finally come out. I thought you were going to be a turtle with a shrunken head and stay in it for a lifetime!" Ji Fan said viciously.

"I'm really waiting for him! There is a good show to watch now!" Mo Tian showed a gloating expression on his face.

Feng, Guo, and Shen, who had the same feast with Xiao Chen, were equally excited.

Especially the Guo family and the Shen family, a pharmacist who was killed by Xiao Chen, a genius who was abolished by his family.

Facing Ji Fan's threat, Xiao Chen's expression remained unchanged, and his expression calmly said, "Do you think you can kill me?"

"Boy, I want to kill you, and God can't save you!" Ji Fan smiled grimly, then waved his hand gently: "Brother Liu, go kill him!"

This senior brother Liu was named Liu Nan, a core disciple of Youyue Palace, and a six-star martial arts master.

"This is amazing. Is it possible that this is a strong man who has surpassed Wuhou?" When Liu Nan released his breath, Guo Yuan and other Wuhou strong men present were all shocked.

Even Shangguanhe, who was watching from the third floor of Lingyun Commercial Bank, changed his expression slightly.

"This Young Master Ye Chen may be in serious trouble!" Shangguanhe sighed. Even if he had seen the strength of Xiao Chen's subordinates, but the other party casually took out a six-star martial arts commander, he also lost confidence in Xiao Chen. .

"Yeah," Shangguan Qingmeng said softly, looking at everything below with a cold expression, and he didn't know whether he agreed with Shangguanhe's words or opposed it.

"Boy, remember to have a good baby in your next life, lest you offend someone and get killed again."

Liu Nan smiled cruelly, and a **** long knife appeared in his hand, which turned out to be a low-grade spirit soldier.

"Suffer it, kid!"

With Liu Nan's roar, his figure turned into a wisp of blue smoke. When the blood-red long knife appeared again, he had already come behind Xiao Chen.

"Haha, go to hell, kid," Ji Fan saw this scene, as if he had seen Xiao Chen's body and the scene of his tragic death on the spot, and couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Huh, jumping the beam clown, also want to hurt my son?"

Li Cunxiao was prepared for the opponent's sneak attack. When Liu Nan appeared behind Xiao Chen, he had already slammed a heavy fist on the opponent's lower abdomen.

Who is Li Cunxiao? The detached existence of Samsung Wujun, the power of a punch weighs hundreds of thousands of kilograms. Facing such an overbearing punch, Liu Nan didn't dare to underestimate the enemy, and subconsciously moved the knife towards Xiao Chen forward. horizontal.


Li Cunxiao fisted Senior Brother Li with a knife directly into the sky hundreds of meters.


A short-lived person, even Xiao Chen, who was watching from a close distance, did not see Li Cunxiao's movements clearly. In the blink of an eye, his body had appeared 100 meters above the sky.

With his right hand, he grabbed Liu Nan's neck, who was losing weight and falling downward.

"Crack!" The sound of bone crushing.

Li Cunxiao squeezed his neck as if he was squeezing the neck of a chicken. With a strong right hand, he directly squeezed his throat, without even a scream.

Li Cunxiao grabbed his eyes wide open and didn't believe all of this. Liu Nan's body, who was killed by a spike, threw it in front of Ji Fan below.


The core disciples and elders who followed Ji Fan were all stunned. The dignified Six-Star Martial Commander was killed like this?

Everyone watching the battle in Los Angeles at this time was all dumbfounded, especially those Wuhou strong.

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Although they were not like Shangguanhe, they could see through the cultivation level of that Senior Brother Li at a glance, but judging from the speed of their shots and the aura on their bodies, they clearly surpassed them.

But even if it was so, Li Cunxiao was still killed by a second move, and there was no way to fight back.

They subconsciously turned their gazes to Xiao Chen who looked calm, as if they had anticipated this ending.

What kind of deep background does this young man have? The strong men around him turned out to be one after another.

"who is the next……"

Li Cunxiao's body, like an iron tower, fell directly in front of Xiao Chen. He stood there like a **** of war, facing the opponent's dozen or so masters without fear, and roared angrily.

"Uncle Shangguan, can you see the strength of this Li Cunxiao?" Shangguan Qingmeng asked, squinting her eyes slightly. Li Cunxiao's strength surprised her a bit.

Shangguanhe shook his head hard, he could not see Li Cunxiao's cultivation at all.

The unknown is the most frightening thing, and it is the same for him. Li Cunxiao's mercilessly killing a master who is stronger than him in a flash made him feel fear.

"Young Master Ji, aren't you trying to kill me? Why don't you do it?" Xiao Chen's low voice seemed to come from the abyss of death.

His icy eyes stared at Ji Fan, making Ji Fan feel slightly cold.

This feeling made Ji Fan very angry. He was the one who wanted to kill Xiao Chen, how could he let the other party calm him?

At the moment, he was ready to let the two elders of the Martial Spirit Realm take action at the same time to kill Li Cunxiao.

"Young Master Ji, don't waste your effort. Even if the two elders shoot at the same time, there is nothing to do with this person."

At this moment, the high priest who was wrapped in black robe suddenly spoke.

His voice is very flat, without any emotions, it seems that the dead military commander has nothing to do with him.

Hearing the words of the high priest, the two elders were a little dissatisfied, and they directly aspired others to destroy their prestige before they started fighting. This high priest was too courageous.

The high priest ignored them, but looked at Li Cun and said, "Samsung Wujun, you are very good?"

"Martial Lord? What realm is that?"

"It sounds amazing!"

"I don't know, it should be very strong anyway!"

Hearing the words of the high priest, all the Luocheng warriors who watched the battle were very puzzled. They had never heard of this state.

However, Shangguanhe was full of disbelief: "How could it be possible that a powerful Wujun appeared in the Great Zhou Kingdom!"

Shangguan Qingmeng ignored the shocked Shangguanhe, a gleam of light radiated from the charm of sentient beings, staring closely at Xiao Chen's back, which was not tall but very energetic.

Li Cunxiao squinted his eyes and looked at the high priest. He really guessed right. This old man could see through his cultivation at a glance, and his realm must be higher than him.

"Young man, I am a person who cherishes talents. I can't bear to kill a genius like you. How about following me?" the high priest said leisurely.

He actually moved the idea of ​​subduing Li Cunxiao.

"Huh, old stuff, you want to fight then fight, want to subdue me? wishful thinking!"

Facing the high priest's solicitation, Li Cunxiao directly took out his weapon Yu Wangqi from the storage ring, and Hengmei coldly confronted the high priest.

The high priest shook his head slightly and sighed, "Why don't you cherish the chance to live?"

When the voice fell, a terrifying breath burst out of him, and the entire black robe was directly exploded by the breath, revealing the pale old face under the black robe.

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