Myriad Realms Summoning System

Chapter 206: 206: Regional protection regulations

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Not long after Wang Yue left, all the generals of the Great Zhou Kingdom came to the Imperial Study Room.

Two civil servants, Jia Xu and Xun Yu, also came together, both of whom were military fluent.

"Sit down!" Looking at the civil servants and generals in front of him, Xiao Chen nodded in satisfaction. These were Da Zhou's humeral ministers.

Everyone, headed by Jia Xu, sat down one by one, and the small imperial study room seemed a bit crowded.

"I am looking for you to come here today, there are a few important things to discuss, Wang Yue, tell them what you know!" Xiao Chen said.


Wang Yue nodded, and then told the generals and ministers about the news from the Black Ice Platform.

"The Xianglong Kingdom and the Tianpeng Kingdom are really arrogant. They dare to hit my Da Zhou's idea. Your Majesty, we must teach them a lesson."

Wang Yue had just finished speaking, and the whole Yushufang was immediately excited.

They are all super masters, and their cultivation is pretty good in the entire Northern Territory, and of course they are not afraid of provocation.

Needless to say, Xianglong Kingdom, the overall strength is not much different from that of Great Zhou, and the military commander can also be invincible in the country.

Although the Canopy Kingdom is much better than Da Zhou, it is nothing more than that. With Da Zhou's masters, it is enough to slaughter the opponent's masters.

Therefore, military generals have called for battle.

After all, military merit is the biggest magic weapon for generals to promote, especially for new generals such as Huo Qubing.

However, as a court with many courtiers, there will always be different voices.

Some people are fighting, and of course there are others.

Xun Yu took the lead to stand up and oppose: "Your Majesty, the minister does not recommend that you immediately use troops against the two countries."

As soon as Xun Yu spoke, the generals in the entire Imperial Study Room immediately glared at him.

Xun Yu was highly regarded by Xiao Chen, and as soon as he came to take refuge, he was made a servant of the household department. Because of Xiao Chen's background, even the household department Shangshu respected him.

Xun Yu didn't disappoint Xiao Chen either, he gave full play to his Wang Zuo's talents, and made the household department very impressive.

Compared with Jia Xu and Di Renjie, he has a more superior quality, that is, he is outspoken. Anything he thinks is bad for the kingdom will be raised without fear.

Just like now, even in the face of the generals' glare in the room, Xun Yu is still not afraid, standing proud among the people.

Because he believed that Xiao Chen was a rare Mingjun, and would not anger him because of his blunt words.

Sure enough, Xiao Chen was not angry. Instead, he asked Xun Yu in a pleasant manner, "Wen Ruo, talk about your reasons."

Xun Yu took a deep breath and said calmly: "Your Majesty, the minister is in charge of the Ministry of Households. He has a good understanding of the financial situation of Dazhou. The current state treasury of Dazhou does not support us in fighting a protracted national war."

"Huh, since the Ministry of Household has no money, then we don't count on you. Your Majesty, as long as you give us an order, the general will go to the two kingdoms immediately and kill their royal family and nobles!" Yuwen Chengdu first stood up and said.

The other generals also mean the same. They have strong strength, even if they don't rely on the army, they can kill all the top leaders of the two countries with their personal strength.

At that time, the two countries will have no heads, and it is not the meat of Da Zhou. You can eat it anyway.

But this time they were wrong. Jia Xu was the first to stand up and say: "Generals, your kind of thinking is not acceptable."

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Yu Wencheng and the others were taken aback for a moment, and looked at each other suspiciously, not understanding what Jia Xu meant.

Compared with the new Xun Yu, the generals were quite convinced of Jia Xu.

Jia Xu glanced at Xiao Chen, saw Xiao Chen nodded, and said: "I don't know if the generals have heard of the regional protection regulations."

"Regional protection regulations? What is that?"

All the generals are very unfamiliar with this term and couldn't help but ask.

Jia Xu said: “Regional protection regulations are a treaty signed between the top mainland powers. The treaty stipulates that experts above the upper limit of regional strength shall not interfere with the politics of the relevant region.”

"Just like the Northern Territory of the Iron-Blooded Dynasty where the Great Zhou Kingdom is located, the upper limit of strength is the Martial Spirit Realm. Therefore, warriors who are higher than the Martial Spirit cannot interfere with the political ecology of the region without authorization.

"Otherwise, this person will be regarded as a public enemy by the entire continent, and there will be no hiding place for this person in Tianluo Continent."

"There is still such a rule?" Meng Tian frowned first.

He is now a Wujun powerhouse, and he has exceeded the upper limit of the Northern Territory's strength, which means that he cannot fight against the struggles of the Northern Territory countries.

Jia Xu nodded, and said: "This agreement is also to maintain the stability of the mainland, otherwise the super masters will randomly destroy the small kingdom, and the world will probably be completely messed up."

"Of course, the treaty is also relative, after all, whoever has the big fist in this world will listen."

"People who exceed the upper limit of regional strength will occasionally kill a few people in the low-level area. No one will say anything. No one will embarrass a super expert for a few worthless lives."

"This is also the reason why Fengying really dared to act blatantly against His Majesty."

After hearing what he said, Huo Qubing, the youngest, pondered for a while and asked: "In other words, if we go to war with the two kingdoms at this time, the martial masters in the Great Zhou Kingdom can't take action?"

Jia Xu nodded and said, "Theoretically, this is indeed the case."

Xun Yu waited for Jia Xu to explain before he said: "This war is not destined to be solved in a short while, so I said that the current situation in Da Zhou is not suitable for war."

The generals were silent. If the martial masters did not take action, they would really have difficulty winning if they only rely on the martial commander and martial spirit in the kingdom.

The soldiers of the army seem to be weak, but once they join forces to display the army's battlefield, they will explode dozens of times more combat power than themselves.

Coupled with special military flying arrows that can suppress the strong, both the Martial Commander and the Martial Spirit may fall. If the Martial Lord does not take action, this battle is really not easy to fight.

Li Cunxiao said unwillingly: "Who made this treaty, I don't believe that we have acted, they can still detect it."

Xiao Chen opened his mouth and said: "I only learned about this treaty after enthroned. It was jointly concluded by the major giants in the mainland. With the pervasive strength of those forces, it is difficult to hide their eyes and ears, so we better not take risks. "

Although Xiao Chen was confident, he never swelled. He knew that his current strength was not enough to challenge this order.

When the generals were silent, Xiao Chen's voice suddenly rang in their ears.

"Zhang Liao, you choose a general who can assist you and lead the Dragon Army to the west to deploy defenses to prevent attacks from the Xianglong Kingdom."

"Li Cunxiao, you also choose a few generals and lead your Huolin Legion to the south to defend against the invasion of Xiao Tianci's Old Ministry and the Canopy Kingdom."

"All the generals of the Martial King Realm obey orders, you stay in Los Angeles, ready to attack at any time."

Although there are restrictions on regional protection regulations, it is really a last resort, and the fish will die.

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