Myriad Realms Summoning System

Chapter 174: 174: Control Los Angeles

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The sound of the system made Xiao Chen breathe a sigh of relief. This main task was finally completed, and the system could be upgraded now.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for breaking through to an eight-star martial artist!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for breaking through to the nine-star martial artist!"

The voice of the system sounded continuously, with 100,000 experience points, which allowed Xiao Chen to raise two small realms, and he was only one step away from reaching Martial Master Consummation.

If he now faces Xiao Tianci again, he is sure to kill the opponent instantly before Xiao Tianci launches an attack.

However, it is not time to manage the system for the time being, he has more important things to do.

"From today, I will enter the palace, and the first court meeting will be held tomorrow. All court officials and those who are not present will be killed without pardon!"

Xiao Chen's cold voice sounded, and the officials of the court felt chills in their hearts. Do you want to stand up so impatiently?

Xiao Chen didn't bother to care about these people's thoughts, and turned his gaze to Yuan Liang who was trembling.

He will never forget that there is a side mission on this guy!

"Yuanba, kill him for me," Xiao Chen pointed at Yuan Liang and said lightly, as if he was going to kill a cat and a dog.

"Emperor Great Zhou, what are you going to do? We are members of the Xianglong Kingdom. You can't kill us. This is not in compliance." Seeing Xiao Chen wanted to kill Yuan Liang, Deng Qingwen suddenly became anxious.

Yuan Liang's identity is not simple. If he dies here, most of the blame lies with him. Even if he is the Marshal of Soldiers and Horses, he will have to pay a very painful price.

"Yes, right, right, Xiao Chen, you can't kill me, otherwise the army of my Xianglong Kingdom will definitely beat your Great Zhou Kingdom."

Yuan Liang also panicked, thinking that Li Yuanba would blast Long Qitian in the Wuhou realm with a hammer, he no longer had the arrogance he had before.


As soon as Yuan Liang had finished speaking, Li Yuanba smashed him with a hammer, the same brutality as before, with no bones left.

"Ding, complete the side task: kill Yuan Liang and get a random summoning opportunity."

"It's really annoying to be crooked and crooked," Li Yuanba muttered, putting two sledgehammers on his shoulders and returning to Xiao Chen's back.

Deng Qingwen was dumbfounded. He didn't expect Li Yuanba to be so decisive and give him no time to react.

Immediately afterwards, his heart was filled with anger: "Emperor Dazhou, do you know who he is? He is the prince of my Xianglong Kingdom. You killed him and started a war between the two countries, know?"

"The war between the two countries?"

Xiao Chen sneered and said: "Marshal Deng, you seem to have forgotten one thing. The war between Da Zhou and the Xianglong Kingdom has already happened. You are here now, isn't it just to negotiate with me?"

"Huh! We came to negotiate with Da Zhou with sincerity, but your country killed our prince indiscriminately. I don't think this negotiation needs to be carried out!" Deng Qingwen said fiercely.

Worthy of being the military and horse marshal of a country, after being briefly shocked by Li Yuanba, he was not scared, but even more brave.

However, how could Xiao Chen be frightened by his few threats, Dang Even said forcefully: "Xiao Tianci agrees to those agreements that lose power and humiliate the country. I won't agree, so I don't want to talk to you."

Hei Bingtai had long since made the content of the negotiations between Xiao Tianci and Deng Qingwen very clear. Of course Xiao Chen would not agree to such a humiliating agreement.

"Wang Yue, send someone to invite Marshal Deng and others into the palace, and serve me well, don't neglect!"

Although Xiao Chen is very strong against Deng Qingwen, he is definitely not a reckless person.

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The situation in Great Zhou is now extremely crisis, which can be said to be internal and external troubles. If Deng Qingwen is allowed to go back, Xianglong Kingdom will definitely take advantage of it, so he decided to temporarily imprison the opponent for a period of time.

Of course, he still disdains to kill Deng Qingwen. Killing Yuanliang is because he really hates the other party, and the system has tasks.

As the envoy of the negotiation, if Deng Qingwen killed the other party, he would appear as if he was the lord of the country.

Deng Qingwen knew that he could not leave Los Angeles for the time being, and did not bother arguing with Xiao Chen. He just sighed and followed the black ice platform spies sent by Wang Yue to leave the performance stage.

Seeing Deng Qingwen being taken away, orders began to spread from Xiao Chen's mouth.

"Zhang Liao!"

"The end will be!"

"According to me, from now on, the three gates of Los Angeles are only allowed to enter, not to leave. Anyone who breaks through the gates will be killed!"

"Yuwenchengdu and Yanqing are following the order, you two led the Forbidden Army to each of the Forbidden Army units stationed outside of Los Angeles, and confiscated military power. If you dare to disobey your orders, kill!"

"Luo Cheng listened to the order, you and Zhang Liao led an army of 10,000 Lianyun City and paid close attention to the movements of the defenders of Lengshuang City and Drizzle City."

Lengshuang City and Drizzle City, like Lianyun City and Cold Wind City, are the acropolises of Los Angeles, each with 20,000 defenders.

Moreover, the leaders of these two cities had already taken refuge in Xiao Tianci, so before Xiao Chen took the initiative to subdue the military power of the two cities, he must be careful to mention them.

"Wang Yue! Order the black ice platform spy to fully cooperate with the actions of the generals, no mistake!"

"Meng Gong, you go to assist Di Renjie and others to do a good job in defense of Los Angeles!"

One order after another came from Xiao Chen's mouth. The 30,000 army surrounding the martial arts platform, like a sophisticated machine, quickly and orderly, which surprised the hundreds of people.

At this moment, the young emperor showed maturity that did not match his age.

"Cun Xiao, go and reorganize these guards and arrange them in the palace!"

After instructing the army to act, Xiao Chen looked at the guard road that Xiao Tianci had arranged in advance to deal with himself.

These guards are all powerful martial artists, and they can be regarded as a mid-level combat power that is not weak.

After ordering everything, Xiao Chen took a cold look at the bewildered official: "Remember, tomorrow will meet, anyone who can't have it, kill!"

After finishing speaking, he walked to the palace under Li Yuanba's protection. He has not returned to the palace for almost two months.

"Hey, our good days are coming to an end, this emperor, I'm afraid it's not so easy to deal with!"

"Hmph, I don't believe him, he really dares to kill us, kill us, who will govern the country for him?"

"No matter what, tomorrow morning, we should arrive on time! Check out the wind first, so as not to have extra branches."

When the people saw Xiao Chen leaving, they also dispersed in an orderly manner, leaving only a group of courtiers, gathering in groups of three to five to discuss how to deal with Xiao Chen's affairs tomorrow.

"Brother Shen, Brother Guo, I'm sorry for not being with you. I must report to the family immediately about the matter here!"

Guo Yuan and Shen Bailian nodded at the same time and said, "Brother Feng, I think the three of us have to make up their minds together on this matter, otherwise I am afraid we can't suppress this new emperor. If we have any information in the future, I hope we can share it with each other!"

"As it should be!"

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